❧: This is a true copy of the ordynaunce made in the tyme of the reygne of kynge Henry the vi. to be obserued in the kynges Eschequier / by the offycers and clerkes of the same / for takyng of fees of the kyngꝭ accomptis in the same courte. ✚

‘HONE SOIT QV [...] MALE PEN [...]

¶ In thoffyre of the kyngꝭ Remem­braunce.
¶ Ink Recorde de termino sancti Michae­lis. Anno xxvi. Regis Henrici sexti Ro­tulo. lvi. exparte Remem̄ regis.

  • FIrste for thentre of a custo­mers viewe or accomptes in the Portes of Bryggewater, Chichester Newecastel Plimmouthe. Fowy. Pole, & Ber­wyke. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • Item for thentre of a Custo­mers viewe or accompt of euery other porte. vi. s. viii. d.
  • Item to the Secundary Clerke of the sayde euery other porte. xx. other porte. vi. s. viii. d.
  • Itē for thentre of processes or plees of accōptauntis coteynynge halfe a roll. iii. s. iiii. d
  • Item yf it cōteyne an hole rolle. vi. s. viii. d.
  • And so after the afferant yf it conteyne more.
  • Item for thentre of letters patentes Escrip [...] consessyd or other recordes conteynynge lesse than halfe a rolle. ii. s.
  • And yf it conteyne halfe a rolle. ii. s. iiii. d.
  • And so after the afferant.
  • Item for eutre of dayes and contynuaunce of accomptauntis. xx. d.
  • Itē for makynge of wryttes of pryuylege. ii. s
  • Item of the collectours and accomptauntis of the. xv. peny. Nihil
  • Itē for thentre of wryttes vnder the greate or pryue Seale dyrect to the treasourer & barons [Page]for accōptantis yf it cōteyne halfe a roll. ii. [...]
  • And yf it cōteyne halfe a syde of a rolle. xii. d.
  • And yf it conteyne more than halfe a rolle af­ter the afferante the whithe shall remayne to the clerkes, excepte Mittimus and other writtes, whiche haue ben vsed of olde to be entred amonge recordes.
  • Item to the Clerkes for theyre petycyons yf they conteyne halfe a skynne of Parchemyn prest wyse. ii. s.
  • Item to the Clerkes for thentre of foren ac­comptes of Scotysshmoney. xx. s̄.
  • Item to the clerkes for thentre of warrantes of attourney. iiii. d.
  • Itē to the Clerkes for wakynge of Sistas in auxiliū cōstat de Nisi prius and cōmissyōs of Nisi priꝰ at the cōsēt of the party cōteyninge lesse thā half a rolle of ꝑchmyn prest wyse. ii. s̄.
  • And so after thasterant yf it conteyne more.
¶ In the office of the Treasourer. of remembraunces.
  • ¶ Friste to the mayster for makinge, ꝑuing, castynge. dischargyng, & alowaunce of the viewes of the shyres of Cornewall, worcester, Rotlande & westmerlande & eche of them v. s̄
  • And cytyes and broughes made shyres. iii. s̄. iiii. d.
  • And of other double & great shyres. vi. s̄. viii. d
  • Item to the Clerkes labourynge, wrytynge, & chargynge of the sayde viewes. ii s̄.
  • Except the sayd cities & broughes made shyres of euerych of the which the clerkes aboue said shall take for the sayde viewes but onely. xx. d.
  • [Page]Itē to the mayster for laboure of redynge en­dosynge & tryenge of petycyōs & fynes for con­tēptis yf any be of the shyryffes of Lōdon and Mydd, Surrye, & Sussex. Somers. and Dor [...]. Mai [...], & Leyc̄, Oxon̄, & Bark, Bede [...]orde, and Buk. Essex & Herf, Norf. & Suff. Yorke, & Lyncolne [...]f eueryche of the sheryffes. x. s̄.
  • ¶ And of the shyres of Kente. Hampshyre, W [...]lt of Glouc̄, Nor̄, & Darby, Heref. Salop̄. Cumbr̄, Cambrigge, & Huntyndonshyres, Deuon̄, Corūbr̄, Sta [...]. Northūbr̄. Wor [...]e [...]r̄, and Rotiande euerych of the sherysses. vi. s̄. viii. d.
