ARTICLES TO BE INQVI­RED OF, In the Metropoliticall Visitation of the most Reuerend Father in God, RICH­ARD, by the prouidence of God, Lord Arch-bishop of Yorke, Pri­mate of England and Me­tropolitane.

Jn the yeere of our Lord God, 1633.

LONDON, Printed by John Norton. 1633.

The Aduertisement.

THe Minister and Church-wardens are to call vnto them the Neyghbours of the Parish, and out of them to make choyce (according to the custome of the place) of two of the discreetest parishioners to bee Side-men, and they alto­gether are to reade ouer these Articles diuers times. Then, after they haue duely considered of them, they are to write their an­swere or presentment vnto euery Article particularly and truly, according to their consciences. Lastly, they are all of them to bring their presentments to the Visitation, and there the Church-wardens and Side-men vpon their oathes (but the Minister ac­cording to the Canon in that behalfe) are to deliuer them vp vnder their hands.

The oath to be ministred to the Church-wardens, & Sworne-men.

YOu shall sweare, that all affection, fauour, ha­tred, hope of reward and gaine, or feare of displeasure or malice set aside: You shal vpon due consideration of the Articles giuen you in charge, present all and euery such person of, or within your parish, as hath committed any of­fence or fault, or made any default mentioned in these, or any of these Articles, or which are vehe­mently suspected, and defamed of any such of­fence, fault or default: wherein you shall deliuer vprightly, and according to truth; neyther of ma­lice presenting any contrary to truth; nor of cor­rupt affection sparing to present any, and so con­ceale the truth, hauing in this action God before your eyes with an earnest zeale to mayntaine truth, and to suppresse vice; so helpe you God, and the contents of this Booke.

Touching the Church, Church-yard Parsonage, and Vicarage-house.
  • FIrst, whether your Church, Chappell, and Chancell bee well and sufficiently repaired in the walls and roofe, the Seats conuenient, the floore paued, the windowes glazed, your Bells in tune, and all these cleanely kept, and the mansion-house of your Parson or Vi­car, with the building thereunto be­longing, bee likewise well and sufficiently repayred, and your Church-yard well fenced with walls, rayles, or payles, and cleanely kept.
  • 2 Whether hath your Church or Church-yard beene abused and prophaned by any fighting, chiding, brawling or quarrel­ling, any playes, Lords of misrule, summer Lords, morris-dan­cers, pedlers, bowlers, bearewards, butchers, feasts, schooles, temporall courts, or Leets, Lay Iuries, musters, or other pro­phane vsage in your Church or Church-yard, any bells super­stitiously rung on holidayes or their eeues, or at any other time without good cause allowed by the Minister and Church-war­dens: haue any trees beene felled in your Church-yard, and by whom?
  • 3 Whether are your Almes-houses and Church-house suffi­ciently repayred, mayntaned, and to godly and their right vse imployed?
  • 4 Whether haue you in your Church all things necessary for common prayer, as the Bible in the largest volume, the booke of common Prayer lately authorized by his Maiesty, the booke of Homilies allowed, two books of common prayer, a conueni­ent Pulpit for the preaching, a decent seat for the Minister to reade Seruice in, conueniently placed, a strong chest, with three lockes and keyes, one for the Minister, the other for the Church wardens for the keeping of the Register booke of the Christnings, Marriages, and Burials, and a poore mans boxe, with three locks, conueniently seated neere the Church doore.
  • [Page] 5 Whether have you in your Church, a font of stone for bap­tisme set in the ancient vsuall place: a decent table for the com­munion conviently placed, couered with silke, or other decent stuffe in time of diuine Seruice, and with a faire linnen cloth ouer that, at the administration of the communion?
  • 6 Whether haue you all such bells, ornaments and other vten­sels as haue anciently belonged to your Church, a communion-cup o [...] siluer with a couer, a fayre standing pot or two of pewter, or purer metall for the wine, vpon the communion table, a come­ly Surplesse with sleeues, a Register booke of parchment, for christnings, marriages, & burials, a booke for the names of all christnings, marriages, & burials, a booke for the names of all strange preachers, subscribed with their names, and the name of the Bishop, or other, where they had licence?
