⟨A Certificate for y
e Discharge of one Greived or Overrated to y
e Poll tax 1692▪ gratis.⟩
By Their Majesties Commissioners for putting in Execution in the
⟨County⟩ aforesaid, an Act of Parliament, Intituled,
An Act for Raising Money by a Poll, Payable Quarterly for One Year, for the Carrying on a Vigorous War against
⟨25. March. 1692.⟩
WHereas by Virtue and in Pursuance of the aforesaid Act of Parliament [...] residing within the [...] of [...] in the [...] aforesaid, is in and by the Estreat or Assessment charged upon the Persons there Residing, Rated and Assessed the Sum of [...] which being demanded by the Collector thereof, and the said [...] being aggrieved with the said Assessment, hath within the time limited by the said Act, made Complaint unto Us, Commissioners amongst others for putting the said Act in Execution within the said County, (One of Us who Signed or Allowed the said Rate being One) whereupon We have particularly examined the said Complaint upon Oath, and upon due Examination thereof have abated and defaulked the said Assessment to [...] and do hereby Order that the same be Estreated into the Exchequer accordingly, as by the said Act of Parliament is directed, and all Persons therein concerned are to take Notice hereof.
Dated this [...] Day of [...] in the Fourth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady William and Mary, by the Grace of GOD, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King and Queen, Defenders of the Faith, &c. Anno (que) Dom. 169 [...] ⟨1692⟩