THE APPREHENSIONS Of some poor Observers of present Dispensations, and Providential Actings, imparted to the Lords Remnant in the Nations, for the provoking of them in this day of Jacobs trouble, to look unto their Maker, and that their eyes may respect the Holy One of Israel.

THE LORD OF HOSTS having roared as a Lion from his dwelling place against his own Heritage, for their halting, settling on their Lees, savour of the world, and their sore iniquity, so that hee hath smitten Jacob, and made the fatness of his flesh waxe lean, rebuking all his Idols, and disappointing expectations round about, from any short of his own saving hand, turning many years endeavours, even in the fire, in these three Nations, into a dismaying Chaos of confusion, whether wee look to Ru­lers, Ruled, Armies, Churches, Prophets, or People; so that wee may say there is no healing Medicine in any hand, but our breach is wide as the Sea, &c.

And in the sense of great iniquity in all, yet under some hope wee have against hope of the Lords pleasure in mercy to re­buke the pride of MOAB, who so sorely revileth his Heritage, and to arise for therelief of his people as in MOUNT PERA­ZIM, and as in the valley of Gibeon, yea as against PHARAOH of old, to the glorious exaltation of his Son, and salvation and peace of his Subjects, even now the ASSYRIAN hath spread over his land, wee account it our duty more earnestly to call unto all, who have received the adoption of children, to appear in the advantage of their ACCEPTABLE ADVOCATE at the Throne of the Father, in all meekness and fear to bewayl over the evils, and intercede for the blessings needed, in the Nations, and in particular to lay to heart these things following, which wee have thought on towards their help, and our own, in the time of solemn assembling before him, which we humbly propose might be very frequent in, the seve­ral Assemblies, or remnants of the faithful in the three Nations; and to the end our cry may bee joynt herein at the Mercy-seat, and there may bee a communication of what the Lord in grace shall grant in answer hereunto, that if beauty bee given for ashes. wee may also obtain mercy to abound more in thanksgiving than heretofore, wee humbly signifie our intention, if the Lord please, to begin our solemn Supplication the next fourth day come se­vennight, being the eleventh day of the eleventh Month, commonly called January, and are desirous to understand from others, and observe and com­municate what acceptance the Lord will signifie, that wee may understand together, and bee glad in the salvation of God.

Matters referring to the Churches to bee bewayled.
  • 1. The deep sleep and spirit of slumber fallen upon Churches and people of the Lord, and as a sad effect thereof, little discerning, either what the Lord is doing, or his people ought to do, but a strange divided language amongst them calling for a lamentation.
  • 2. That a spirit of the love of this world, in the profits, pleasures, honour, and reputation thereof, hath insnared so many to the Lords dishonour, Truths differvice, and their own hurt, and horrible declining.
  • 3. That there is so little zeal or activity for the Lord, or his concerns, in comparison with what hath been, each one now minding his own, but few the things of Jesus Christ.
  • 4. That instead of thorow witness-bearing for the Lord in this day of deep Apostacy,
    See and be­wail the Doulis Tongued Decla­ration of 23. People called Anabaptists, in and about Lon­don, debasing their holy Pro­fession, and ex­posing their dissenting bre­thren, with the Quakers, and others, to the Persecutor, which Decla­ration, we detest, and som baptised Congregations in, and about London disown.
    costly services are declined, and a fearful unbeleeving confe­deracy rather said with whomsoever the world sayes a confederacy, bowing down the neck to every yoak, like home-born slaves, to whomsoever, or howsoever any get up, or being up, do manage their power.
Matters referring to the Nation to be bewailed.
  • 1 The horrible Treachery that hath lately abounded betwixt Rulers and Ruled, yea, even those that have been in neerest bonds related, supplanting and dealing falsly with each other, to the sore pollution of a righteous profession in the land, together with the shamefull profaning the pretence to the fear of the Lord, so often proclaimed to be respected by Rulers, who in the distribution of their trust unto men, have so little truly regarded the same.
  • 2 That a spirit of open prophaneness of all sorts increaseth, and that almost without controul.
  • 3 That there is an implacable desperate rage reaching up to heaven against the Lord his works and people. satisfied with nothing less than the ruine of all, running back to Egypt, and licking up again the vomit of every old exploded abomination, which the late Country insurrections, and City tu­mults abetted so much by men in power, and the National Clergy, sufficiently evidenced.
  • 4 That there is continued in this day of Gospel light, that soul-afflicting iniquity, of exacting Tythes, both from the Lords Heritage, and such as are yet unconverted, and this contended for by the Nations Ministry, assifted by force over us, ruling by their means, whereby the Lords services are loathed, and the Land exposed to the destroyer, as at Shiloh of old.
Particulars to be prayed for.
  • 1 That our dear Redeemer, who both by decree and covenant, &c. is intitled to the rule of Nations, may in this day, when the Lord hath so sorely shaken other foundations, be more clearly discovered to be the onely Potentate, King of Kings and Kingdoms, and his Laws and Govern­ment in the excellency of them in their own nature so made known, as these Nations may cloze with them and him, in whom only the Lord hath said Nations shall be blessed.
  • 2 That those two great Ordinances of Magistracy and Ministery may be brought forth in their truth and beauty, distinguished from the counterfeits of them, by pouring forth more anointing to those offices, by which it may be demonstrated that the sufficiency of both is only of and from the Lord, and that he may in all humility and fear be appealed unto, for a gracious decision in this day of the worlds rage, and accusing his poor people for being against Magistracy and Ministery, whether the accused or accusers are most for that which he will own.
  • 3 That those of the Army and their adherents who have been so forcely visited by the Lord, and whose affliction is like to be helped forward, and ad­ded to by unreasonable and cruel revilers, might have that dispensation of his, so sanctified to them, as might tend effectually to renew them to repen­tance, for their great Apostacy and treacherous dealing with the Lord his cause and people, that so the Lord in mercy might put a checque to the boundless rage of the enemy, and avenger, and in due time reprove their insulting Reprovers.
  • 4 That in this day of so eminent a sayler of the visible protection of his poor peeled people, he might be earnestly sought unto, and found to bee their sure defence, and yet again this song might be in their mouths, SALƲATION IS OF THE LORD, HIS BLESSING IS ƲPON HIS PEOPLE, and it might be known to the ends of the earth, that there is no inchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel.
  • 5 And lastly, but espec [...]lly, that the spirit might be so poured out upon all the Lords sons and daughters, about whom he hath been hitherto as a wall of fire for defence, that they may weep very bitterly over all iniquity which hath separated betwixt them and their God, and have great occasion conti­nued and renewed to cry Grace, Grace, unto his great name, and by recalling former, and better observing his works of wonder to come, may be taught to order their conversation aright, that he may delight to shew his salvations, and increase in the middest of them the shout of a King, to whom be do­minion and glory for ever. Amen.
  • John Berwicke,
  • Phil. Pinchon,
  • John Proud,
  • Rich. Goodgroom,
  • Hump. Hathorn.
  • Perc. Goodricke,
  • Clement Ireton,
  • Wentworth Day,
  • H. Courtney,
  • John Vernon,
  • Will. Allen,
  • H. Danvers,
  • Will. Launce,
  • Rich. Bowney,
  • Lewes Powel,
  • John Garbrand,
  • Rich. Robinson,
  • Joseph Archer,
  • John North,
  • Nicho. Gilbert,
  • Tho. Johnson,
  • Tobias Picks,
  • Will. Smiter,
  • John Edkins.

London, Printed for Livewell Chapman, at the Crown in Popes-head Alley. 1660.

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