  • 7 Whether is the Almes for the poore duely distributed, and are the names and surnames of all persons married, christned and buried, and of their parents, with the day and yeere entred in your parchment Register booke?
  • 8 Whether are y e ten Commandements set vp in your Church or Chappell, and other chosen sentences of holy Scripture vp­on the walls in conuenient places, and the table of the degrees prohibited in marriage, set forth 1563?
  • 9 Whether haue you in your Church or Chappell the booke of the Canons agreed vpon in the conuocation holden at London Anno Dom 1603. and confirmed by his Maiesties royall autho­rity, and whether your Minister haue read the same in your Church or Chappell once euery yeere, according to his Maie­sties Iniunctions in that behalfe?
Touching the Ministery, Seruice and Sacraments.
  • VVHether is the common prayer said or sung by your Mi­nister both morning & euening, distinctly and reuerently euery Sunday and Holiday, and on there eeues, and at conue­nient and vsuall times of those daies, and in most conuenient place of the Church for the edifying of the people?
  • 2 Whether doth your Minister obserue the orders, rites, & ce­remonies prescribed in the booke of common prayer, in reading holy Scriptures, prayers & administration of the Sacraments, [Page]without diminishing (in regard of preaching or any other re­spect) or adding any thing in the manner or forme thereof?
  • 3 Whether doth your Ministér on wednesdaies and fridaies not being holidaies, at the accustomed houres of seruice, resort to the Church, and say the ordinary prayers and Letany prescri­bed? And doth your Clarke or Sexton giue warning before by tolling of a bell on those daies?
  • 4 Whether any Minister leauing the vse of the Font, doe in your Church or Chappell christen or baptize in any Basons, or other profane vessells: or whether your Minister do baptize or christen any out af the face of the Church & Congregation, with­out speciall cause, or without Godfathers or Godmothers: And whether any person or persons be admitted to answere as God­fathers & Godmothers at the christning of any childe, except he or she haue before receiued the holy communion: And whether doth your Minister in y e baptizing of children, obserue y e orders, rites, & ceremonies appointed & prescribed in the booke of com­mon prayer, without addition, omission, or other innouation?
  • 5 Whether doe you know any Parents that keepe children vnchristened, or that were not christened at their owne Parish Church or Chappell, & for what cause they remaine yet vnchri­stened, or haue not beene christned at their Parish Church or Chappell: or do you know haue heard or vehemently suspect any parents, whose children haue beene christned by any Popish Priest, or otherwise than by the lawes of the Church of Eng­land is allowed?
  • 6 Whether doth your Minister as oft as hee administreth the communion, first receiue it himselfe: whether doth hee vse any bread and wine newly brought, before the word of institution bee rehearsed, and the bread and wine present on the Table: doth he not deliuer the bread and wine to euery communicant se­uerally in such sort as is prescribed?
  • 7 Whether doth your Minister giue warning publikely in the Church at Morning prayer y e Sunday before hee administreth the communion, for the better preparation of the parishoners? and whether doth hee administer the Sacraments so often as that euery parishione, may receiue thrice in the yeere at the least, whereo. Easter to be one?
  • [Page] 8 Whether hath your Minister administred the Communion to any but such as kneele, or doe you know any that refuse to kneele: hath he administred to any that are vnder Ecclesiasticall censure, as for refusing to bee present at publike Prayer, or who hath depraued the Booke of Common Prayer and ad­ministration of the Sacraments, or the Rites and Ceremonies prescribed, or the Articles of religion agreed vpon, or the Book of ordering Deacons, Priests and Bishops, or against his Ma­iesties Supremacy: or hath committed other the like enormi­ties, and what be their names?
  • 9 Whether haue your Minister more Benefices than one: if hee haue, how far distant are the [...], how often is he absent in the yeere? when hee is absent from your parsonage or vicaridge, hath he a licensed Preacher for his Curate?
  • 10 Whether your Churches or Chappels bee or haue beene destitute of a Curate? And how long, and by whose default? And whether any Curate haue serued, or doe serue without li­cence of the Ordinary?
