AN ACT FOR THE Assuring, Confirming and Setling OF Lands and Estates IN IRELAND.

At the Parliament begun at Westminster, the 17 th day of September, An. Dom. 1656.

[coat of arms of the Protectorate]

EDINBƲRGH, Re-printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone Church, 1657.

AN ACT FOR THE Assuring, Confirming and Setling of Lands and Estates IN IRELAND.

WHereas by a Commission under the Great-Seal of England, and Instructions thereunto annex­ed, Entituled, A Commission and Instructions to Charles Fleetwood, Esq; Lieutenant General of the Army in Ireland, Edmond Ludlow, Esq; Lieutenant General of the Horse, Miles Corbet, Esq; and John Jones, Esq; Impowering them to cause all the Lands therein mentioned to be forfeited to the Com­monwealth, to be forthwith surveyed, in or­der to the satisfying of Adventurers for Ire­land, and Arrears of Officers and Souldiers, and for the Setling and Planting of Ireland, with security to the Inhabitants and such as shall Plant the same, the said Commissioners therein named, are thereby authorized to cause the said forfeited Lands to be surveyed ac­cordingly: And whereas by further In­structions, Entituled, Further Instructions un­to Charles Fleetwood, Esquire, Lieutenant General of the Army in IRELAND, Edmond Ludlow, Esquire, Lieutenant General of the Horse, Miles [Page 2] Corbet, Esquire, and John Jones, Esquire, the said Commissioners are thereby further authori­zed and required, for the better security of all those parts of Ireland which were to be planted with English Protestants; And to the end that all persons in Ireland who had right to Articles, or to any Favor or Mercy held forth by any the Qualifications in an Act of Parlia­ment, Entituled, An Act for the setling of Ireland, might enjoy the benefit intended unto them respectively, to publish and declare, That all and every the said persons which had such right to Articles, or to any Favor or Mercy held forth by any the said Qualifications, should before the first day of May, 1654. remove and transplant themselves into the Province of Connaught and County of Clare, or one of them, there to inhabit and abide, and to have set forth to them and every of them respective­ly, such Proportions of Land, and for such Estates and Terms, and under such Conditi­ons, Reservations and Covenants, as should be answerable in value unto so much of his and their Estates, as by such Articles or Qualifica­tions he or they were to enjoy in such place and manner, as the said Commissioners, or such as they should Authorize, should appoint and direct; And to that end the said Commissio­ners were likewise authorized and impowered to nominate Commissioners under them, and to authorize them to allot to any such person or persons, who by Articles granted unto them, or by vertue of any the said Qualifica­tions, were to enjoy any part of their Estates, a like proportion of Land by measure, or in value in the said Province of Connaught, or County of Clare, of like Estate of Inheri­tance, [Page 3] Free-hold, Term of Years, or number of Lives, to be by them held and enjoyed in lieu or satisfaction of such part of their Estate, which by such Articles or Qualifications he or they were to enjoy. And whereas by a late Act, Entituled, An Act for the speedy and effectual Satisfaction of the Adventurers for Lands in Ireland, and of the Arrears due to the Soldiery there, and of other Publick Debts, and for the Encouragement of Protestants to plant and inhabit Ireland, It is Declared, That by the Bles­sing of God upon the Forces of the Common­wealth, the Rebels of Ireland are subdued, and the Rebellion there appeased and ended; And that therefore, to the end all just Satis­faction might be made unto the Adventurers, Officers and Souldiers, and other persons in the said last recited Act mentioned, and that the Country of Ireland might be planted and setled with security unto such as should plant and inhabit the same, the said Commission and Instructions, and Further Instructions are ratified and confirmed; And whereas by the said Act of Satisfaction, it is declared to whom, how, and in what manner, and at what Rates the forfeited Lands in Ireland shall be divided, allotted, given, granted, set out and distributed to the said Adventurers and Souldiers, and others in the said Act of Satisfaction expressed, and that for so much of the said Lands as should be assigned or set out to the said Officers and Souldiers in sa­tisfaction of their Arrears for their Service there, and in England, by vertue of the said Act of Satisfaction, the Ordering, Allot­ting, Granting, Disposing and setling thereof [Page 4] unto, and upon such the said Officers and Souldiers should be mannaged by the then Commissioners of Parliament in Ireland, in such sort and manner as in and by the said Act of Satisfaction is declared; And whereas by an Ordinance of his Highness the Lord Pro­tector and his Council, dated the Twenty third of June, One thousand six hundred fifty four, Entituled, An Ordinance for the further En­couragement of the Adventurers for Lands in Ire­land, and of the Souldiers and other Planters there, It is thereby (amongst other things) Ordai­ned, That for, and in consideration of every Rent, Service, Charge or Duty, issuing, reserved, charged, due or payable on, or out of the Lands, or other the Hereditaments granted or intended to and for the said Soul­diers and Adventurers, or either of them, to any person or persons who have duely claimed the same, and according to this Ordinance, shall have the same allowed and ordered, Every such Adventurer and Souldier, on or out of whose Lands or Hereditaments the same shall be issuing, reserved, charged, due or payable, shall have set forth and enjoyed to him and his Heirs for ever, so much Land in the County of Kildare (according to the Va­lues of Adventurers, at such measure as was allowed to such person for his Adventure, in satisfaction whereof such Lands so charged were allotted unto them) as would have been produced, or due for an Adventure of such cer­tain sum of Money as the Purchase or buy­ing out of such Rent, Service, Charge, or Duty shall be computed to amount unto, com­putation being thereof made and certified by [Page 5] such person and persons as shall be authorized by his Highnesse the Lord Protector, with the Consent of his Council; And whereas in pursuance of all and every the said Commis­sion and Instructions, further Instructi­ons, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordinance for Encouragement, the said Commissioners of Parliament, the Lord Deputy and Coun­cill of Ireland, and his Highnesse Council for the Affairs of Ireland, or some of them, have caused the said forfeited Lands in Ireland, to be Surveyed, and have caused the Papist Proprietors in the Province of Leynster, Ul­ster, and Munster, (Except those in the County of Clare) who had any such Right to Arti­cles, or who fell within any the Qualifica­tions aforesaid, to remove and transplant themselves and Families into the said Pro­vince of Connaught, or County of Clare, and have likewise caused the Lands of all and every such person and person so transplanted, to be surveyed, and have likewise by their Commissioners thereunto by them deputed and appointed, caused to be allotted and given out unto such person and persons, so removed and transplanted, such proportions of Land in the said Province of Connaught, and Coun­ty of Clare, or one of them, as are equall in measure or value to such Lands, and for such Estate and Estates, as the said person and persons so removed and transplanted, ought to have had and enjoyed in any other part of Ireland, by vertue of his, or their Articles or Qualifications.

