My Lords and Gentlemen,

THE War, which I Entred into by the Advice of My People, is, by the Blessing of God, and their Zealous and Affectionate Assistance, brought to the End We all Proposed, an Honourable Peace; which I was wil­ling to Conclude, not so much to Ease My Self from any Trouble or Hazard, as to free the Kingdom from the Continuing Burden of an Expensive War.

I am heartily sorry My Subjects will not at first find all that Relief from the Peace which I could wish, and they may expect; but the Fonds intended for the last years Service have fallen short of Answering the Sums for which they were gi­ven, so that there remain considerable Deficiencies to be Provided for.

There's a Debt upon the Account of the Fleet and the Army.

The Revenues of the Crown have been anticipated, by My Consent, for Pub­lick Uses, so that I am wholly destitute of means to support the Civil List; and I am never distrust you'l suffer this to turn to My disadvantage, but will provide for Me during My Life, in such a manner as may be for My Honour, and for the Ho­nour of the Government.

Our Naval Force being increased to near double what it was at My Accession to the Crown, the Charge of maintaining it will be proportionably augmented, and it is certainly necessary for the Interest and Reputation of England, to have always a great strength at Sea.

The Circumstances of Affairs Abroad are such, that I think My Self obliged to tell on My Opinion, That for the present, England cannot be safe without a Land force; and I hope We shall not give those who mean Us ill, the opportunity of Effecting that, under the Notion of a Peace, which they could not bring to pass by [...] War.

I doubt not but you, Gentlemen of the House of Commons, will take these Par­ticulars into your Consideration, in such a manner as to provide the necessary Sup­plies, which I do very Earnestly Recommend to you.

My Lords and Gentlemen,
That which I most delight to think of, and am best pleased to own, is, That I have all the Proofs of My Peoples Affection that a Prince can desire; and I take this Occasion to give them the most solemn Assurance, That as I never had, so I never [...]ill nor can have any Interest separate from theirs.

I Esteem it one of the greatest Advantages of the Peace, That I shall now have [...]eisure to Rectifie such Corruptions or Abuses, as may have crept into any Part of [...]he Administration, during the War, and effectually to Discourage Prophaneness [...]nd Immorality; and I shall Imploy my Thoughts in promoting Trade, and Ad­vancing the Happiness and Flourishing Estate of the Kingdom.

I shall Conclude with telling you, That as I have, with the Hazard of every [...]hing, Rescued your Religion, Laws and Liberties, when they were in the Ex­ [...]eamest Danger, so I shall Place the Glory of My Reign, in Preserving them En­ [...]re and Leaving them so to Posterity.


Printed at London, and Re-printed at Glasgow, by Robert Sanders One of His Majesties Printers, Anno Dom. 1697.

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