THE YOUNG-MANS VICTORY Over the POVVER of the DEVIL. Or, Strange and VVonderful News from the City of LONDON;


Being a full and true Relation of a Vertuous Young-Man, who being but Fifteen years of Age, living in the Parish of St. Giles's, was wonderfully tempted by the Devil: Discovering the Baits of the Devil, and how he followed him from place to place, wheresoever he did go, still tempting to leave his School, and to fly from Godliness, and to follow him, and he would furnish him with Baggs of Gold and Silver, promsing to show him all the Pleasures and Happiness that this World could afford, if he would but agree to follow his ways and take his Counsell. But this Youth having a stedfast Faith in Christ, made the Devil this. Answer: Be gone from me thou wicked and infernal Spirit, and tempt me no more, for I am sure I shall enjoy all the Pleasures and Felicties that Heaven can afford, amongst all the Angels and Saints in Christ; therefore be gone from me thou wicked Deluder of poor Souls: I value not thy Bags of Gold and Silver, nor all the Pleasures thou canst give me in this World, when thou, Like a false deluding Serpent, wouldst have me to burn in Hell flames with thee. Where upon the Youth immediately fell down upon his Knees, praving to Almighty God, that he might be able to o­vercome the Wiles and Temptations of the subtile Deceiver.

The Subtile Tempter fitteth his Temptations,
To the Degrees of Ages Inclinations.
The State of Chiildhood he Allures with Play,
To cast both Book and Learning quite away.
When Youth arrive unto a Manly Stature,
He baits his Hook after another Nature:
Women, Wine, Musick, are the charms he finds
From Virtues Studies to attack their minds
When Future State Man cast His thoughts upon,
And towards Heaven would be jogging on,
Satan before him Worldly Treasures throw,
To make the Heaven-bound Pilgrim move more flow.
But if this fail, another cause he'll try,
And lets his unrelenting Flames to fly
Stand fast by Faith left thou be over thrown,
The persevering Christian gains the Crown.

The School-master and Schollar.

The Vertu­ous Student

The Holy Pilgrim tra­velling to the New Je­rusalem.

The Chri­stian armed against SA­TAN.

N [...] now [...] Way, and straight is the Gate, that leadeth unto Life.

Satan tempteth him to neglect Learning; and follow Gaming

SATAN tempteth him from his Study to evil company.

Satan tempteth him with Bag of Gold and Silver.

Satan would tear him, but he is bound by Hell-flames.

