Die Lunae, 10. Aprilis, 1643.

It is this day Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That whatsoever Person shall come from Oxford, or any part of the Kings Army, to London, or the parts adja­cent, or to any part of the Army under the Command of the Earl of Essex, or to any Fort or Court of Guard, kept, by the Authority of both Houses of Parliament, without the War­rant of both Houses of Parliament, or of the Lord Generall, the Earl of Essex, shall be appre­hended as Spies and Intelligencers, and be pro­ceeded against, according to the Rules and Grounds of Warre. And it is further Ordered, That the like care be taken by Water for the apprehending of the Persons aforesaid; And all Captains of Guards and Officers, and all other Persons, are required to be very diligent in ap­prehending the said Persons. And it is further Ordered, That this Order be Printed and pub­lished, and sent to the severall Courts of Guard, both by Water, and Land.

Hen. Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

Aprill 11. Printed for E. Husbands. 1643.

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