And whereas the said Commissioners of Parliament, the Lord Deputy and Council [Page 6] of Ireland, and his Highnesse said Council for the Affairs of Ireland, or some of them, in fur­ther pursuance of the said several aforemen­tioned Powers and Authorities, have procee­ded by themselves and their Commissioners, and others by them authorized, to allot, distri­bute, grant, assign, set out and deliver several parts, shares and proportions of the said for­feited, escheated and exchanged Lands of the said Rebels, Papist Proprietors, and Trans­planted persons, unto several Officers and Souldiers, in full or part of their respective Debentures, for the Arrears for their respec­tive Services there and in England, and to se­veral other person and persons, comprised in the said Commission and Instructions, Fur­ther Instructions, Acts and Ordinances, or some of them, and have likewise ordered, made, granted, set out, distributed and deli­vered over, to several Officers and Souldiers and others, whose Lands so to them allotted, distributed, granted, assigned, set out and deli­vered as aforesaid, proved to be legally incum­bred with any such Rent, Service, Charge or Duty, as in the said Ordinance of Encourage­ment is expressed, other Lands (equal to the said Incumbrance) by way of reprisal, out of the forfeited, escheated, or exchanged Lands in the said County of Kildare, according to the Te­nor of the said Ordinance of Encouragement as aforesaid; All and every which said per­son and persons, to whom such Allotments, Distributions, Grants, Assignments and Re­prisals were, and have been made as aforesaid, their Lessees or Assigns have entred into their said several shares and proportions of Land, [Page 7] and have many of them disbursed severall great sums of Money in Buildings, Repa­rations and Improvements upon the said Lands so to them allotted, granted, assigned, distributed, set out, and delivered, or given in reprisal, as aforesaid, so that the securing and confirmation of the said Allotments, Distri­butions, Grants, Assignments, and Repri­sals is now become of great use and necessity to the Plantation and Peace of Ireland; Be it therefore Enacted and Declared by his Highnesse the Lord Protector of the Com­monwealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland, and this present Parliament, and the Au­thority thereof, That all and every Act and Acts, Thing and Things which have been done by the late Commissioners of the Parliament, Commissioners of the Com­monwealth, Lord Deputy and Council, or the Lords of his Highnesse Council there, or any of them, or by any other person or per­sons thereunto authorized by them, or any of them, upon, or in pursuance of the said Com­mission and Instructions, Further Instru­ctions, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordinance for Encouragement, or any of them, for the surveying, allotting, setting forth, disposing and distributing of any of the said Rebels and Papists forfeited, escheated, or exchanged Lands, according to the true intent and mea­ning of the said Commission and Instructi­ons, Further Instructions, Act of Satis­faction, and Ordinance for Encouragement, or any of them; And all and every Com­mission and Commissions, or other Authority granted by the said Commissioners of Par­liament, [Page 8] Commissioners of the Common­wealth, Lord Deputy and Council, or by his Highnesse said Council for the Affairs of Ire­land, to any person or persons for the Adjudi­cation of Claims, or for the Adjudication of the Qualifications of the Irish, or for setting forth of Lands unto them, And all and every Iudgment and Iudgments, Decree and Decrees, Disposition and Dispositions of Lands made by them, or any of them, in pursuance of their respective Commissi­ons, And also all and every Division, Allot­ment, Grant, Assignment, Order, Act and Thing already done, made, executed and per­formed, or caused to be done, made, executed or performed by the said Commissioners of Parliament, Commissioners of the Com­monwealth, Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, or his Highnesse Council for the Af­fairs of Ireland, or any of them, or by any other person or persons by Commission or Authority from them, or any of them, upon, or in pursuance of the said Commission and Instructions, further Instructions, Act and Ordinance aforementioned, or any of them, for the disposing of the said Rebels and Pa­pists forfeited, escheated or exchanged Lands, shall be, and are hereby adjudged, deemed and declared to be good, firm and effectual to all intents and purposes, and are hereby for ever ratified and confirmed. And be it further Enacted and Declared, and it is likewise fur­ther Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid, That all and every such person and persons, their Heirs, Executors, Administra­tors and Assigns respectively, to whom any [Page 9] such forfeited, escheated or exchanged Man­nors, Castles, Houses, Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments have been so allotted, as­signed, given, granted, distributed, set out, delivered or reprized by the said Commissio­ners of Parliament, or Commissioners of the Commonwealth, the said Lord Deputy and Council, or his Highnesse said Council for the Affairs of Ireland, or any of them, or by any other person or persons by Commission or Authority from them, or any of them, are and shall be, and are hereby respectively adjudged and declared to be in real and actual Seisin and Possession of all and every such Manors, Castles, Houses, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, so to him and them allotted, assigned, given, granted, distributed, set out, delivered or reprized respectively, as aforesaid; And that all and every such person and per­sons, their Heirs and Assigns, shall, and may for ever hereafter have, hold, and enjoy the same to him and them respectively, and to his and their respective Heirs and Assigns in free and common Soccage, as of the Castle of Dublin, under such Rents, Services, Co­venants, Conditions, Qualifications, Re­mittals, and Abatements, as in and by the said several Commission and Instructions, Further Instructions, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordinance for Encouragement, or any of them are expressed.

