Aprill 12. 1642. At the Committee of Lords and Commons, for advance of Money, and other necessaries for the ARMY.

IT is Ordered that all such persons as al­ready are assessed, or heareafter shall be assessed upon, or by vertue of the Ordi­nance of both Houses of Parliament, of the 29. of Novem [...]er last, do immedi­ately from and after the payment of the summes at which they are assessed (unto the Treasurers at Guild-Hall) repaire unto Habberdashers Hall, in the af­ternoones, and there produce and shew their acquit­tances under one of the said Treasurers hands, to the Clearke of this Committee, who is entrusted to keepe the said account, and shall register the same acquit­tance, which done, some one or more of the said Trea­surers, will immediately Signe, Finish and Deliver, the said acquittances to the parties who have so paied the Money. And it is likewise ordered that this be Printed and published,

MARTIN DALLISON, Clearke to the said Cemmittee.

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