His Majesties Gracious LETTER to the Privy Council of SCOTLAND.
We have received yours, Dated the 8th Instant, wherein you invite Us to be present the next Session of Parliament, in that Our Antient Kingdom, which We accept of very kindly from you, and assure you, that as it was Our Resolution when We came over to Britain, to Deliver these Nations from Popery and Arbitrary Power, that the Protestant Religion, the Laws, Rights and Liberties of the Subject might be secured; So when We were Settled in the Royal Power, We endeavoured to perfect so good Intentions, doing all things that We thought conduceable thereto, and though Matters have not had the desired Success, yet We are not Discouraged, but with that firmness of Resolution that formerly, We undertook this Voyage into Britain, We are determined by God's Assistance, under whose Divine Protection We have cast Our Self, and all Our Concerns, to Prosecute these great Ends in Settling both Church and State upon the solid Basis of Law and Equity, as may be most acceptable to Our People, and Secure this and succeeding Generations, from the Fears of former Evils. And We conceiving that the Meeting Our Parliament in Person, might contribute most for accomplishing Our Designs, Ordered you to Adjourn the said Parliament, from the eighth of October to the first of March successivè; But many great and urgent Matters, which concern the Common Good of the Protestant Interest, and the well of these Our Kingdoms, oblidging Us to Meet Our People of England in a Parliament here on the twentieth day of March necessitats Us to continue the Adjournment of the Parliament in that Our Antient Kingdom, for some longer time: Therefore We Require you to Issue forth a Proclamation in Our Name, for continuing the Adjournment from the first of March, to the eighteenth day thereof, betwixt and which time, We are hopeful lay down such Measures, and to give such Instructions to Our Commissioner, till We can be present, as may give satisfaction to Our People; Resolving alwayes to prefer their safety, to Our quiet and repose, esteeming the Ruling by Law, and in moderation, the greatest, as well as the furest of all Our Prerogatives; Expecting in the mean time you will take all care for getting Subsistence to the Forces, and doing all other things that you judge necessary for the good of the Countrey, and Our Service: For doing of which, this shall be your Warrant; And so We bid you heartily Farewell.