Provided, That neither this Act, nor any thing therein, nor in the said aforementioned Commission and Instructions, Further In­structions, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordi­nance for Encouragement, or any of them [Page 10] contained shall any wayes extend to the for­feiture, extinguishment, defeating, making void or prejudicing of any Contract, Bargain, Sale, Grant, Demise, Lease, Release, Rent, or Exchange, heretofore made or granted of, or out of any the said forfeited, escheated or exchanged Lands, by any the said Officers or Souldiers, or others to whom the same have been so formerly allotted, assigned, gi­ven, granted, distributed, set out, delivered or reprized as aforesaid, or of any Contract, Bargain, or Sale of any Debenture or De­bentures, in satisfaction whereof any the said forfeited, escheated or exchanged Lands, Te­nements or Hereditaments, are, have been, or shall be allotted, granted, given out, or distri­buted to any person or persons whatsoever, but that all and every such person and per­sons to whom any such Contract, Bargain, Sale, Grant, Demise, Lease, Release, Rent or Exchange, hath or have been so made or granted, and the Heirs, Executors, Admini­strators, and Assigns of all and every such person and persons respectively, shall and may at all times hereafter peaceably and quietly enjoy to his and their respective Vse and Vses, the benefit and advantage of every such Bargain and Contract, so to him and them respectively made as aforesaid, Any thing in this Act, or in the said Commission and In­structions, Further Instructions, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordinance for Encourage­ment, or any of them, contained to the con­trary notwithstanding.

