His Majesties MOST GRACIOUS SPEECH To both Houses of PARLIAMENT, On Friday the Third of May, 1695.

My Lords and Gentlemen,
I AM come to Give you Thanks for the Supplies, Provided for Carry­ing on the War, in which We are Engaged, and at the same Time, to Conclude this Session, which cannot be Continued longer without Ma­nifest Prejudice to the Ends for which those Supplies are Given. The Season of the Year making it so Necessary for Me to be Abroad that it were to be Wish'd Our Business at Home would have Allowed Me to have been there sooner.

I will take Care to Place the Administration of Affairs, during My Absence, in such Persons, on whose Care and Fidelity I can Entirely Depend; And I Doubt not, My Lords and Gentlemen, but every one of you, in your several Stations, will be Ass;isting to them. This is what I Require of you, and that You be more than Ordinarly Vigilant in Preserving the Publick Peace.

Then the Lord Keeper, by His Majesties Command, said,

My Lords and Gentlemen,
IT is His Majesties Royal Will and Pleasure, that this Parliament should be Prorogued to Tuesday the Eighteenth day of June next, and this Parlia­ment is accordingly Prorogued to Tuesday the Eighteenth day of June, next.

Edinburgh, Re-printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Excellent Majesty, Anno Dom: 1695.

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