  • ¶ And of the sheryffes of westmerlande and o [...] eche other Cytyes and broughes made shy­res iii. s̄. iiii. d.
  • Item to the maister for thentre for petycyons of customers Eschetours and other foreyne accomptauntis conteynynge halfe a rolle. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • And if it cōteine more or lasse after thafferant.
  • Item to the Mayster for thentre of sheryffes dayes Eschetours and other accomptauntis excepte dismes and quinzismes. xx. d.
  • Itē to the mayster for entre of clame of fraū ­clryses of yssues fines and amerciamentes cō ­teynynge halfe a rolle. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • And if it cōteyne ether more or l [...]s [...]e after tha [...] fe [...]nt. Item to the mayster for makynge of wryttes of pryuylege. ii. s̄.
  • Item to the mayster for makynge, prouynge, & dyschargyng of eueryche viewe of bayllyffe of fraunchyses. xx. d.
  • Item to the clerkes laboringe, wryttynge, and dyschargynge of euery suche viewe. xii. d
  • [Page]Item to the collectoures of dismes & quinzis­mes. Nihil
  • Item to the Clerkes for makynge of the re­noure of the recorde and wrytte of euery Nisi prius conteynynge lesse than halfe a rolle. ii. s.
  • And for more after thafferant.
  • ¶ Item to the Clerkes for the commission of the same. ii. s.
  • Itē to the Clerkes for thentre of the verdyte of euery suche Nisi prin a retourned. ii. s.
  • ¶ Item to the Clerkes for makynge of sistas in auxilium constat Supersedies of lande and vtreleman. ii. [...].
  • Itē to the Clerkes for Ficri facias vpō taillꝭ and other wryttes. vi. d.
  • Item to the clerkes for entre of warrantes of attorney and mayupryse. iiii. d.
¶ In thoffyce of thengosser.
  • ¶ Fyrste to the mayster for hꝭ fee making of Allowaūce & dyscharge of the sheryffes of Cornewall, worcestē, Rotelaude, & Wessmerlande of eche of them. v. s.
  • Item to the mayster for cyties & broughes made shyres of eche of them. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • And of euery double shyre & eche other greate shyre. x. s̄.
  • Item to the Clerkes for alowaunce of tayles in the sayde double & great shyres. ii. s̄.
  • Item to the Clerkes for tottes & ꝑcelles & dis­charge and alowaunce of the saide double and greate shytes. vi. s. viii. d.
  • Itē to the Clerkes in the shyres of Cornewall [Page]worcester Roilande and westmerlande for a­lowaunce of rayles. xx. d.
  • Item to the clerkes for tottes & parcelles dys­charge & alowasice of the same. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • Item to the clerkes of cyties & broughes made shyres for alowaunce of tayles. xii. d.
  • Itē to the clerkes for tottes & ꝑcelles dischar­ges & alowaunce of the same. ii. s.
  • Item to the mayster for alowaunce & dischar­ges of Bayllyftes of fraunchyses. xx. d.
  • Item to the mayster of euerye Eschetoure of the Shyres of London Staff. Worcestr̄. Sa­lop̄, and Herf. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • Itē to the mayster of euery other Eschetoure yf he haue any perycyons. v. s.
  • And yf he haue no peticyon onely. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • Item of Cytyes and Broughes made shyres, Nihil.
  • Item to the Clerkes for alowaunce, of tayles of euerye Eschetoure of London, Stafforde Worcester. Salop̄, Hereforde, and cityes and broughes made shyres xii. d.
  • Itē to the Clerkes for symple alowaunces of euerye other Eschetoure. xx. d.
  • Item to the Clerkes for alowaunce of tayles of bayllyffes of fraunchyses. xii. d
  • Itē to the Clerkes for discharge of Bailliffes of fraunchyses viii. d
  • Item to the Maister of euery customer in the porte of Bryggewater, Chichester, Neweca­stell, Plymmouthe, Fowy, Pole and Bar wyke. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • Item to the sayde clerkes of the sayd porte for alowaunce of tayles. xii. d
  • [Page]And for dyscharge of them. xx. s̄.
  • Itē to the mayster of euery customer in other portes. vi. s. viii. d.