WHither away young man? speak, let me know:
That thee and I may like Companions go,
Walk not so fast, but keep thou pace with me,
And I'll conduct thee to Felicity.
Young man.
My meaning is to thee I plainly tell
To shun those Crooked paths that lead to Hell:
For I desire to come to Heaven at last
And that's the reason why I go so fast.
Pish, talk no more of that, but tell me why
Thou seemst not glad of my good Company?
Come, if thou canst but take delight in me
I shall be pleas'd with thy good Company.
But I'm a fraid that thou wilt me intice
To fly from Virtue and to follow Vice,
Which may my poor immortal Soul insnare
Of which I ought to take a special care;
Slight not my kindness for I do protest
I'll thee conduct to everlasting rest;
What canst then mere desire, or ask of me?
I'll be thy Guide to blest Eternity.
What thou pretends so, should I believe
I fear at last thou wouldst my Soul deceive,
For those who do most kindness pretend
Do often prove deceitful in the end.
Be not so rash my Youth, but grave and wise
With Reason and Discretion still advice,
Believe my words and do not think I jest
When as I say my foot-paths are the best;
Do not mistake me, for 'tis I alone
Can make thee happy, (youth) and there is none
Can more advantage thee, they are but stories
That they then hearknest too, call endless Glories.
I say believe me, for I can display
Truths figures, better by a deal than they;
It lies within my power to deal with you
As I my self shall think most fit todo:
T'is I can make the Rich, or make the Poor
And send such pains thou canst not well indure:
Or I can Crown thee with such joys that thou
Shalt hug my Charms, what faist thou to me now?
Tempter give o'er, thy crafty Wiles forbear
Such frothy promises cannot insnare,
Nor win me to thy false deluding will;
With what thou seem'st to Cure, thou mean'st to kill:
build my Faith on a foundation sure
Firm as a Rock, and ever will endure.
What! dost thou count me a Perfidious wretch
That seek by crasty wiles thy Soul to catch?
Alas! what profit can it be to me
By wronging such a silly youth as thee.
These empty thoughts, me thinks must needs presage
And show the weakness of thy tender age:
Thy time and breath thou idly hast mispent
And for the same be sorry and Repent.
Oh happy word that thou hast now exprest,
Repentance is the High-way to be Blest;
Deceitful Wretch begone, I cannot brook
Thy Golden Baits, nor yet thy Silver Hook:
Tho' thou pretendest to be good and wise,
I fear thou art the father of all lyes,
Come for to try if thou canst me deceive
As thou in Paradice betrayedst Eve.
Well, if thou wilt not my perswasions mind,
Twill be your loss you in the end will find,
For my part, I [...] so indifferent,
That losing thee I shall not much repent;
Take my instructions once I say again,
Lest of thy folly thou too late complain:
Say: shall I call thee mine, that thou mayst be
For ever blest with immortality?
'Tis not thy charming tongue that can prevail
Over my armed [...]oul thou dost assaile;
Gods Holy Word I'll strive for to fulfil,
And his Commands shall be my Byass still;
T'is not thy promises that I believe,
Nor painted joys wherewith thou wouldst deceive;
'Tis not the Venome of thy Poysoned Dart
Can hurt or penetrate my tender heart,
Religion is my Buckler and my Shield,
It lies not in thy power to make me yield,
The Paths are streight in which I ought to run,
Some use the broad ways till they are undone,
And those that Virtue leave to follow Vice,
Themselves bereave of Blessed Paradice.
Plead not Religion, for I dare maintain
That what thou seekest for is all in vain;
And let me tell you, 'tis not right nor just
For to condemn me e're you try or trust;
Observe my Actions, mind but my design,
And in the end the profit will be thine;
Why to each other should we be so strange?
Be rul'd by me, we hearts will interchange.
Thou sayst that thou art good, but if thou be,
Why dost thou strive thus to intangle me?
My Conscience bids me tell thee (when thou cryest
Thou'rt great, and good, and real) that thou lyest;
If thou wert so, why dost thou strive to bring
Me to destructive, poor and helpless thing?
What Charity can seem in thee to shine,
Or lodge within a Breast so curst as thine?
Heavens help I will implore, then shall I be
From thee and all thy Stratagems most free.
Lord let him not conjure me by his Charms,
Whose courtefies are nothing less thaa harms,
Do thou protect me, I shall be secure
From his fierce on-sets that would me allure,
Give me thy Grace, then shall I happy be,
And o're Temptation get the Victory.
What, still deny! will notihng thee engage
For to escape the fury of my rage;
Thou'lt pull upon thee horrour and distress,
Till thou cryest out that thou art pittiless,
And none shall come to ease thee of thy grief,
Nor shall thy mourning yield to thee relief,
I will aflict thee with such Judgments sore,
That thou in vain my pitty shall implore.
What tho' the Spring-Tide of thy fierce desire;
Flow to the height, yet still my heart aspires
To Blessed Glory, where th [...] Angels sings,
Great Hallelujahs to the King of Kings:
Thou Soul-deceiver my heart yields no place
But (no [...]ke) I scorn thee to thy race;
Thy well-Dy'd Coloars, which thy Art prepares,
Thy impudence sufficiently declares;
Now batter on, for I do fear thee nor,
My armed Soul doth fear no Cannon-shot.
If thou dost move my anger, thou wilt find
What 'tis to move a Friend that would be kind:
Haves not sought thee both by night and day
To go to bliss?
The quite contrary way.
S. Have I not promis'd all hears can desire
To save thy Soul?
No, no, thou art a Lyar
S. Did I not promise to thee to be just?
But who is so mad in thee to put their trust
S. Did I not promise that thou shouldst be wise?
Through grace I did thy promises despise.
S. Did I not promise to increase thy store?
Y Thou art a Lyar, I replyed before.
S. Did I not promise thee Eternal bliss?
But who can give that which is none of his.
S. I by fair terms has labour'd tho' in vain?
That which I hope thou never wilt obtain.
S. But what if I should threaten thee with grief?
To Heaven I'd fly, and there should find relief.
S. Well then I'll leave thee since it is in vain
To strive to get that which I would obtain,
At my departure 'll give thee a Curse,
And if thou dost I shall be ne'er the worse:
Satan be gone, for it is in vain to think
Whom Christ protects that thou canst cause to sink.
S. Why dost thou bid me go that fain would bless
Thy Soul with everlasting Happiness?
Come let's agree, and lend to me a smile,
That never sought thy Soul for to beguile.
Thou art, and ever wert a great Deceiver,
Striving to couquer e'ery Just Believer;
And He will prove a Saviour at the last,
Who through His Grace in Chains doth keep thee fast.
S. It is my kindness, and not thy desert,
That makes me thus in Peace from thee to part;
Think not that I did seek thy overthrow,
I sought the good, tho' thou didst say me no,
I value not thy kindness, but desire
That God would save me from Eternal Fire;
So Satan now be gone, for I do trust,
After this Life, to live among the just,
Where thou wert once, but by thy cursed Pride,
Eternal Misery did thee betide.

Printed for P. Brooksby at the Golden Ball near the Bear Tavern in Pye-Corner.

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