¶ In thoffyre of the kyngꝭ Remembraunce.
¶ Ink Recorde de termino sancti Michaelis. Anno xxvi. Regis Henrici sexti Rotulo. lvi. exparte Remem̄ regis.
- FIrste for thentre of a customers viewe or accomptes in the Portes of Bryggewater, Chichester Newecastel Plimmouthe. Fowy. Pole, & Berwyke. iii. s. iiii. d.
- Item for thentre of a Customers viewe or accompt of euery other porte. vi. s. viii. d.
- Item to the Secundary Clerke of the sayde euery other porte. xx. other porte. vi. s. viii. d.
- Itē for thentre of processes or plees of accōptauntis coteynynge halfe a roll. iii. s. iiii. d
- Item yf it cōteyne an hole rolle. vi. s. viii. d.
- And so after the afferant yf it conteyne more.
- Item for thentre of letters patentes Escrip [...] consessyd or other recordes conteynynge lesse than halfe a rolle. ii. s.
- And yf it conteyne halfe a rolle. ii. s. iiii. d.
- And so after the afferant.
- Item for eutre of dayes and contynuaunce of accomptauntis. xx. d.
- Itē for makynge of wryttes of pryuylege. ii. s
- Item of the collectours and accomptauntis of the. xv. peny. Nihil
- Itē for thentre of wryttes vnder the greate or pryue Seale dyrect to the treasourer & barons [Page]for accōptantis yf it cōteyne halfe a roll. ii. [...]
- And yf it cōteyne halfe a syde of a rolle. xii. d.
- And yf it conteyne more than halfe a rolle after the afferante the whithe shall remayne to the clerkes, excepte Mittimus and other writtes, whiche haue ben vsed of olde to be entred amonge recordes.
- Item to the Clerkes for theyre petycyons yf they conteyne halfe a skynne of Parchemyn prest wyse. ii. s.
- Item to the Clerkes for thentre of foren accomptes of Scotysshmoney. xx. s̄.
- Item to the clerkes for thentre of warrantes of attourney. iiii. d.
- Itē to the Clerkes for wakynge of Sistas in auxiliū cōstat de Nisi prius and cōmissyōs of Nisi priꝰ at the cōsēt of the party cōteyninge lesse thā half a rolle of ꝑchmyn prest wyse. ii. s̄.
- And so after thasterant yf it conteyne more.
- ¶ Friste to the mayster for makinge, ꝑuing, castynge. dischargyng, & alowaunce of the viewes of the shyres of Cornewall, worcester, Rotlande & westmerlande & eche of them v. s̄
- And cytyes and broughes made shyres. iii. s̄. iiii. d.
- And of other double & great shyres. vi. s̄. viii. d
- Item to the Clerkes labourynge, wrytynge, & chargynge of the sayde viewes. ii s̄.
- Except the sayd cities & broughes made shyres of euerych of the which the clerkes aboue said shall take for the sayde viewes but onely. xx. d.
- [Page]Itē to the mayster for laboure of redynge endosynge & tryenge of petycyōs & fynes for contēptis yf any be of the shyryffes of Lōdon and Mydd, Surrye, & Sussex. Somers. and Dor [...]. Mai [...], & Leyc̄, Oxon̄, & Bark, Bede [...]orde, and Buk. Essex & Herf, Norf. & Suff. Yorke, & Lyncolne [...]f eueryche of the sheryffes. x. s̄.
- ¶ And of the shyres of Kente. Hampshyre, W [...]lt of Glouc̄, Nor̄, & Darby, Heref. Salop̄. Cumbr̄, Cambrigge, & Huntyndonshyres, Deuon̄, Corūbr̄, Sta [...]. Northūbr̄. Wor [...]e [...]r̄, and Rotiande euerych of the sherysses. vi. s̄. viii. d.
- ¶ And of the sheryffes of westmerlande and o [...] eche other Cytyes and broughes made shyres iii. s̄. iiii. d.
- Item to the maister for thentre for petycyons of customers Eschetours and other foreyne accomptauntis conteynynge halfe a rolle. iii. s. iiii. d.