  • 11 Whether doe you know any Popish Priests, Seminary, Iesuite, or runnagate persons, that doe preach, say Masse, or mi­nister any Popish Sacrament [...]r Ceremonies, or else doe resort secretly or openly into your Parish: And whose house doe they resort vnto, and of whom are they harboured, and what bee the names of such Popish Priests, Seminaries, Iesuites, or Run­nagates, and such as so harbour and releeue them?
  • 12 Whether your Parson, Vicar or Curate, or any other per­son in your parish be a fauourer of the Romish Church or religi­on, or any other Sect or Schismaticall opinion, or hath or doth maintaine or teach any doctrine, contrary or repugnant to Gods Word, or to any of the Articles agreed vpon by the Clergy in the Conuocation holden at London, An. Dom. 1562. And whe­ther they haue taught publiquely or secretly any doctrine ten­ding to the discredit and disprayse eyther of the Booke of Com­mon Prayer, or of the Preachers, and Ministers of the Word and Sacraments, or of the receiued order for gouernment by Archbishops, Bishops, Deanes, Archdeacons, and other offi­cers in the Church of England, or make any other innouati­on? And whether haue they permitted any man so teaching [Page]or making such innouation, and not made the same knowne.
  • 13 Whether is your Minister an allowed Preacher: if he be, doth he euery Sunday in your Church or some other next adioy­ning, where no Preacher is, preach?
  • 14 Whether doth your Minister being no Preacher allowed, presume to expound the Scripture in his owne Cure, or else­where: doth he procure euery month a Sermon to be preached in his cure by preachers lawfully licenced, and on euery Sunday when there is no Sermon, doth hee or his Curate reade some one of the Homilies prescribed?
  • 15 Whether your Minister doe openly euery Sunday after he haue read the second Lesson at Morning & Euening praier, ad­monish and warne the Church-wardens, & Swornemen to look to their charge, & to obserue who offend in absenting themselues negligently or wilfully from their Parish-church or Chappell, or vnreuerently vse themselues in time of diuine Seruice?
  • 16 Whether is your Curate allowed by the Ordinary vnder his hand and seale to serue for your Cure, and whether doth hee serue two Churches or chappels in one day? whether is he Dea­con▪ at the least, and what stipend hath he for seruing the Cure?
  • 17 Whether doth your Minister alwaies in saying publike prayer & administring the Sacraments, weare a decent surplesse with sleeues, and being a graduate, doth he alwaies weare there­with a hood by y e order of the Vniversity, agreeable to his degree
  • 18 Whether hath your Minister or any other Preacher in your church, preached any thing to confute or impugne any doc­trine deliuered by any other Preacher, & hath hee & they prayed for Christs Catholike Church, the Kings Maiesty, the Lords Archbishops and Bishops, &c. as is prescribed, Canon 55?
  • 19 Whether hath or doth any preach in your Church, which re­fuseth to conforme himselfe to the Lawes, Rites, & Ordinances established, or which hath not first shewed a sufficient licence.
  • 20 Whether doth your Minister in his sermons foure times in the yeere at the least, teach and declare the Kings Maiesties power within his Realmes to be the highest power vnder God, to whom all within the same owe most loyalty and obedience, and that all forraine power is iustly taken away?
  • 21 Whether doth your Minister euery Sunday and Holiday [Page]halfe an houre before Euening prayer or more, or at some other conuenient time at Euening prayer examine and instruct the youth in the ten Commandements, the Beleefe, the Lords Prayer, & the Catechisme, set forth in the Booke of Common prayer, and whether doe the Church-wardens assist the Mini­ster herein?
  • 22 Whether hath your Minister married any which haue not beene three seuerall Sundaies or Holydaies asked in your Church in the tune of diuine seruice, without licence or without a ring: or hath hee with licence or without, married any, where­of neither dwelt in your Parish?
  • 23 Whether hath your Minister with licence or without, married any, at any other times than betweene the houres of eight and twelue in the Forenoone, or in any priuate house, or when there is no licence, before the Parents and Gouernours (the parties being vnder the age of 22. yeeres) haue testified their consents?
  • 24 Whether hath your Minister declared to the people euery Sunday at the time appointed, what Holidaies and Fasting­daies be that weeke following: doth he being a Preacher confer with all recusants, and persons excommunicate or suspended? being no Preacher doth he procure a sufficient Preacher to re­claime them thereby?
