His Majesties MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT, On Tuesday the Fifth Day of July, 1698,
My Lords and Gentlemen,
I Cannot take Leave of so good a Parliament, without Publickly Acknowledging the Sense I have of the Great Things you have done for My Safety and Honour, and for the Support and Welfare of My People.
Every one of your Sessions hath made good this Character: The Happy Uniting of Us in an Association for Our Mutual Defence; The Remedying the Corruption of the Coin, which had been so long Growing upon the Nation; The Restoring of Credit; The Giving Supplies in such a manner for Carrying on the War, as did, by Gods Blessing, Produce an Honourable Peace; And after that the Making such Provisions for Our Common Security, and towards Satisfying the Debts Contracted in so long a War, with as little Burden to the Kingdom as is possible, are such things as will give a lasting Reputation to this Parliament, and will be a Subject of Emulation to those who shall come after.
Beside all this, I think My Self Personally Obliged to Return my Thanks to you, Gentlemen of the House of Commons, for the Regard you, have had to My Honour, by the Establishment of my Revenue.
My Lords and Gentlemen. There is nothing I Value so much as the Esteem and Love of My People; And as for their Sakes, I avoided no Hazards during the War so My whole Study and Care shall be to Improve and Continue to them the Advantages and Blessings of Peace.
And I earnestly Desire you all, in your several Stations, to be Vigilant in Preserving Peace and Good Order; and in a Due and Regular Execution of the Laws, especially those against Profaneness and Irreligion.
Then the Lord Chancellor, by His Majesties Command, said,
My Lords and Gentlemen,
HIS Majesties Royal Will and Pleasure is, That this Parliament be Prorogued to
Tuesday the second Day of
August next, and this Parliament is Prorogued accordingly to
Tuesday, the Second Day of
August next.’
Printed at London, and Re printed at Edinburgh, By the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Excellent Majesty. 1698.