HOOPE, hoope, stop him, if you meet one that was lately evacuated out of the Tower; having afront of an Anabaptist Hue a Fift Monarchy Nose, a Beard after the reformed fashion cut into Knipperdolings mode, by the directions of John of Leydon one of the Sons of Sion, you may know him by his head composed of the shreads of factions, a gate wholly Phanatique, he hath Naylor on his tongue, a Protector in his head; in short he is a Monster begot by the Phanatique Lechery on the Lacivious RƲMP: his Doublet is of Lindsey-woolsey, intimating the variety of his Fortunes, he weares Yellow Ribbons of OLIVERS dye, and Red Breaches, wherein he danced lately upon the Rope through the window at the Tow­er, a black cloake bestowed on him at the RƲMPS Funerall, he is shod with ambition, and hopes to get on OLIVERS Boots, his Spurres gingle to the tune of any Psalm; he weares a long Sword of destruction, which he threatens to draw upon us. Lay hold on him, if you let him goe you dye.

You will find him either amongst the Hierarchy of Handy-crafts men, whose Phanatique zeale made them aspire to the Pulpit, and renouncing the relation to the Awle and the Loome to venture the setting up a new Exchange for Religion, at the charge of the honest party.

But some say he stole away by Sir Georges device, conceiving mor safety in the Petticoate then Breeches, look well into the Coventicles, and if you find a woman in apparell with the face of a Generall make sure. Let neither the Pharasaicall turning up the white of the eye delude you; nor the quai it device of a groaning devotion deceive you; nor the counterfeit current of sanctified teares beguile you.

But if he cannot be found within any of the Saints meeting places, then he is gone to rement the divisions amongst the Schismaticall Fry, and to breach upon the Carkasse of the Phanatique interest, which if he revives he will venture one bout more with the folkes of the Citty for a Crown, though he gets but a crackt one by it.

For all this, you may probably find him in the Villages preaching the doctrine of Repentance, for the King­dome of Ch— is at hand. But let that passe, let us put you in mind of him as a Phanatique Cardinall, Pope elective, and so designed by the Schismaticall Conclave, well if John be changed into Peter, we must all hold our Religion by pattern from him, our faith must put on the Phanatique Livery, or be interdicted heaven, and tis he alone must make us free denisons there. Behold the State we shall be reduced unto, if Wimbleton house proves a Vatiran, and all this through one sprung from the putrified part of a puritane, and afterwards impt upon the stock of Schisme, by our moderne Knipperdolings, and fenced about with the quickset hedge of Bry­ars and Thornes, so that none could approach it to remove it, untill the heat of the rising Sun set the Bryars on fire, and so made it accessible, which was fince transplanted into the Tower, from whence the soyle being averse to its temper, it transposed, but whithcr no one knowes.


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