- And if it cōteine more or lasse after thafferant.
- Item to the Mayster for thentre of sheryffes dayes Eschetours and other accomptauntis excepte dismes and quinzismes. xx. d.
- Itē to the mayster for entre of clame of fraū clryses of yssues fines and amerciamentes cō teynynge halfe a rolle. iii. s. iiii. d.
- And if it cōteyne ether more or l [...]s [...]e after tha [...] fe [...]nt. Item to the mayster for makynge of wryttes of pryuylege. ii. s̄.
- Item to the mayster for makynge, prouynge, & dyschargyng of eueryche viewe of bayllyffe of fraunchyses. xx. d.
- Item to the clerkes laboringe, wryttynge, and dyschargynge of euery suche viewe. xii. d
- [Page]Item to the collectoures of dismes & quinzismes. Nihil
- Item to the Clerkes for makynge of the renoure of the recorde and wrytte of euery Nisi prius conteynynge lesse than halfe a rolle. ii. s.
- And for more after thafferant.
- ¶ Item to the Clerkes for the commission of the same. ii. s.
- Itē to the Clerkes for thentre of the verdyte of euery suche Nisi prin a retourned. ii. s.
- ¶ Item to the Clerkes for makynge of sistas in auxilium constat Supersedies of lande and vtreleman. ii. [...].
- Itē to the Clerkes for Ficri facias vpō taillꝭ and other wryttes. vi. d.
- Item to the clerkes for entre of warrantes of attorney and mayupryse. iiii. d.
- ¶ Fyrste to the mayster for hꝭ fee making of Allowaūce & dyscharge of the sheryffes of Cornewall, worcestē, Rotelaude, & Wessmerlande of eche of them. v. s.
- Item to the mayster for cyties & broughes made shyres of eche of them. iii. s. iiii. d.
- And of euery double shyre & eche other greate shyre. x. s̄.
- Item to the Clerkes for alowaunce of tayles in the sayde double & great shyres. ii. s̄.
- Item to the Clerkes for tottes & ꝑcelles & discharge and alowaunce of the saide double and greate shytes. vi. s. viii. d.
- Itē to the Clerkes in the shyres of Cornewall [Page]worcester Roilande and westmerlande for alowaunce of rayles. xx. d.
- Item to the clerkes for tottes & parcelles dyscharge & alowasice of the same. iii. s. iiii. d.
- Item to the clerkes of cyties & broughes made shyres for alowaunce of tayles. xii. d.
- Itē to the clerkes for tottes & ꝑcelles discharges & alowaunce of the same. ii. s.
- Item to the mayster for alowaunce & discharges of Bayllyftes of fraunchyses. xx. d.
- Item to the mayster of euerye Eschetoure of the Shyres of London Staff. Worcestr̄. Salop̄, and Herf. iii. s. iiii. d.
- Itē to the mayster of euery other Eschetoure yf he haue any perycyons. v. s.
- And yf he haue no peticyon onely. iii. s. iiii. d.
- Item of Cytyes and Broughes made shyres, Nihil.
- Item to the Clerkes for alowaunce, of tayles of euerye Eschetoure of London, Stafforde Worcester. Salop̄, Hereforde, and cityes and broughes made shyres xii. d.
- Itē to the Clerkes for symple alowaunces of euerye other Eschetoure. xx. d.
- Item to the Clerkes for alowaunce of tayles of bayllyffes of fraunchyses. xii. d
- Itē to the Clerkes for discharge of Bailliffes of fraunchyses viii. d
- Item to the Maister of euery customer in the porte of Bryggewater, Chichester, Newecastell, Plymmouthe, Fowy, Pole and Bar wyke. iii. s. iiii. d.
- Item to the sayde clerkes of the sayd porte for alowaunce of tayles. xii. d
- [Page]And for dyscharge of them. xx. s̄.
- Itē to the mayster of euery customer in other portes. vi. s. viii. d.
- Item to the Clerkes in the same other portes for allowaunce of taylles. xx. d.
