WHereas divers Debenters signed by the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Army, have by some ill disposed persons been counterfeited and put to sale at low rates, to the scandall of the Parliament and great prejudice of the Souldiery; These are therefore to will and require you to apprehend, or cause to be appre­hended all such persons as shall proffer any coun­terfeit Debenters to sale, and he or them to bring before some of his Majesties Justices of Peace, who are upon proofe thereof required to com­mit the said person or persons to safe custodie, and to certifie the Examination before him so ta­ken to the said Committee of Lords and Com­mons for the Army, that the Party so offending may receive such condigne punishment as the Law in that case hath provided.

William Lenthall Speaker.
To Edward Birkett Esquire, Serjeant at Armes, attending upon the House of Commons, or his Deputies, and to all Constables and other Officers and In­habitants of the Cities of London Westminster, and Lines of Commu­nication.

London printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Bayley 1648.

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