By the King. A PROCLAMATION For Apprehending of Robbers or High-way-men, and for a Reward to the Apprehenders.
WE minding to secure all Our Loving Subjects in Travelling and going about their Lawful Occasions, Do hereby Publish and Declare Our Royal Will and Pleasure to be, And We do hereby Command all Our Officers of Iustice, and other Our Loving Subjects, that they use their utmost Diligence and Endeavour for the Apprehending all Robbers or High-way-men, to the end they may be proceeded against according to Law. And for the Encouragement of such as shall Apprehend any such Offender or Offenders, We are graciously pleased, and do hereby Declare, That such Person or Persons, Who shall at any time before the Fifth day of May next, Apprehend any Robber or High-way-man, and cause him to be brought into Custody, shall, within Fifteen days after his Conviction, have a Reward of Ten pounds for every such Offender so Apprehended and Convicted. And all and every Sheriffs and Sheriff of the respective Counties and Sheriffwicks where such Conviction shall be had, are, and is hereby required, upon the Certificate of the Iudge, or Two, or more Iustices of the Peace before whom such Person or Persons shall be Convicted, of such Apprehension and Conviction, to Pay unto the Person or Persons who shall Apprehend such Offender or Offenders, the Reward aforesaid, within the Time aforesaid, for each and every Offender so Apprehended and Convicted as aforesaid, out of Our Moneys received by such Sheriff or Sheriffs in that County where such Conviction shall be, which shall be Allowed unto him or them upon his or their Accompts in the Exchequer: for the Allowance whereof, this Proclamation shall be a sufficient Warrant. And lastly, We do hereby Charge and Command all Lieutenants, Deputy-Lieutenants, Iustices of the Peace, Mayors, Sheriffs, Bayliffs, and other Officers and Persons whatsoever, to take notice of this Our Royal Proclamation, and give due Obedience thereunto, and also to be aiding and assisting in all things tending to the Execution thereof, as they tender Our Displeasure, and upon pain of being proceeded against as Contemners of Our Royal Authority.
Given at Our Court at Windsor the Fourteenth day of May 1681. In the Three and thirtieth year of Our Reign.
God save the King.
LONDON, Printed by the Assigns of John Bill, Thomas Newcomb, and Henry Hills, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Ma [...]esty 1681 [...]