And to the end the said Commission and Instructions, Further Instructions, Act of [Page 11] Settlement, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordi­nance for Encouragement, may be further put in execution as to the said Officers and Soul­diers, whose Arrears or any part thereof are yet to be satisfied in Ireland; Be it further Enacted and Declared, and it is further En­acted and declared by the Authority aforesaid, That the Lord Deputy and Council, or other chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, with the Council there for the time being, or the Council there in the absence of the chief Go­vernor, shall be, and are hereby required and authorized at all and every time and times hereafter, to do and execute, or cause to be done and executed, all such further Act and Acts, thing and things necessary to be done in pursu­ance of, and according to the tenor of the said Commission and Instructions, Further In­structions, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordi­nance for Encouragement, or any of them, as the said Commissioners of Parliament could, might, or ought to have done thereupon, for the setting forth, allotting, distributing or as­signing of the remainder of the said forfeited, escheated, or exchanged Lands, to such of the Officers, Souldiers, and others, in the said Act of Satisfaction mentioned, who have not yet received satisfaction of their respective Arrears; All and every which said Act and Acts, thing and things hereafter so to be done, or caused to be done by the said Lord Deputy and Council, or the chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, with the Council there for the time being, or by the Council there in the absence of the chief Governor, ac­cording to, and in pursuance of the said Com­mission [Page 12] and Instructions, Further Instru­ctions, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordinance of Encouragement, or any of them, to the pur­poses aforesaid, shall be, and are hereby decla­red to be good, binding and effectual in Law to all intents and purposes. Provided, and it is hereby declared, That no such further Act or Acts, thing or things so to be done, or caused to be done by the said Lord Deputy and Council, or by the chief Governor or Gover­nors of Ireland, with the Council there for the time being, or by the Council there in the ab­sence of the chief Governor, or by any of them, or by any other person or persons whatsoever by Order, Commission, Authority or Dire­ction of them, or any of them, shall any wayes alter, change, impeach, destroy, defeat, ex­tinguish or make void all or any the said for­mer Allotments, Assignments, Grants Di­stributions and Reprisals, or any of them, made to any the said Officers and Souldiers, or other persons afore-mentioned, by the said Commissioners of Parliament, Commissio­ners of the Commonwealth, Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, and his Highnesse said Council there, or any of them, or by any other person or persons by Commission or Autho­rity from them, or any of them as aforesaid; saving nevertheless to the said Lord Deputy and Council of Ireland, and the chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, with the Councill there for the time being, all such Power and Authority of Resurveying any the said forfei­ted, escheated or exchanged Lands so already allotted, set out and disposed of to the Officers and Souldiers as aforesaid, as in and by the [Page 13] said Act of Satisfaction is expressed and con­tained; And saving likewise to his Highness and the Commonwealth, all such benefits and advantages of the surplusage of Land which shall be found on the returns of the said Sur­veys, according to the tenor of the said Act of Satisfaction in that behalf.

