His Majesties MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT, On Friday the Sixteenth Day of April, 1697.

My Lords and Gentlemen,
HAving Given my Assent to the several Bills you have Presented to Me, I am now to Return you My hearty Thanks for what you have done this Session, which has been Carry'd on with great Prudence, Temper and Affection.

At the Opening of the Session, I told you how Sensible I was of the Difficulties to be Struggl'd with, which were of such a Nature, that I will freely own the Hopes I had of Our being Able to over­come them were Founded only upon the Wisdom and Zeal of so good a Par­liament.

My Expectation has been fully Answer'd; You Entred upon the Business with so much Chearfulness, Proceeded so Unanimously, and have at last brought things to such a Conclusion, That we may Hope to Carry on the War with Success, in Case Our Enemies do not think it their Interest to Agree to an Honourable Peace: And so Effectual a Provision being made for supplying the Deficiencies of former Funds (which is the best Foundation for Reestablish­ing of Credit) I Doubt not but in a short time it will have a very Happy Ef­fect, to the universal Ease and Satisfaction of My People.

The Circumstances of Affairs making it necessary for Me to be out of the Kingdom for some time, I shall take care to leave the Administration of the Go­vernment, during My Absence, in the Hands of such Persons as I can De­pend upon.

My Lords and Gentlemen,
I have nothing more to Ask of you, but that you would carry down the same good Disposition into your several Countries which you have expressed in all the Proceedings of this Sssieon.

And then the Lord Keeper, by His Majesties Command, said,

My Lords and Gentlemen,
IT is his Majesties pleasure, That this present Parliament shall be Prorogued to Thursday the Thirteenth day of May next; and this Parliament is Pro­rogued accordingly to Thursday the Thirteenth day of May next.


Edinburgh Re-printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Prin­ter to His most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom. 1697.

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