  • Item to the Clerkes in the same other portes for allowaunce of taylles. xx. d.
  • And dicharge of them. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • Item for collectours of quinzismes Nihil.
  • Itē for then grossinge of greate accōptes with setre hande, that is to saye or the Treasoures of the kynges housholde. xxvi. s. viii. d.
  • Of the kynges warderobe. xxvi. s. viii. d.
  • Of the Tresoures of Caleya xxvi. s. viii. d.
  • Of the vytayiler or Caleys. xiii. s. iiii. d.
  • Of the clerke of the kingꝭ werkꝭ xiii. s. iiii. d.
  • And of the duchy of Cornewall. xx s.
  • And these summes of the sayde great accomptauntis to be deuyded bewyxte the sayd may­ster & the clerkes, that is to saye two partes to the mdyster and the thyrde to the clerkes.
  • Item of other small accomptauntis that cō ­teyne halfe a rolle of parchemyne of the Pype to the Clerkes that come late in to the sayde offyce, excepte of sheryffes and benefites n [...] [...]axed wherof no thynge shall be taken. ii. s.
¶ In thoffyce of Controller shyppe
  • ¶ Fyrste to the mayster for his fee & rewarde of the sheryffes of Cornewall, worcestre, Rot land, westmerlande of eche of them. iii. s̄. iiii. d
  • ¶ Item of cytyes & broughes made sheryffes of eche of them. Nihil
  • Item to the maister of euery double shyre and eche other great shyre. vi. s. viii. d.
¶ In officio clerici plitorū.
  • [Page]¶ In primis pro br̄i originali ad sectam a li­cuius cōputantis in Sc̄cio predicto prosecu t̄ versus aliquam aliam personam. ii. s.
  • Item pro br̄i iudiciali. &c. vi. s̄.
  • Item pro intratione declerationis superinde fac [...] in Rotulo. ii. s.
  • Item pro intratione de nihil dicit facr̄ super aliquo computanti. &c. ii. s.
  • Item pro intracione iuditii redditi. &c. ii. s.
  • Item pro breui de constat ad sectam alicuius computantis. ii. s.
  • Item pro cōmissione facr̄ pro aliquo compu­tante quorū nomina. iii. s. iii. d.
  • Itē pro irrotulatione eiusd cōmissionis. xii. d.
  • Item pro br̄i fieri facias super aliqua assig­natione fact pro aliquo computante vel ali­qua alia persona per aliam assignationem si­ue commissionem. &c. ii. s.
  • Sed super fieri fac̄ per taliam. vi. d. tm̄.
  • Item pro br̄i de Scire fac̄ super allocatione habita in eodm̄ Sc̄cio. &c. ii. s̄.
  • Item pro iutratione pliti siue respons. pro ali qua computante. &c. ii. s.
  • Item pro intratione facr̄ in rotulo ꝓ inuoca­tione tallie predicte ꝑaliquē cōputantē. ii. s.
  • Item ex ampliticatione recordi habiri ꝓ ali­quo compucante. &c. vi. s. iiii. d.
¶ Pro Auditoribus et clericꝰ suis.
  • ¶ Item for makyng and wryttynge of euery viewe of an eschetoure. v. s.
  • [Page]¶ Item for the examynynge makynge & wryt tynge of thaccomptes of eschetours for euerye prest of the assyse of the p [...]pe wryten on bothe sydes. vi. s. viii. d.
  • ¶ And yf it be lesse thā a prest thā lesse after thafferant. vi. s. viii. d.
  • ¶ Itē for the examinynge preuinge deuyding castynge, & wrytynge of euerye accompte of customers in the portee of London of the greate custome Sandewych. Southr̄, Hulle, Boston & Ippyswyche yf there be shyppinge of wolles & no releygners nor lycence of euery suche ac­compte of a yere or more. xxvi. s. viii. d.
  • And yf it be lesse than a yere after the afferete of. xxvi. s. viii. d. by the yere
  • Itē yf there he reteygners or lycence for euery suche accompt of a yerre or more. xl. s.
  • And yf yt be leste than a yere ofter th [...] [...]fferante of. xl. s. by the yere
  • Itē for euery accompte of the saide customers in the sayde portes yf there be no shyppynge, of woltes for a yere and more. xiii. s. iiii. d.