  • 25 Whether doth your Minister keepe a note of all persons excommunicate, and once euery sixe moneths doth hee denounce them which haue not obtained their absolution, on some Sun­day in seruicetime, that others may bee admonished to refraiue their company?
  • 26 Whether your Parson, Vicar, or Curate, bee diligent in visiting the sicke and comforting them, and whether they bury their dead in such christian and comely manner as is prescribed in the Booke of Common prayer, and whether any Lay man, other than a lawfull Minister, hath taken vpon him to bury the dead contrary to order?
  • 27 Whether hath your Minister refused to baptize any childe brought to the Church, or to bury any corps brought into the Church or Church-yard, or to Church any woman, hauing had conuenient warning thereof?
  • [Page] 28 Whether hath your Minister being truely informed of the danger of death of any infant vnbaptized, and being desired to go to the place where the child is, to baptize it, neglected to go, by meanes whereof the child hath dyed vnbaptized?
  • 29 Whether doth your Minister at any time preach or admi­nister the communion in any priuate house, except when they are so impotent that they cannot goe to Church, or very danger ous­ly sicke?
  • 30 Whether doe any Chaplens in your parish preach, or admi­nister the Sacrament in any Chappell not consecrated, or in any house hauing no Chappoll allowed by Law, and doe the Lords and Masters where such Chappels are, resort often to the Pa­rish-church, and there receiue the Communion once at the least euery yeere?
  • 31 Whether hath your Minister held or appointed any pub­like fast not appointed by Authority, or beene present at such: doth he or any other in your Parish hold any lecture or exercise, or attempt by fasting, or prayer, or otherwise, to cast out any Deuils, without the priuity and allowance of the Bishop vnder his hand and seale?
  • 32 Whether hath there beene any secret Conuenticles or mee­tings in your Parish by any priests, ministers, or others, ten­ding to the deprauing of the forme of prayer, doctrine or gouern­ment of the Church?
  • 33 Whether doth your Minister weare decent apparell, doth he in publike goe in his Doublet and Hose, without a Coate, or Cassocke, or Cloake, and doth he weare any vnseemely & light-coloured apparell or stockings?
  • 34 Whether doth your Minister make accustomed resort to any Tauerns, or Ale-houses, except for his honest necessities: or doth hee boord or lodge in any such place, doth he vse any base or seruile labour, or frequent drinking, riot, dice, cards, tables, or any other vnlawfull games: is he contentious with his neigh­bours, or a hunter, hawker, swearer, dancer, vsurer, suspected of incontinency, or doth giue euill example of life?
  • 35 Whether is there in your Parish any Minister or Deacon who hath forsaken his calling, vsing himselfe in his course of life as a meere Lay man?
  • [Page] 36 Whether is his Maiesties declaration lately published for quieting and silencing the controuersies lately stirred vp to the disturbance of our Church with new questions, strictly obser­ued by your Parson, Vicar, or Curate, or whomsoeuer else prea­cheth in your Church?
  • 37 Whether doth your Parson, Vicar, Curate or Lecturer, catechize the youth of the Parish in your Church, euery Sun­day after dinner by question and answere; and apply his after­noone preaching and exhortation, to the instructing and edifying of the congregation in that kind of catechizing?
  • 38 Whether haue you in your parish any weekeday Lecture, or not? And if you haue, by whom is the same performed; whe­ther by one particular man thereto licensed, or by sundry neigh­bour Ministers, and whether are the publike prayers alwaies read, before such lecture and sermons, in his surplesse and hood, according to his Maiesties instructions lately set forth?
  • 39 Whether are there any within your parish (vnder the de­gree of Noblemen and men qualified by law) who doe keepe any priuate Chaplaines in their houses?
Touching Ecclesiasticall Courts.
  • FIrst, whether the Chancellor, Commissaries, or any other vsing Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction in this Diocesse, their Re­gisters, or Actuaries, Apparitors or Sumners, haue at any time beene corrupt in their places, or taken any excessiue fees, or win­ked at & suffred any Adulteries, Fornications, Incests, or o­ther faults, or offences to passe, & remaine vnpunished & vncor­rected, or haue commuted any penance without speciall licence of the Bishop?