And for the better and more perfect Execu­tion of all and every the former Branches of this Act, Be it Enacted and Declared, and it is likewise Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Lord De­puty and Council, or the chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, with the Council there for the time being, or the Council there in the absence of such chief Governor or Governors, shall be, and are hereby further authorized and required at all times hereafter (upon re­quest to them to be made) to cause Letters Patents, under the Great-Seal of Ireland, to be made unto such of the Grand Allottees, or other persons to whom the said Allotments, Assignments, Grants, Distributions or Re­prisals of the said forfeited, escheated, or ex­changed Lands in Ireland, have been, or shall be respectively made as aforesaid, or to the re­spective Heir or Heirs of such Grand Allottees, or other persons aforesaid, in case of his or their Decease, or to so many of them as shall desire the same, for the better, more perfect, and effectual Conveyance and Assurance of all and every such Manors, Castles, Houses, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, to every such person and persons, his and their Heirs and Assigns, to be held by such Tenures, and under such Rents, Services, Conditions, [Page 14] Qualifications, Indulgences, Remittals and Abatements, as in and by the said severall Commission and Instructions, Further In­structions, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordi­nance for Encouragement, are expressed and declared; and in and by the said Letters Pa­tents to create such Manors, constituted and made up of such proportion and number of Acres in the several Provinces of Ireland, and with such Iurisdictions, Liberties, Privi­ledges and Immunities, as in and by the said Commission and Instructions, Further In­structions, Act of Satisfaction, and Ordi­nance for Encouragement, or any of them, is declared: And, that the said Grand Allottee or Allottees, or other the said Patentee or Patentees, in case of his or their decease, shall for so much of the said forfeited, escheated, or exchanged Manors, Castles, Houses, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments to him and them so allotted, granted, assigned, set out, distributed and delivered, as shall justly belong to any other person or persons, whose shares and proportions were comprehended within the General Lot of every such Grand Allot­tee, shall after the perfection of the said Let­ters Patents, upon Thirty dayes warning to him or them in that behalf respectively given by the said person or persons so concerned, or any other person for their use as aforesaid, and at the Costs and Charges of him or them so concerned, make, execute and perfect any such Assurance or Conveyance in the Law by Deed, Fine, Feoffment, Release, Confirma­tion, or otherwise, for the sure granting, assu­ring, and conveying of all and every the said [Page 15] share and proportion of such several person and persons so concerned, in all and every the said respective Grand Lots, to all and every the said person and persons so concerned, and to their Heirs and Assigns for ever, with War­ranty against every such Patentee and Pa­tentees, and his and their Heirs, and all and every person and persons lawfully claiming by, from, or under him and them respectively, as by the said several person and persons con­cerned, his or their Heirs and Assigns, or by his or their Counsel learned in the Law, shall be reasonably devised, advised or required; And that all and every the said person or persons to whom such Assurance or Assurances shall be so made as aforesaid, and his and their Heirs and Assigns shall and may, and are hereby declared, immediately from and after such the said Assurance so to him or them per­fected by the said Patentee or Patentees, or his or their Heirs as aforesaid, to stand and be seized of all and every such share and propor­tion of the said forfeited, escheated and ex­changed Lands so to him and them granted and conveyed as aforesaid, to the several use and uses of every such Grantee, and of his and their Heirs, freed and discharged of and from all former Gifts, Grants, Bargains, Sales, Leases, Ioyntures, Dowers, Char­ges, Debts, Statutes, Iudgments, Ex­tents, Executions and Incumbrances what­soever, for, or by reason of being so vested as aforesaid, in the said Patentee or Patentees, or any of them, and shall accordingly hold and enjoy the same for ever freed and discharged of and from all and every the said incumbrances.