  • And yf it be lesse than a yere after thafferante of. xiii. s. iiii. d. by the yere.
  • Item for euery accompte of the customers of the Tonnage and pontage of London of pe [...]y custome of London and of the Customers of Brystol for any suche accompte of a yere and more. xxvi. s. viii. d.
  • And yf it be lesse than a yere after thafferāt of xxvi. s. viii. d. by the yere.
  • Item for euery accōpt of the customers in the portes of Pole, Excestr̄, Dermouthe, Plym­mouthe, Fowy, yermouthe, Lynne, and New [Page]castell, for euerye suche accompte of a yere or more xiii. s. iiii. d
  • And yf it be lesse than a yere after the afferant of. xiii. s. iiii. d. by the yere
  • Item for euery accompte of the customers in the portes of Chychester and Bryggewater for a yere or more. x. s.
  • And yf it be lesse thā a yere after the afferante of. x. s. by the yere.
  • And for euery viewe of Customers in the said portes of London the great custome of Sande wyche Southr̄, Hull, Boston̄, & Ippiswyche if there be no shyppynge of wolles. x. s.
  • Item yf there be no shyppynge of wolles for euery suche viewe. vi. s. viii. d
  • Item for euerye viewe of customers of Ton­nage and pontage and pety custome of Lon­don and Bristowe. x. s
  • Item for euery viewe of customers of the portes of Pole, Excestr̄, Dermouth Plymouth Fowy, yermouth, and Linne vi. s. viii. d.
  • Item for euerye viewe of custamers in portes of Chichester, Newecastell & Bryggewar̄. v. s.
  • Item for thexamynacyon preuynge castynge and makyng of accompte of the treasourer of housholde. xl. s.
  • Item for the kynges warderobe. xxvi. s. viii d
  • Itē for the clerke of the werkes. xxvi. s. viii. d.
  • Item for the treasourer of Caleis. xl. s.
  • Itē for the vytayler of Caleis. xxxiii. s. iiii. d.
  • Itē for the Duchye of Cornewall. xi. s.
  • Item for thaccomptes of the Constable of the Custell of Wyndosor. xxvi. s. viii. d.
  • Item for the accomptes of the Treasourer of [Page]Irlande. xx. s̄.
  • Item for thaccomptes of the Constable of the castell of Burdeux. xlvi. s. viii. d.
  • Item for the accomptes of the Chamberleyne of Berwyke. xx s.
  • Item for the accomptes of the chamberlayne of Southwalles. xxvi. s. viii d.
  • Item for thaccomptes of the Chamberlayne of Northwalles. xxvi. s. viii. d.
  • Item for thaccomptes of the Chamberlayne of Chestre. xxvi. s. viii d.
  • Item for thaccomptes of the Clerke of the Hanaper. xx. s.
  • Item for thaccomptes of the bayllyffe of Sandewyche. x. s.
  • Item for thaccomptes of the mayster of the kynges hors. xiii. s. iiii. d.
  • Item for euery accompt of euery fermdure of the subsyde of Alyenes Serchours and gaw­giers in the portes. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • Item for euerye foreyn accompte of sheryffes and vlnage. xii. d
  • Item yf it be a Newe seiser. ii. s.
  • Itē for euery accōpte of presten or any other foreyne accōpte so it conteyne the lengthe of an hole preste within forth. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • And so more or lesse after thafferant.
  • ¶ Item for euery viewe of collectours of be nefyces not taxed. xx d.
  • Item for thaccompte therof. iii. s. iiii d
  • ¶ Item for euery accompte of the Resump­cyon in the laste parlyamente graunted yf it were to any extent. x. s.
  • Item of Nihil inde venit. Nihil [Page]Furthermore the sayde auditours shall take nothynge of the collectours of quinzismes for any viewe or accompte makynge.
¶ In thoffyce of the forū opposer.
  • ¶ Fyrste of the sheryffes of London & Mydd Surr̄, and Sussex, Som̄s, and Dors. War [...], & Ley [...], Oxen̄, and Berk, Byod (er), and Buk. Cant and Hunt, Essex and Herforde, Norf. & Suff. Nor̄, and Derby, Kente, H [...]mpshyre, Wyltes, Deuoū, Corunbr̄, Glouc. Northumbr̄, Lyn­colne, and Yorke of euery shyryffe of these shy­res the apposer. vi. s. viii. d
  • And his Clerkes. xl. d.
