Considerations Proposed to the Electors of the Ensuing Convention.


GOd Almighty has now put it into your hands either utterly to Ruine, or perpetually to Settle three King­doms, and with them the Protestant Religion in gene­ral, by the Choice you shall make of Men to Repre­sent you in the ensuing Convention.

You never yet enjoyed (and probably never may again) such an opportunity of making your selves and Posterity happy; your Choice being now absolutely Free, without any force or hazard, as formerly.

Consider therefore they ought not to be chosen that Ridiculed the Popish Plot, and Promoted several Protestant Sham-Ones; That did what in them lay to Surrender your CHARTER, or which is all one, submit to the Kings Regulation of it: And dis­countenanced and threatned all that would not give up the Rights of the City as well as themselves; upbraiding them with the odious Name of Enemies to the Government: That baffled you in your Choice and Suffrage, and made many worthy Citizens Rioters, for Asserting your Rights therein: That swore Illegal Sheriffs by force of Arms: That contrary to the known Rules of Common-Councils, pretended to Repeal all the Proceedings of Twenty years, without so much as once reading any Act there­of (except the Titles) or Referring them to any Committee, and absolutely refusing the Negative Question, tho desired. And that in a word, did to the utmost in their Sphere, endeavour to promote the Aubitrary desigas of a Popish Court, to rob all free­born English-men of their Inherent Rights and Priviledges. [Sir W. P. then Lord-Mayor.]

But rather such now are to be chosen, who in the Parliaments of King Charles the Second opposed Popery and Arbitrary Power in the face of Danger, and will now in all probability expose themselves to the greatest hazards, to Establish your Religion, Laws, and Liberties.

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