ACT for well Governing and Regulating Corporations.

Paragraph XII. ‘PRovided also, and be it Enacted, by the Autho­rity aforesaid, That from and after the expi­ration of the said Commissions, no Person or Per­sons shall for ever hereafter be Placed, Elected, or Chosen, in or to any of the Offices and Places aforesaid that shall not have within one Year next before such Election or Choice, taken the Sacrament of the LORDS SUPPER, according to the Rites of the Church of Eng­land, &c. (and in Default thereof such Election to be void, &c.)’

Be this Paragraph understood as variously as mens minds can mould it, Yet is it very important for those shall choose men into Offices and Pla­ces, in the Act mentioned, To consider,
VVHether any Persons, confessed and decla­red unqualified, by not having taken the Sacrament of the LORDS SUPPER, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, and their Election thereby be­coming void, Ought in Reason and good Con­science, to be Elected into any Office or Place again, because they seem to become Qualified by having Since taken the Sacrament of the LORDS SUPPER, according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Church of England, which is in effect, but a pro­stitution of that Holy Ordinance to the corrupt De­signs, perhaps of mens Interests and Passions. And if the Parties hoping to be Elected, should be disap­pointed, the only Searcher of hearts can tell, if they may not Repent of having done that Duty.

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