  • Item for bylles of alowaunse of Iustyces of the peace of eueryche of the sayde Sheryffes. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • Itē of bayllyffes of fraunchyses of theyr clay­mes within the saide shyres aforesayd. xx. d.
  • ¶ Item of the Sheryffe of the Cytie of Nor wyche Cytie of porke, the Cytye of Lyncolne Kynstone vpon Hull, Herforde, worcestr̄. Sa­lop̄. Stafforde, Rotlande. Northūbr̄, Cumbr̄ westmer̄. Newcastel. Bristowe, Couentre, & Nor̄, & eueryche one of these shyryf, the forn̄ opposer. &c. iii. s. iiii. d.
  • And his clerke. xx. d.
  • Item for bylles of alowaunce of the Iusty­ces of peace wages of eueryche of the sayde sheryffe. xx. d.
  • Itē of the Bayllyffes of Fraūchyses of these shyres for theyr clames. xii d.
¶ In thoffyce of Chamberlaynes.
  • [Page]¶ Fyrste of euery Sheryffe of the Shyre of London & Mydd, Surrey, & Sussex, Somers­and Dors. Warr̄, & Leyc, Oxen̄, & Berk, Bedd, and Buk, Essex, Hertf, Norr̄ & Sur̄, yorke, Lyncoln̄ for ioynynge of taylles of eueryche of the sayde sheryffes. iii. s iiii. d
  • Item for ioynynge of taylles of euerye Eschetours of the sayde shyres except Mydd, xx. d
  • ¶ Item to the Sheryffes of Kent, So [...]th [...], wiltes, Glouc̄, Nor̄, & Derby, Heret. Salop̄. Cant̄, & Hunt̄, & Cumberlande for ionynge of tayles of eueryche of the sayd sheryffes. ii. s.
  • Itē for ioynynge of taylles of euery eschetour in the same shyres except Kente & Cumbr̄. xx. d
  • Itē of the sheryffes of Deuon̄, Corūbr̄, Staf Northumbr̄, worcestr̄. Rotlande, westmer, & of eche other Cytie & broughe made shyres for ioynynge of taylles of eche of the sayde sheryffes. xx. d.
  • Itē for ioynynge of taylles of euery eschetour of the sayde shyres excepte Denon̄ Corumb. Northūbr̄, Rotlande, & westmerl. xii. d.
  • Itē for euery eschetour of the shyres of Kente and Mydd, Deuon̄, Corumb, Northumbr̄, Rotlande, Cumbr̄, and Westmer, for ioynynge of taylles. ii. s.
  • Item of euery bayllyffe of fraūchyses for ioy­nynge of taylles of the summe xx. s. or aboue xii. d.
  • Item of euery bayllyffe of fraunchses for ioynynge of taylles [...]yneth. xx s. iiii. d.
  • Itē of the customers of euery of the portes of London, Sandwyche, South, Hull, Boston̄ & Ippyswyche for ioynynge of tayles. v. s.
  • [Page]Item of the customers of the portes; of Pole Excestr̄, Dermouth, Plymmoth, Fowy. yet mouth, Lynne, and Newcasteel. iii. s. iiii d
  • Item of the customers of euery of the portes of Chychester Bryggewacer xx. d.
  • Item of euerye Fermoure or dettoure not ac­comptaunte for ioynynge of euery tayle to be allowed to the sayd Fermoure dettoure and not allowed to any sheryffe or bayllyffe, if the sayd taylles be byueth. xx. [...]. iiii. d.
  • And yf the sayd taylles be of. xx. [...]i. or more vnder xl. pounde. vi. d.
  • Item yf the sayde taylle be of. xl li. or aboue xii. d.
  • Item of euery Collectoure of dismes graun­ted by the clergye. xii. d
  • Item of the collectours of quinzismes. Nihil.

In thoffyce of the clerke of thexstretis.


Onele his fees and rewardes. of the kynge.

¶ Imprynted at London. by me Roberte Redman.


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