- And dicharge of them. iii. s. iiii. d.
- Item for collectours of quinzismes Nihil.
- Itē for then grossinge of greate accōptes with setre hande, that is to saye or the Treasoures of the kynges housholde. xxvi. s. viii. d.
- Of the kynges warderobe. xxvi. s. viii. d.
- Of the Tresoures of Caleya xxvi. s. viii. d.
- Of the vytayiler or Caleys. xiii. s. iiii. d.
- Of the clerke of the kingꝭ werkꝭ xiii. s. iiii. d.
- And of the duchy of Cornewall. xx s.
- And these summes of the sayde great accomptauntis to be deuyded bewyxte the sayd mayster & the clerkes, that is to saye two partes to the mdyster and the thyrde to the clerkes.
- Item of other small accomptauntis that cō teyne halfe a rolle of parchemyne of the Pype to the Clerkes that come late in to the sayde offyce, excepte of sheryffes and benefites n [...] [...]axed wherof no thynge shall be taken. ii. s.
- ¶ Fyrste to the mayster for his fee & rewarde of the sheryffes of Cornewall, worcestre, Rot land, westmerlande of eche of them. iii. s̄. iiii. d
- ¶ Item of cytyes & broughes made sheryffes of eche of them. Nihil
- Item to the maister of euery double shyre and eche other great shyre. vi. s. viii. d.
- [Page]¶ In primis pro br̄i originali ad sectam a licuius cōputantis in Sc̄cio predicto prosecu t̄ versus aliquam aliam personam. ii. s.
- Item pro br̄i iudiciali. &c. vi. s̄.
- Item pro intratione declerationis superinde fac [...] in Rotulo. ii. s.
- Item pro intratione de nihil dicit facr̄ super aliquo computanti. &c. ii. s.
- Item pro intracione iuditii redditi. &c. ii. s.
- Item pro breui de constat ad sectam alicuius computantis. ii. s.
- Item pro cōmissione facr̄ pro aliquo computante quorū nomina. iii. s. iii. d.
- Itē pro irrotulatione eiusd cōmissionis. xii. d.
- Item pro br̄i fieri facias super aliqua assignatione fact pro aliquo computante vel aliqua alia persona per aliam assignationem siue commissionem. &c. ii. s.
- Sed super fieri fac̄ per taliam. vi. d. tm̄.
- Item pro br̄i de Scire fac̄ super allocatione habita in eodm̄ Sc̄cio. &c. ii. s̄.
- Item pro iutratione pliti siue respons. pro ali qua computante. &c. ii. s.
- Item pro intratione facr̄ in rotulo ꝓ inuocatione tallie predicte ꝑaliquē cōputantē. ii. s.
- Item ex ampliticatione recordi habiri ꝓ aliquo compucante. &c. vi. s. iiii. d.
- ¶ Item for makyng and wryttynge of euery viewe of an eschetoure. v. s.
- [Page]¶ Item for the examynynge makynge & wryt tynge of thaccomptes of eschetours for euerye prest of the assyse of the p [...]pe wryten on bothe sydes. vi. s. viii. d.
- ¶ And yf it be lesse thā a prest thā lesse after thafferant. vi. s. viii. d.
- ¶ Itē for the examinynge preuinge deuyding castynge, & wrytynge of euerye accompte of customers in the portee of London of the greate custome Sandewych. Southr̄, Hulle, Boston & Ippyswyche yf there be shyppinge of wolles & no releygners nor lycence of euery suche accompte of a yere or more. xxvi. s. viii. d.
- And yf it be lesse than a yere after the afferete of. xxvi. s. viii. d. by the yere
- Itē yf there he reteygners or lycence for euery suche accompt of a yerre or more. xl. s.
- And yf yt be leste than a yere ofter th [...] [...]fferante of. xl. s. by the yere
- Itē for euery accompte of the saide customers in the sayde portes yf there be no shyppynge, of woltes for a yere and more. xiii. s. iiii. d.