  • 2 Whether doe you know that there hath beene any commu­tation of penance, allowed of by the Ordinary in your parish: and whether hath your Minister publikely signified it to his Congregation, what summes of money haue therefore beene payd, and whether haue the sayd sùmmes of money, or part thereof beene distributed by your Minister and Church-war­dens to the poore, or otherwise imployed to some such godly & charitable vse, as was prescribed by the Ordinary?
  • 3 Whether doe you know any housholder, or other person [Page]whatsoeuer, within your parish or Chappelry that is deceased, y t hath made his last Will and Testament, and the same not hi­therto beene proued, nor administration taken from the Ordi­nary or other Iudge competent?
  • 4 Whether hath your Chancellor, Commissary, or other exercising Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction, heard any matter of of­fice priuately in their chamber, without their sworne Regi­sters, or their Deputies presence, or in their absence, of such other person as the Law doth allow for an actuary in such a case?
Touching Schoole-masters.
  • FIrst, whether haue you in your Parish any Schoole-master, who teacheth eyther in publike Schoole, or priuate house, whether is he reputed to be of sound Fayth and Religion, doth he resort duely to Church, and receiue the Communion, or doth he giue any euill example of life, is hee allowed by the Ordinary vnder his hand and seale: or doth your Minister or Curate teach, and is he allowed in like manner?
  • 2 Whether doth your Minister or Schoole-master, who tea­cheth the Catechisme by Authority set forth, doth he when there is any Sermon or diuine Seruice, bring his schollers to Church and see them quietly and reuerently ordered, doth hee examine them after their returne, what they haue learned of the Ser­mon?
  • 3 Whether doth he at other times teach them such sentences of holy Scripture, as may induce them to all godlinesse, doth he teach the Grammar set forth by King Henry the eight, con­tinued by King Edward the sixt, and Queene Elizabeth?
  • 4 Whether hath your Schoole-master an Vsher vnder him, are they both diligent, is your Vsher allowed by the Ordina­ry, doth your Schoolemaster direct his Vsher the forme & man­ner of teaching, and doth hee weekely take account of him, and the Schollers vnder his charge, how they haue profited, and what they haue learned, and out of what Authors?
  • 5 Whether hath eyther of them spoken, writ, or taught a­gainst any thing whereunto hee formerly subscribed, as the Kings Supremacy, the Articles of Religion, Booke of Com­mon prayer, or any thing therein contained?
Touching the Parish Clarke, and Sexton.
  • [Page]FIrst, whether haue you a parish Clarke appointed by y e Mi­nister, sufficient for his place, of the age of twenty yeeres at the least, is he of honest conuersation, can he read, write, & sing, is he diligent in his office, and seruiceable to his Minister in the time of diuine Seruice and otherwise?
  • 2 Whether doth your Clarke meddle with any thing aboue his office, as Churching of women, burying the dead, reading of prayers, or such like?
  • 3 Whether doth your Clarke or Sexton keepe your Church cleane, the dores safe locked, is any thing (by his default) lost or spoyled in the Church, doth hee suffer any vntimely ringing, or any prophane exercise to be committed in your Church?
  • 4 Whether doth your Clarke or Sexton, when any is passing out of this life, neglect to toll a bell, hauing notice thereof: or y e party being dead, doth he suffer any more ringing than one short peale, & before his buriall one, and after the same another.
  • 5 Whether doth any of your parish refuse to pay vnto the pa­rish Clarke or Sexton such wages as are vnto them due, & haue beene accustomably payd?
Touching Parishioners.
  • FIrst, whether hath any in your parish spoken against, or any way impugned y e Kings Maiesties supremacy in causes Ec­clesiasticall, the Truth and Doctrine of the Church of England, the forme of Gods worship contained in the booke of common prayer and administration of the Sacraments?
  • 2 Whether there bee any person or persons knowne or vehe­mently suspected to haue written, printed, or by any meanes pub­lished, & dispersed, or otherwise to haue, or to haue had in his or their vse or keeping, any Popish bookes or libels, or any of those slanderous or schismaticall, & seditious libels, or other books, that impeach the kooke of common prayer, or the Religion, & Eccle­siasticall gouernment, or any other part thereof, established by Law in this Realme, or doth impeach the credit or estate of any Ecclesiasticall person or gouernour within the same?
