[coat of arms of the Commonwealth of England, circa 1653]

¶ By the Commissioners of the Common-wealth of England, for the Affairs of Ireland.

IT is Ordered and Declared, That the Officer for the time being, commanding in chief the Forces within eve­ry respective Precinct, and the Commissioners of the Revenue there, or any three or more of them, whereof the said chief Officer to be one, shall and may, and are hereby authorized to inform themselves, of such persons that are Popish Recusants or Irish within their respective Precincts that by former Declarations are to be remo­ved into Connaught and the County of Clare, whom they shall judge fitting and necessary to be dispenced withall for their said removing and transplantation; And to that end, they are hereby authorized to send for all parties and Witnesses, and to examine such Witnesses as are Protestants and Persons of credit upon Oath (which Oath they are hereby authorized to administer) and such Evidence as they shall find to be material, to set the same down in writing. And if upon due proof and evidence appearing before them, they shall judge any such Persons fit or necessary to be dispenced with­all as abovesaid, they are to certifie such Persons, and the Reasons of such dispensations, and the proofs inducing them thereunto unto the said Commissioners of the Common-wealth, at or before the Tenth day of May now next ensuing. And in the mean time, they shall, and may, and are hereby authorized to give Dispensations and Licences to all such Persons respectively, under their Hands, for their stay until the first day of Iune now next ensuing, and no longer; to the end that upon return made of such Per­sons and their Conditions, and the said proofs and evidence, the said Commissioners of the Common-wealth may give further Order and directions therein as shall be just and fitting. And in such dispensations to be given as abovesaid, the Persons are to be described by their Age, Stature, Colour of Hair, and quality or condition. And all such Persons as shall be so dispenced with, and have such Certificates in writing, shall and may, and are hereby authorized to stay within the Provinces of Leinster, Munster, and Vlster, until the said first day of Iune, and no longer, without further order or direction from the said Commissioners of the Common-wealth, or the Commander in Chief of the Army and Forces in this Nation. Provided alwaies, that no dispensation be by the said Officer commanding in chief in the Precinct, and Commissioners of Revenue as abovesaid granted to any Person whatsoever, but to such Persons as are under some of the Qualifications hereafter mentioned: That is to say,

First, To Persons weak and infirm by age, sickness, lameness, and such like infirmities, whereby they are or shall be in danger, or peril of their lives in case they shall be transplanted.

Secondly, To Persons not having been of any the Councels with the Irish Rebels, nor of their Armies, nor took their Oaths of Association, but having lived alwaies peaceably and quietly towards the English and Protestants, have at any time done any emi­nent service in discovering of the Rebels, or in aiding and assisting the English Army and their parties, or have sheltred and protected any English, or Protestants from being Murthered and destroyed by the Irish Rebels.

Thirdly, To Persons that have, or shall give any good and sufficient Evidence, and Testimony of their real renouncing the Popish Superstitions, especially of the Masse, and the Supremacy of the Pope and Bishop of Rome; and also their desire, and willingness to hear such as shall and may better instruct them in the true and saving knowledge of Iesus Christ, his Gospel and Truths.

Provided also, That such Persons so to be dispenced withal, having any real Estate in any County, or City within the Provinces of Leinster, Munster on Vlster, shall not be adjudged, deemed, or taken to be Proprietors, or to continue the enjoyment of all, or any part of his or their said real Estates in the said Provinces. But such part of his or their real Estates as by the Act of settlement he or they are Declared to enjoy, he and they are to have satisfaction for the same in Lands in the Province of Connaught, or County of Clare. And the Commissioners sitting at Loughreah that are authorized to proceed in such cases, are hereby authorized and requi­red, upon application made to them by any on the behalf of such Persons, so to be dispenced with as abovesaid, to assign and set out such Lands unto them and their Assigns, in Connaught and Clare, as by Orders and Rules given unto them, they are to set out unto others that are, or shall be actually transplanted, and to permit the Agents, Servants, and Assigns of such Persons so to be dispenced with, to enjoy the same, they behaving themselves as they ought to do. But as to their holdings and being in any of the Provinces of Leinster, Munster & Vlster, such Persons as are so to be dispenced withal as abovesaid, shall, and may enjoy such Lands as shall be ne­cessary for their relief, and support as Tenants to the Common-wealth, and not in their own Right, paying Contribution, and such reasonable Rents for the same, as the Commissioners of the Revenue in the respective Precincts shall judge most fitting, and for the most advantage of the Common-wealth; which they are to enjoy, during the time they shall be dispenced with for their said trans­planting as abovesaid.

And it is further Ordered and Declared, That no Person whatsoever, who is by the late Declarations required to remove into Connaught or Clare, at, or before the first day of May next, and hath, or shall present his Petition to be dispenced with, for his trans­plantation, may, (upon pretence of attending for an Answer to the same) plead that for his staying longer, or not removing by the time limmited as aforesaid; unless such Person upon due proof as aforesaid, shall be adjudged worthy of dispensation, whereof all whom it may concern are to take notice.

  • Charles Fleetwood.
  • Edm. Ludlowe.
  • Miles Corbet.
  • Jo. Jones.

Ordered by the said Commissioners, That this Declaration be forthwith Printed and Published.

Signed by Order, &c. IOHN HUGHES.

❧ DUDLIN, Printed by VVILLIAM BLADEN, Anno Dom. 1654.

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