Provided nevertheless, and it is hereby like­wise further Declared, That all and every person and persons of the Protestant Religi­on, Bodies Politick or Corporate, and their respective Heirs and Successors, Executors, Administrators and Assigns, who have al­ready obtained any Decree or Decrees in the late Court of Adjudication of Claims in Ire­land, or in the Court of Exchequer there, for any part of the said forfeited, escheated or ex­changed Manors, Castles, Houses, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or for any Rent out of the same, or for any Charge or Incumbrance thereupon, lying and being within any the Ten Counties, appointed in and by the said Act of Satisfaction, for the satisfaction of the Adventurers, Souldiers, and others, or in the County of Lowth, or in any other County or Counties in Ireland, or who have before the Three and twentieth of October, One thousand six hundred fifty four, exhibited his or their Claim or Claims, in the said late Court for Adjudication of Claims in Ireland, and shall at or before the First day of December, One thousand six hundred fifty seven, obtain any Decree or Decrees for any the said forfeited Manors, Castles, Houses, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or for any Debt, Rent, Charge, Duty, Profit or Incumbrance arising, growing due out of, or charged upon the same, by reason of any Deed, Grant, Mortgage, Statute-Staple, Recognizance, Iudgment, or other Incum­brance whatsoever in the said Court of Ex­chequer, or who shall on or before the first day of June, which shall be in the year of our Lord [Page 17] God, One thousand six hundred fifty eight, ob­tain any Decree or Decrees for any part of the said forfeited, escheated, or exchanged Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments lying and be­ing in any other County or Counties in Ire­land, besides the said Ten Counties, and the said County of Lowth, or for any Debt, Rent, Charge, Duty or Incumbrance, arising or growing due out of the same, or thereon char­ged or chargeable as aforesaid, shall and may for ever hereafter have, hold, possess and en­joy all and every such of the said forfeited, es­cheated or exchanged Manors, Castles, Hou­ses, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, or the said Debt, Rent, Charge, Annuity, Duty or Profit arising or growing due out of the same, so to him or them decreed or to be decreed as aforesaid, for and during the re­spective Estate and Estates so to him and them decreed, according to the tenor and effect of every such Decree so by him or them obtained, or to be obtained as aforesaid, Any thing afore in this Act contained to the contrary notwith­standing.

Provided nevertheless, and it is Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid, That if any the said Person or Persons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, who have any such Incumbrance upon any the said forfeit­ed, escheated or exchanged Manors, Castles, Houses, Lands, Tenements, or Heredita­ments, shall not exhibit and prosecute his or their Claim to the same with effect, to the obtaining his or their Decree or Decrees for the same, within the respective times to that end appointed as aforesaid, That then [Page 18] and from thenceforth all and every such the said person and persons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, who had any such right to any such Incumbrance as aforesaid, and the Heirs and Successors, Executors and Administrators of every such person and persons, Bodies Po­litick and Corporate, and every of them re­spectively, shall for ever be from thenceforth respectively barred to make his or their Claim to the same; And that then and from thence­forth the said forfeited, escheated and exchan­ged Manors, Castles, Houses, Lands, Tene­ments and Hereditaments, shall be, and are hereby adjudged and declared to be for ever freed and discharged of and from all and every the said Incumbrances respectively, Any thing afore in this Bill contained to the con­trary notwithstanding.

Saving likewise, and reserving out of this Bill unto the Provost, Fellows and Scholars of the Colledge of the Holy and Vn-divided Trinity at Dublin, all such Right of Action and Entry, Condition, Possession, Reversion, Remainder, Annuity, Rent and Common, which they have, or ought to have in or out of the said forfeited, escheated, or exchanged Lands in this Act mentioned, or any of them.

