THese are to give you notice, that by ver­tue of an Ordinance of the 27 of Octo­ber last, you are assessed to lend the summe of of lawfull English money, to bee paid for our Brethren of Scotland, for their assisting us in this Warre. And that you are forthwith to pay the same to Mr. Wa­ring and Mr. Herring, Treasurers at Goldsmiths hall, according to the said Ordinance, And that if you shall faile to pay the same within eight dayes af­ter the date of this Ticket, you shall forfeit for every day after the said eighth day, the twenty­eth part of the summe so assessed, And shall like­wise pay two shillings in every pound over and above to the Collectors that are appointed to levy the same, if you shall suffer your selfe to bee di­strained.

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