THE HISTORY Of the l …

THE HISTORY Of the late English Rebellion, Deduced from its first Flame in 1640. And continued to the Quenching thereof by His Majesties happy Re­stauration, 1660. BY W. Y.

To which is Added Fundamentum Patriae: OR, Englands Settlement Being A View of the State Affairs in this King­dom, Since His Majesties Restauration, to the year, 1665

London, Printed for Tho. Rooks at the Lamb and Ink-bottle, at the East-end of S. Pauls; who makes and sells the best Ink for Records, 1665.


THis brief Rela­tion was com­posed Chiefly out of the Au­thors own observation of the transactions in these late [Page]sad times. Many things are purposely omitted (especi­ally in the former part) for brevity sake, which other­wise might have been inser­ted. For his intentions at first, were to leave it in the Register book of his Parish (in which he first began it) for the use of his successors; but it growing too big for that design, he drew the rest down in papers to the co­ming in of General Monck, and the happy Restitution of King Charles the Second [Page]to his Throne. He hath en­deavoured herein to set down nothing but truth; and hopeth he hath not much failed therein: How­ever, if any errors or mi­stakes be, they are not wilfull, and (possibly) not much material. His purpose only is to set forth the stupendious mercy of God in raising up a tempo­rary Saviour (such a one he accounts General Monck to be) for the deliverance of this sinful Nation, from [Page]an oppression or slavery as bad as Egyptian; and from a confusion no less than Ba­bylonish. If God may have the glory, by an humble acknowledgement and real thanks to be given him by the people of these King­doms, it is all the Author expects or desires.

Books printed for Robert Gibb [...] at the Ball in Chancery Lane.

STemma Sacrum, The Royal Proge­ny, by Giles Fleming, Minister o [...] Waddingworth in the County of Lin­coln.

Epinicia Carolina, or an Essay upon the Return of his sacred Majesty, Charls the second; by S. Wood­ford Gent. quarto.

The blessed Estate of them that die in the Lord; by Tho. Manton Minister of Covent-Garden, preached at the Fu­neral of Mrs. Jane Blackwell, Wife of Elidad Blackwell.

An hundred choice Meditations Divine and Moral; by Henry Tubb M. A. of Saint Johns Colledge in Cam­bridge.

Sensuality dissected, or the Epi­cure's Motto, opened, censured, im­proved, preached at the Kentish Feast.

The Saints Gods precious Trea­sure, being a Sermon preached at the Funeral of Darcy Wyvil Esq Eldest Son to the truly honourable Sir Christopher VVyvil.

The Excellent Woman a Sermon at the Funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Scot.

The vanity of glorying in the flesh, in a Sermon preached at the Funeral of Kingswel Lucy Esq These four Ser­mons all preached by Tho. Case Mi­nister of Saint Giles in the Fields, and may be bound in one volume in 120.

Fundamentum Patriae: OR, ENGLAND's Settlement: BEING A VIEW OF The STATE of AFFAIRS In this Kingdom, Since his Majesties Restoration, to the year 1665.

LONDON: Printed for Thomas Rooks, at the Lamb and Ink-bottle at the East-end of S. Pauls. 1665.

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