- And yf it be lesse than a yere after thafferante of. xiii. s. iiii. d. by the yere.
- Item for euery accompte of the customers of the Tonnage and pontage of London of pe [...]y custome of London and of the Customers of Brystol for any suche accompte of a yere and more. xxvi. s. viii. d.
- And yf it be lesse than a yere after thafferāt of xxvi. s. viii. d. by the yere.
- Item for euery accōpt of the customers in the portes of Pole, Excestr̄, Dermouthe, Plymmouthe, Fowy, yermouthe, Lynne, and New [Page]castell, for euerye suche accompte of a yere or more xiii. s. iiii. d
- And yf it be lesse than a yere after the afferant of. xiii. s. iiii. d. by the yere
- Item for euery accompte of the customers in the portes of Chychester and Bryggewater for a yere or more. x. s.
- And yf it be lesse thā a yere after the afferante of. x. s. by the yere.
- And for euery viewe of Customers in the said portes of London the great custome of Sande wyche Southr̄, Hull, Boston̄, & Ippiswyche if there be no shyppynge of wolles. x. s.
- Item yf there be no shyppynge of wolles for euery suche viewe. vi. s. viii. d
- Item for euerye viewe of customers of Tonnage and pontage and pety custome of London and Bristowe. x. s
- Item for euery viewe of customers of the portes of Pole, Excestr̄, Dermouth Plymouth Fowy, yermouth, and Linne vi. s. viii. d.
- Item for euerye viewe of custamers in portes of Chichester, Newecastell & Bryggewar̄. v. s.
- Item for thexamynacyon preuynge castynge and makyng of accompte of the treasourer of housholde. xl. s.
- Item for the kynges warderobe. xxvi. s. viii d
- Itē for the clerke of the werkes. xxvi. s. viii. d.
- Item for the treasourer of Caleis. xl. s.
- Itē for the vytayler of Caleis. xxxiii. s. iiii. d.
- Itē for the Duchye of Cornewall. xi. s.
- Item for thaccomptes of the Constable of the Custell of Wyndosor. xxvi. s. viii. d.
- Item for the accomptes of the Treasourer of [Page]Irlande. xx. s̄.
- Item for thaccomptes of the Constable of the castell of Burdeux. xlvi. s. viii. d.
- Item for the accomptes of the Chamberleyne of Berwyke. xx s.
- Item for the accomptes of the chamberlayne of Southwalles. xxvi. s. viii d.
- Item for thaccomptes of the Chamberlayne of Northwalles. xxvi. s. viii. d.
- Item for thaccomptes of the Chamberlayne of Chestre. xxvi. s. viii d.
- Item for thaccomptes of the Clerke of the Hanaper. xx. s.
- Item for thaccomptes of the bayllyffe of Sandewyche. x. s.
- Item for thaccomptes of the mayster of the kynges hors. xiii. s. iiii. d.
- Item for euery accompt of euery fermdure of the subsyde of Alyenes Serchours and gawgiers in the portes. iii. s. iiii. d.
- Item for euerye foreyn accompte of sheryffes and vlnage. xii. d
- Item yf it be a Newe seiser. ii. s.
- Itē for euery accōpte of presten or any other foreyne accōpte so it conteyne the lengthe of an hole preste within forth. iii. s. iiii. d.
- And so more or lesse after thafferant.
- ¶ Item for euery viewe of collectours of be nefyces not taxed. xx d.
- Item for thaccompte therof. iii. s. iiii d
- ¶ Item for euery accompte of the Resumpcyon in the laste parlyamente graunted yf it were to any extent. x. s.
- Item of Nihil inde venit. Nihil [Page]Furthermore the sayde auditours shall take nothynge of the collectours of quinzismes for any viewe or accompte makynge.
- ¶ Fyrste of the sheryffes of London & Mydd Surr̄, and Sussex, Som̄s, and Dors. War [...], & Ley [...], Oxen̄, and Berk, Byod (er), and Buk. Cant and Hunt, Essex and Herforde, Norf. & Suff. Nor̄, and Derby, Kente, H [...]mpshyre, Wyltes, Deuoū, Corunbr̄, Glouc. Northumbr̄, Lyncolne, and Yorke of euery shyryffe of these shyres the apposer. vi. s. viii. d
- And his Clerkes. xl. d.
