TWO PRAYERS TO BE Taught unto Chil­dren at School; Which also may be used in Families, The singular number be­ing turned into the plurall. Together vvith a form of Blessing God, before, and after, meat.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed for John Mason, 1672.

Morning Prayer.

O God, I praise thee, for the crea­tion of the World, and for the Re­demption of mankind by the Lord Jesus, and for thy many favours bestowed on me: Thou didst safely take me from the womb, and hast ever since cared for me thou hast by thy mercie caused me to b [...] born within thy Church, where I wa [...] early given to thee in baptism: thou ha [...] afforded me the means of grace, and ca [...] ­led me to the hope of glory.

But, O most mercifull Father, [...] a poor and miserable sinner, conceive [...] in sin, and brought forth in iniquity have gone astray from thee: I have [...] [Page] cared to know thee, and do thy will bu [...] have done mine own will, and followed my foolish and sinfull inclinations; and do therefore deserve thy wrath and curse.

O Lord, have mercy upon me: turn me unto thee, and grant me repentance, and forgivenesse of all my sins for Jesus sake: Let it from henceforth become my chiefest care to please thee, and to seek thy kingdom and righteousnesse: worke in me a true faith, a lively hope, and a fer­vent charitie: make me humble, meek▪ patient, sober and just, kind and loving to all men, submissive and obedient to them that are over me, and well content and thankfull in every condition of life: grant that I may dayly grow in knowing, [...]oving, fearing, and obeying thee: Creat [...]n me a clean heart, O God, and renew [...] right spirit within me.

I thank thee, O Lord, for thy care of [...]e this night; watch over me this day: keep me mindfull that I am alwayes in thy sight, that I may be in thy fear all the day long; and grant that through the whole course of my life, I may be holy and harmlesse in all manner of conversation, that when this short and frail life is at an end, I may be made partaker of e­verlasting life, through the merits of Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose name and words I pray. Our Father which art in Heaven, &c.

Evening Prayer.

MOst Gracious God, What sha [...] I render unto thee for thy man and great benefits bestowed on me▪ Though I have been an undutifull an [...] [Page] disobedient servant to thee, thou has [...] continued thy care and kindnesse for m [...] ever since I was born, and hast preserv­ed me this day: let me never forget thy goodnesse, but grant that thereby I may be led to Repentance and amend­ment of life. Preserve me from every thing that is displeasing to thee: O Lord, keep me from cursing, swearing and ly­ing, from pride, stubbornnesse, and idle­nesse; worke in me an utter dislike of all uncleannesse, of gluttony and drun­kennesse, of malice and envy, of strife and contention, of deceit and covetousnesse: give me grace to deny all ungodlinesse and worldly lusts, and to live godly, righteously and soberly in this present world: cause me to understand and consider the laws and life of Jesus, that I [Page] may do his will, and follow his steps: let [...]ever the cares of this life, nor the love of [...]iches, nor evil company, nor the corrupt [...]customs of the world withdraw me from [...]he obedience of thy laws; but strengthen, and establish me by thy holy Spirit that I may live and die thy faithfull servant.

O Lord, send thy Gospel through the world: poure out plentifully the Spirit of truth, holinesse and peace on all thy people. Blesse this Church and King­dom; preserve the King, the Queen, and all the Royall Familie: guide our Judges and Magistrates: sanctifie and assist the Ministers of the Gospel: Visit all that are in trouble, and sanctifie their afflictions to them: be gracious to all my kindred, friends and neighbours, and blesse and forgive all mine enemies.

Lord, watch over me this night, and [...]eep me ever mindfull that I am short­ie to die, and come to Judgement, that may without delay turn to thee, and [...]asse the time of my sojourning here in fear. Good Lord, hear me, and grant these my desires, and what else thou knowest to be needfull for me, for the [...]ake of Jesus, in whose name and words I pray, Our Father, &c.

Grace before Meat.

O Lord, be mercifull to us, and pardon our sins: sanctify these thy good benefits, that we, by the so­ber and thankful use of them, may b [...] enabled for thy service, through Je­sus Christ our Lord and Saviour Amen.

Grace after meat.

WE thank and praise thee, [...] Lord, the giver of all goo [...] who hast at this time fed our bodie [...] stir up in us a greater care for ou [...] souls, and grant that our short live [...] which are so carefully sustained b [...] thy bounty, may be spent in doin [...] thy will: lead us safely through thi [...] vain and sinfull world, in which w [...] are pilgrims and strangers, and a [...] length bring us to everlasting res [...] through Jesus Christ. Amen.


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