WHereas His Majesty hath received Information upon Oath, That the Persons here­in after Named have with divers other Wicked and Traiterous Persons Entred into a Horrid and Detestable Conspiracy, to Assassinate and Murder His Maje­sties Sacred Person; for which Cause several Warrants for High Treason, have been Issued out against them, but they have withdrawen themselves from their us­ual Places of Abode, and are Fled from Justice; His Majesty hath therefore thought fit (by the Advice of His Privy Council) to Issue His Royal Proclamation; And His Majesty doth hereby Command and Require all His Loving Subjects to Discover, Take and Apprehend James Duke of Berwick, Sir George Barclay, Major Lowick, George Potter, Captain Stow, Captain Walbank Captain James Courtney, Lieutenant Sherburne, Brics Blair, Dinant, Chambers, Boise, George Higgens, and his Two Brothers, sons to Sir Thomas Higgens, Davis, Cardell Goodman Cramburne, Keyes, Pendergross alias Prendergras, Bryerly, Trevor, Sir George Max­well, Durance, Fleming, Christopher Knightly, Lieutenant King, Holmes, Sir William perlins, Rookwood, wherever they may be found, & to carry them before the next Justice of Peace, or Chief Magist­rat, who is hereby Required to Commit them to the next Goal, there to Remain until they be thence Deli­vered by due Course of Law. And His Majesty doth hereby Require the said Justice or other Magistrat im­mediatly to give Notice thereof to Him or His Privy Council. And for the Prevention of the going of the said persons or of any other into Ireland, or other Parts beyond the Seas. His Majesty doth Require & Command all His Officers of the Customs, & other His Officers & Subjects of, and in the respective Ports & Mari­time Towns, and places within his Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berwick up­on Tweed, That they, and every of them, in their respective Stations & Places, be careful and diligent in the Examination of all persons who shall pass, or endeavour to pass beyond the Seas; and that they do not permit any person whatsoever, to go into Ireland, or other places beyond the Seas, without a Pass under His Majesties Royal Sign Manual, until further Order. And if they shall Discover the said persons above-named, or either of them then to cause them to be Apprehended & secured, & to give No­tice, as aforesaid. And His Majesty does hereby Publish and Declare to all persons who shall Conceal the persons above named, or any of them, or be Aiding and Assisting in the Concealing of them, or furthering their Escape, that they shall be proceeded against for such their Offence, with the utmost se­verity according to Law. And for the Encouragement of all persons to be Diligent and Careful in [...]ndeavouring to Discover and Apprehend the said persons. VVe do hereby further Declare, That [...]hosoever shall Discover and Apprehend the persoas above named, or any of them, and shall bring [...]hem before some Justice of Peace, or Chief Magistrat, as aforesaid, shall Have and Receive as a Reward, the Sum of One Thousand Pounds; which said Sum of One Thousand Pounds, the Lords Commissioners of His Majestis Treasury, are hereby Required and Directed to pay accordingly. And if any of the persons above-named shall Discover and Apprehend any of their Accomplices, so [...]s they may be brought to Justice, His Majesty does hereby Declare, That every person making such Discovery, shall have His Majesties Gracious Pardon for his Offence, and shall receive the Re­gard of a Thousand Pounds, to be payed in such manner as aforesaid.

God save the King.

Re-printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson Printer to His most Excellent Majesty, Anno DOM, 1696.

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