  • 3 Whether hath any in your parish spoken against or impug­ned the Articles of Religion, agreede vpon in Anno. Do. 1562. the rites and ceremonies established in the Church, y e gouern­ment [Page]by Arch-bishops, Bishops, Deanes, Arch-deacons, and o­thers that beare office in the same?
  • 4 Whether hath any in your Parish spoken against or impug­ned the forme of making and consecrating Bishops, Priests, or Deacons, or haue any separated themselues from the society of the congregation, and combined in a new Brotherhood, or depra­ued the Sinods of the Church of England held by the Kings Authority?
  • 5 Whether hath any in your Parish maintained or defended any such Ministers or Schoolemasters as refuse to subscribe to the order of the Church, haue they affirmed that such Ministers and adherents may make Rules & Orders in causes Ecclesiasti­call, without the Kings Authority?
  • 6 Whether doth any in your Parish prophane, violate or mis­spend the Lords day, commonly called Sunday, or Holidayes appoynted in the Church of England, vsing any offensiue con­uersation, or worldly labour in those dayes, or any of them: or is there any that wilfully refuse, or negligently hath absented himselfe from diuine prayers on Sundayes or Holidayes?
  • 7 Whether doth any in your Parish, in y e time of diuine Ser­uice, vse to sit with his hat on his head: or is there any who hath not reuerently kneeled when the generall Confession, Letany, & other prayers are read, & which haue not stood vp at the saying of the Beleefe.
  • 8 Whether hath any in your Parish disturbed the Seruice or Sermon, by walking, talking, or any other way, or departed out of the Church during the Seruice or Sermon, without some vr­gent cause, or loytered about the Church or Church-porch?
  • 9 Whether there be any in your Parish, man or woman, being about fifteene yeere of age, that hath not receiued the holy Com­munion, thrice at the least euery yeere, & namely at Easter last, or thereabouts for once: & whether any abandoning his or their Parish Church, haue receiued the holy Communion in any o­ther Parish Church or Chappell, or priuate place?
  • 10 Whether hath any parent beene vrged to be present, or ad­mitted to answere as Godfather for his owne child, or hath any Godfather or godmother made any other answer or speech, than is prescribed by the Booke, or haue any bin admitted for God­fathers [Page]or Godmothers, at Baptisme, who haue not first recei­ued the Communion?
  • 11 Whether doe all Fathers, Mothers, Masters, Mistresses, come & cause their children, seruants, and apprentices to come duely to the Church, and according to the Ministers direction is be instructed and catechized, or who be they that haue not obey­ed the Minister herein?
  • 12 Whether haue any persons married together within the Degrees of Consanguinity or Affinity prohibited, set forth in a Table, appoynted to bee placed in euery Church: or haue any married or contracted themselues vnder the age of one & twen­ty yeeres, without the consent of their Parents, or Gouer­nours, if their parents be dead?
  • 13 Whether haue any persons, once lawfully married, forsaken each other, or doe liue asunder otherwise than by Law is per­mitted: or doe any, being diuorced or separated, marry againe the former wife or husband yet liuing?
  • 14 Whether hath any of your parish vnreuerently vsed your Minister, or haue any layd violent hands vpon him, or disgraced his office and calling, by word or deed?
  • 15 Whether haue you in your parish any popish recusant, or maintayner of popish doctrine, or suspected to keepe or disperce schismaticall bookes, or to fauour any heresie or errour?
  • 16 Whether haue you any common resorters to your Church, which are not of your parish, abandoning their owne parish Church, or doe any such receiue the communion amongst you: what be their names, and of what parishes are they?
  • 17 Whether hath any in the time of diuine Seruice vpon any Sunday or Holiday opened their shops, exercised their trade, or vsed any gaming, bin in any Tauern or Alehouse, or otherwise ill imployed?