And also, saving and reserving to all and eve­ry person and persons, who were Protestants on the said three and twentieth day of October, One thousand six hundred fourty one, and have so continued ever since, all such Right, Title, Interest, Benefit and Advantage, which they, or their Heirs, or the Executors or Administrators of them, or any of them, have or may have, in, to, or out of any the said for­feited, [Page 19] escheated or exchanged Lands, Tene­ments or Hereditaments, by vertue of any Articles, or by vertue of any Composition, Indempnity or Exemption upon, or in pur­suance of any Articles, or of one Ordinance of his Highness the Lord Protector and his Council, dated the first day of August, one thou­sand six hundred fifty four, Entituled, An Or­dinance for Indempnity to the English Protestants of the Province of Munster in Ireland; or by vertue of one other Ordinance of his said Highnesse and Council, dated the second day of Septem­ber, one thousand six hundred fifty four, En­tituled, An Ordinance for admitting Protestants in Ireland to Compound; which said Articles, and last mentioned Ordinances, and all Compo­sitions made or to be made thereupon, or in pursuance thereof, are hereby likewise Ratifi­ed and Confirmed, or by any or either of them.

And also, saving to all other person and per­sons, who have been pardoned by his said Highnesse, or admitted to compound for his or their Estates in Ireland, the benefit of his and their respective Pardons and Compositions, Any Law, Ordinance or Act of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding.

Provided alwayes, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not be prejudi­cial to any person or persons, their Heirs or Assigns, for any Lands, Tenements or Here­ditaments, given or granted to him or them, or any in trust for him or them, or his or their Heirs, since the first day of November, one thou­sand six hundred fourty one, by or in pursuance of any Act or Acts, Ordinance or Ordinances, Order or Orders of Parliament, or of his [Page 20] Highnesse and Council, or either of them; but that every such person and persons, and his and their respective Heirs, or such as they are intrusted for, and their Heirs, shall and may have and enjoy all and every the said Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, according to the purport, true intent and meaning of all and every the said Acts, Ordinances and Or­ders respectively, Any thing in this Act, or any other Act of Parliament to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding.

Provided alwayes, That this Act, or any thing therein contained, shall not settle upon any Officer, Souldier, or any other person, more then his or their first Proportions and due Allotments.

Provided alwayes, and be it hereby Decla­red, That nothing in this present Act con­tained, shall be construed or taken to Ratifie, Confirm, or Establish the Estate or Possession of Edward Dendy Serjeant at Arms, in any Manors, Lands, Tenements or Heredita­ments in the Barony of Slayn in the County of East-Meath in Ireland, against Sir John Ba­rington Knight and Baronet, Sir Gilbert Ge­rard, Sir William Masham, Sir Richard Everard, Baronets; Sir William Waller, Sir Thomas Wharton, Sir Jacob Garet, Knights; Alexander Pym, Edward Turner, Esqs William and John Arnold, or any others who were Adventurers for the reducing of the said Nation, by vertue of the Act made in the seventeenth year of the late King Charls, and whose Lots are fallen in the said Barony of Slayn, or against any of their Heirs or Assigns; but that they be left to their several Remedies and Proceedings for [Page 21] the making good of their Rights and Titles according to the Law.

Provided alwayes, That neither this Act, nor any thing therein contained, shall extend to the prejudice of any Adventurer or Adventu­rers for Lands in Ireland, their or any of their Heirs or Assigns, nor to any Honors, Castles, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Heredita­ments in Ireland, that are granted, assigned, or duely set apart, allotted, or fallen by Lot, ac­cording to the Surveys and Returns by which the same was made for toward the satisfaction of the said Adventurers, their Heirs or Assigns, or any of them, within the Moiety of the said Ten Counties assigned to the Adventurers, and within the County of Lowth (except the Barony of Atherdy) and except all such Lands and Hereditaments as are already duely Compounded for by Pro­testants, within the said Ten Counties and County of Lowth, by vertue of the aforesaid Ordinances of his Highnesse and Council, of the first of August, and second of September, One thousand six hundred fifty and four.

EDINBƲRGH, Re-printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts Close, over against the Trone Church. Anno Dom. 1657.

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