- Item for bylles of alowaunse of Iustyces of the peace of eueryche of the sayde Sheryffes. iii. s. iiii. d.
- Itē of bayllyffes of fraunchyses of theyr claymes within the saide shyres aforesayd. xx. d.
- ¶ Item of the Sheryffe of the Cytie of Nor wyche Cytie of porke, the Cytye of Lyncolne Kynstone vpon Hull, Herforde, worcestr̄. Salop̄. Stafforde, Rotlande. Northūbr̄, Cumbr̄ westmer̄. Newcastel. Bristowe, Couentre, & Nor̄, & eueryche one of these shyryf, the forn̄ opposer. &c. iii. s. iiii. d.
- And his clerke. xx. d.
- Item for bylles of alowaunce of the Iustyces of peace wages of eueryche of the sayde sheryffe. xx. d.
- Itē of the Bayllyffes of Fraūchyses of these shyres for theyr clames. xii d.
- [Page]¶ Fyrste of euery Sheryffe of the Shyre of London & Mydd, Surrey, & Sussex, Somersand Dors. Warr̄, & Leyc, Oxen̄, & Berk, Bedd, and Buk, Essex, Hertf, Norr̄ & Sur̄, yorke, Lyncoln̄ for ioynynge of taylles of eueryche of the sayde sheryffes. iii. s iiii. d
- Item for ioynynge of taylles of euerye Eschetours of the sayde shyres except Mydd, xx. d
- ¶ Item to the Sheryffes of Kent, So [...]th [...], wiltes, Glouc̄, Nor̄, & Derby, Heret. Salop̄. Cant̄, & Hunt̄, & Cumberlande for ionynge of tayles of eueryche of the sayd sheryffes. ii. s.
- Itē for ioynynge of taylles of euery eschetour in the same shyres except Kente & Cumbr̄. xx. d
- Itē of the sheryffes of Deuon̄, Corūbr̄, Staf Northumbr̄, worcestr̄. Rotlande, westmer, & of eche other Cytie & broughe made shyres for ioynynge of taylles of eche of the sayde sheryffes. xx. d.
- Itē for ioynynge of taylles of euery eschetour of the sayde shyres excepte Denon̄ Corumb. Northūbr̄, Rotlande, & westmerl. xii. d.
- Itē for euery eschetour of the shyres of Kente and Mydd, Deuon̄, Corumb, Northumbr̄, Rotlande, Cumbr̄, and Westmer, for ioynynge of taylles. ii. s.
- Item of euery bayllyffe of fraūchyses for ioynynge of taylles of the summe xx. s. or aboue xii. d.
- Item of euery bayllyffe of fraunchses for ioynynge of taylles [...]yneth. xx s. iiii. d.
- Itē of the customers of euery of the portes of London, Sandwyche, South, Hull, Boston̄ & Ippyswyche for ioynynge of tayles. v. s.
- [Page]Item of the customers of the portes; of Pole Excestr̄, Dermouth, Plymmoth, Fowy. yet mouth, Lynne, and Newcasteel. iii. s. iiii d
- Item of the customers of euery of the portes of Chychester Bryggewacer xx. d.
- Item of euerye Fermoure or dettoure not accomptaunte for ioynynge of euery tayle to be allowed to the sayd Fermoure dettoure and not allowed to any sheryffe or bayllyffe, if the sayd taylles be byueth. xx. [...]. iiii. d.
- And yf the sayd taylles be of. xx. [...]i. or more vnder xl. pounde. vi. d.
- Item yf the sayde taylle be of. xl li. or aboue xii. d.
- Item of euery Collectoure of dismes graunted by the clergye. xii. d
- Item of the collectours of quinzismes. Nihil.
In thoffyce of the clerke of thexstretis.
Onele his fees and rewardes. of the kynge.