WE your Majesties loyall Subjects, the Lords and Commons assembled in the Parliament of England, have agreed upon these following Votes, doe humbly present them to your Majestie, viz.

WHereas the King hath beene seized upon, and carried away from Holdenby without his consent, or the con­sent of the Houses of Parliament, by a party into the Army, where his Majesty yet remaineth; The Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled doe desire, That his Majestie will be plea­sed immediatly to come to such place as both Houses of Parlia­ment shall appoint; And they doe declare, That he shall there be with Honour, Freedome, and Safety: And that they with the Commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland, will make their addresses unto his Majestie for a safe and well grounded Peace.

Resolved upon the Question by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament,
THat London be the place whether the King shall be desired to come to, where both Houses of Parliament, and the Commissioners of the Kingdome of Scotland may make their addresses to him for a safe and well grounded peace.

ORdered by the Lords in Parliament assembled, That these Votes bee printed and published, and that the Lord Mayor and Sheriffes of the Citie of LONDON, doe cause the same to be published by Trumpet within the City of London and Lines of Communication, and weekly Bils of mortality, with all speed.

Joh. Brown Cler. Parliament.

London printed for John Wright at the Kings Head in the Old Bayley. 1647.

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