  • 18 Whether are there in your Parish any adulterers, fornica­tors, incestuous persons, bawds, receiuers of defamed persons, close fauourers, conueyers away of such, or which suffer to de­part any incontinent person vnpunished, or are there in your pa­rish any blasphemers, common swearers, drunkards, ribawds, vsurers, malicious slanderers, scolds or sowers of discord, or any defamed of the same crime?
  • [Page] 19 Whether doe any in your Parish administer the goods of y e dead, without authority, or suppresse their will or testament: haue any Executors neglected to performe their wils, especially in paying of Legacies giuen to the Church, to the poore, or to any other charitable or godly vses?
  • 20 Whether doe any refuse to pay to the reparations, orna­ments, & other things by Law required to bee in your Church, as they are seased by Law: or are any dwelling out of your Pa­rish, which hold land in your Parish, that refuse the like pay­ment or seasement?
  • 21 Whether haue any not being of your Parish beene christned, churched, buried, or receiued the Communion, or beene married out of your Church, both parties dwelling in your parish?
  • 22 Whether haue all women in your Parish deliuered of child, come at conuenient time after to Church, to giue thanks, & haue they beene Churched according to the forme of the Booke of common Prayer?
  • 23 Whether hath y e Perambulation of the circuit of your Pa­rish bin obserued once euery yeere, if not, by whose default is it?
  • 24 Whether hath any in your Parish giuen the Church-war­dens or Sidemen or any of them euill words for doing their due­ty according to their oath and conscience, in making present­ment for their default?
  • 25 Whether there be any man or woman in your Parish, that vseth witch-craft, sorcery, charmes, or vnlawfull prayer or inuo­cations in Latine or English, or otherwise vpon any Christian body or beast, or any that resorteth to the same for counsell, or helpe, and what be their names?
  • 26 Whether there be any, that pretending themselues to bee Physicians or Chirurgeons, do take vpon them to practise Phy­sicke, or Chirurgery, not being lawfully licenced thereunto, or which refuse to shew their sayd licence to the Minister, or Cu­rate, and Church-wardens of your Church or Chappell, when they shall be hereunto required?
Touching Church-wardens, and Sworne-men.
  • FIrst, whether doe any in your Parish take vpon them to bee Church-warden or Side-man, which is not lawfully chosen by y e Minister & Parishioners, according to y e Canon, or do any [Page]continue y e office longer than one yeere, except they be chosen a­gaine, or that it be a custome of your Parish for a Church-war­den to continue two yeers, and are all such officers chosen yeerly in Easter weeke?
  • 2 Whether doe your Church-wardens within one moneth at the most after their yeere ended, before the Minister and Pari­shioners, giue vp a iust accompt of all such money, & other things as they haue receiued & bestowed, haue they deliuered all remai­ning in their hands belonging to their Church or Parish, by Bill indented, to be deliuered to the next Church-wardens?
  • 3 Whether haue y e Church-wardens, with the aduice of y e Mi­nister, from time to time prouided a sufficient quantity of fine white bread, & wholesome wine for y e number of communicants?
  • 4 Whether doe the Church-wardens and Sworne-men, before euery visitation, and at other times when there is iust occasion, meete and confer about their presentments, & the answering of their Articles, & who hath (after notice giuen him of the time & place) carelesly absented himselfe?
  • 5 Whether the forfeiture of twelue pence, for absence from Church, appoynted by Statute, to y e vse of the poore, bee taken, & leuied by the Church-wardens, & imployed according to the said Statute: and whether is the said forfeiture taken of all persons which stand wilfully suspended or excommunicated?
  • 6 Whether haue any Church-wardens lost, sold, or detained any Goods, Ornaments, Bels, Rents, or Implements of the Church?
  • 7 Whether doe you the Church-wardens & Side-men, about the middest of diuine Seruice, vsually walke out of y Church, & see who are abroad in any Ale-house, or elsewhere absent, or euilly imployed, & haue you presented all such offenders to the Ordinary?
  • 8 Whether doe you know, or haue heard a fame of any offence committed, or duty omitted by any of your Parish before your time, & heretofore not presented by the former Church-wardens to the Ordinary, or as yet not reformed, and haue you presented the same?
  • 9 Finally, doe you know of any matter or cause which is a breach of the lawes Ecclesiasticall here not expressed, & haue you presented the same?

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