A Warning for Married Women.

Being an Example of Mrs. Jane Reynolds (a west-country-Woman) born neer Pilmouth who having plighted her troth to a Seaman, was afterwards married to a Carpenter, and at last carried away by a Spirit, the manner how shall presently be recited,

To a west-country Tune called, The fair Maid of Bristol: Bateman, or, John True.
THere dwelt a fair Maid in the West,
of wor [...]hy Birth and Fame,
Neer unto Pilmouth stately Town
Jane Reynolds was her name.
This Damsel dearly was beloved,
by many a proper youth:
And what of her is to be said,
is known for very truth:
Among the rest a Seaman brave,
unto her a wooing came.
A comely proper youth he was,
James Harais call'd by N [...]me.
The Maid and Young-man was agreed
as time did them allow,
And to each other secretly,
they made a solemn vow.
That they would ever faithful be,
Whilst Heaven [...]fforded life,
He was to be her Husband kind,
and she his faithful Wife.
A day appointed was also,
when they were to be married,
But b [...]fore th [...]s [...] things were brought to pass
matters were strangely carried.
All you that faithful lovers be,
give ear and hearken well,
And what of them became at last,
I will directly tell.
The Young man he was prest to Sea,
and forced was to go,
His sweet-heart she must stay behind
Whatver she would or no.
And after he was from her gone.
she three years for him staid,
Expecting of his coming home,
and kept her self a Maid.
At last news came that he was dead,
within a Forraign Land.
And how that be was buried.
she well did understand.
For whose sweet sake the maiden she,
lam [...]nted many a day;
And never was she known at all,
the wanton for to play.
A Carpenter that liv'd hard by,
when he heard of the same,
Like as the other had done before,
to her a wooing came.
But when that he had gain'd her love,
they married were with speed,
And four years space (being man & wife)
they lovingly agreed.
Three pretty Children in this time,
this lovely couple had,
Which made their Fathers heart rejoyce
and Mother wonderous glad.
But as occ [...]sion serv'd one time,
the good man took his way,
Some three days journey from his home
intending not to stay.
But whilst that he was gone away,
a spirit in the night.
Came to the window of his Wife,
and did her sorely f [...]ight.
Which Spirit spake like to a man,
and unto her did say,
My dear and onely love (quoth he)
prepare and come away.
James Harais is my name (quoth he)
whom thou didst lowe so dear,
And I have travel'd for thy sake,
at least this seven year.
And now I am return'd again,
to take thee to m [...] wife,
And thou with me shalt go to Sea,
to end all further strife.
O tempt me not sweet James (quoth she)
with thee away to go.
If I should le [...]ve my children small,
alas what would they do
My Husband is a Carpenter,
a Carpenter of great fame,
A would not for five hundred pounds,
that he should know the same.
I might have had a Kings Daughter,
and she would have married me,
But I fors [...]ok her Golden Crown.
even for the love of thee.
Therefore if thou'l thy husband forsake,
and thy children three also
I will so give thee what is past,
if thou wilt with me go.
If I forsake my husband, and
my little Children three,
What means hast thou to bring me to,
If I should go with thee.
I have seven Ships upon the Sea,
when they are come to Land.
Both Mariners and Merchandise,
shall be at th [...] command.
The Ship where in my love shall sail,
is glorious to behold,
The sails shall be of finest[?],
and the mast of shining go [...]d
When he had told her these fair tal [...]s
to love him she began,
Because he was in humane shape,
much like unto a man.
And so together away they went,
from off the English shore,
And since that time the Woman-kind,
was never seen no more.
But when her Husband he came home.
and found his Wife was gone,
And left her three sweet pretty babas,
within the house alone.
He beat his breast, he tore his hair,
the tears fell from his eyes,
And in the open streets he run,
with heavy doleful cries.
And in this sad distracted case,
he Hang'd himself for Woe,
Upon a tree, near to the place:
the truth of all is so.
The children now are fatherless,
and left without a guide.
But yet no doubt the heavenly powers,
will for them well provide.

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