THE humble Petition of the Major, Aldermen and other the Inhabitants of Coleraine, in the Kingdome of Ireland, setting forth the lamenta­ble Estate and Condition of that Towne, was this day read in the House of Commons. And it is thereupon Or­dered that for the Reliefe of the said Inhabitants, that the Collection which the three next Generall Fast dayes shall produce, within the City of London and Suburbes, shall be payed unto such person or persons for the use and be­nefit of the said Towne, as the House of Commons shall thinke fit to nominate. And it is further Ordered, that it be recommended to the Lord Major of London to advance this Act of so much Charity by the best meanes he can.

HEN. ELSINGE, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

I Thinke fit that this Order be forthwith Printed, and read in every Parish Church, throughout London and Suburbs, for the better advancement of so charitable and pious a worke. And I desire that every Minister will pro­mote the same by his powerfull and earnest Exhortations to the Inhabitants and other his Auditors, freely and cherefully to contri­bute and give their benevolence towards the Reliefe and Succour of the aforesaid distressed poore Protestants. And that the money to be Collected by the Church wardens, may be Registred by the over sight of the Minister, and detained untill further Order from the said House of Commons.


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