A Voyage to Virginia: OR, The Valliant Souldier's Farwel to his Love.
Virginia he's resolv'd to go,
She begs of him, that he would not do so;
But her Intreaties they are all in vain,
For he must plow the curled Ocean Main:
At length (with sorrow) he doth take his leave
And leaves his dearest Love at home to grieve.
To the Tune of,
She's gone and left me here alone.
My pritty
Betty I now must leave thée,
the Drums doth summon me away
I must confess it sore doth grieve me.
I can with the no longer stay:
When we are parted, he thon true hearted
thou wilt not change thy mind I know.
From thée my favour, shall never
though i must to
Virginia go.
When first I did behold thy feature,
my senses all were set on fire.
Thy beauty bright, and comely Stature,
which caused me for to admire:
But fates prevent me, for to content thée;
which fills my heart so full of woe;
I cannot tarry, with thee to marry,
for i must to
Virginia go.
Long time I have béen true and constant,
as thou thy self didst, always find.
I never proved false one instant,
nor never was to thée unkind:
My dear believe me, and do not grieve me,
since thou dost see it must be so.
My fortune I, will now go try,
for i must to
Virginia go.
Had I a thousand pounds to leave thée.
although it were in good red Gold.
Not half so much it now would grieve me,
to speak the truth I may be bold:
What ever thou requir'dst of me,
thou never heardst me answer no;
Therefore content thée do not present me
for i must to
Virginia go.
TIs for Promotion and for Honour,
that I must fail upon thée Flood,
Il'e venture under
Englands Banner;
although I lose my dearest Blood:
For unto danger I am no stranger,
[...] minds aloud do blow,
I'le not forget the my dearest
though i must to
Virginia go.
betty heard his Resolution,
[...]at he was so fully bent.
Her senses all were in Confusion,
and thus with sorrow she did lament:
O stay quoth she and do not venture,
[...]ast that thou break my heart with woe
Leave not this City, but take some pitty,
And do not to
Virginia go
I prethee dearest do not forsake me,
thou knowest I love thee more then life.
According to thy promise take me,
and let me be thy Wedded wife:
Leave bloody wars, and wounds and scars,
to them who love did never know.
Whilst I will ease thee and strive to please thee
then do not to
Virginia go
But if thou be resolv'd to wander,
and nothing can thy fancy turn.
I'le march under the same Commander,
and never stay at home to mourn:
'Tis my desire in Mans attire.
thy Comrade to appear in show.
And day and night yield you delight,
as you unto
Virginia go.
O no quoth he, my dearest Iewel,
that may not be in any wise.
Vpon the Seas are dangers Cruel,
and many Storms arise:
To stay at home then he contented,
whilst I do fight against my Foe.
And cease thy mourning, till my returning
for i must to
Virginia go.
Take here this King which I do give thée,
my dearest and do not complain
For with the same my heart I leave thee,
untill that I return again:
I hope here after for to embrace thee,
then suffer not those Tears to flow:
For when I am absent, I will be constant,
although i do to Virginia
And so farewel my dearest
a thousand times farwel my sweet,
I now afford the Kisses plenty,
for to remember till we meet:
If cruel Death of Life deprive us
i'le meet the in the shades below,
Where we together, shall be for ever,
although i do to Virginia
betty saw her Lover parted,
she senseless for a time remain'd,
Being so kind and tender-hearted.
at length her Spirits she regain
And then a thousand happy wishes,
she after sent her Love to show:
Then home returned and there she mourned
whilst he did to Virginia