Two-penny-worth of Wit For a PENNY. OR, The bad Husband turn'd Thristy

This Man that wrought his own decay,
And spent his Money night and day;
Is turn'd so saving I do swear,
There's few that with him can compare:
And lives so civil in his ways
That all his neighbours give him Praise,
And does repent his wicked Crime,
And desires good Fellows to turn in time;
There's many a Man Runs himself clear out,
When Ale's in his Head, then Wit is out.
To the Tune of Packingtons Pound.
ALL Company-Keepers come hear what i say
Here's a Notable song If you please for to stay,
It will Learn you good councel, he ru'ld by a friend,
If you got to an alehouse your money to spend:
For four-pence or Sirpence, you may spend I do say,
If you call any higher it's all thrown away;
Then Barnaby will begin to work in your head,
There's many does forget that their Children want Bread
Observe a good hour and loose not your time,
If you meet with a friend that you needs must to drink
I desire you to make this councel of mine,
Keep wit in your Roddle, and your Pockets some Think:
Then your wife will pleased, your Children glad,
And grear deal of comfort there will to be had:
But if you spend all your money and make your seif poor,
Then your rent will be manting you'l he turn'd out of door.
To see some men when they are full of drink,
What a Beastly condition it is we may think,
That they hardly can know one man from another,
They abuse their best friend it it be their own Brother.
They'l tumble it'h dirt, and they'l if stagger i'th street,
And affcont e'ry man and woman they meet,
That when they are sober will Scorn to do so,
For they hardly can know their friend from their foe
For I my own self have been in the same way,
And walked my money by night and by day,
And never did think how my Children was serve'd
Till Neighbours did say that [...] most were srar [...]
If mywife chance to say that any thing she did fac [...]
I would call her base whose and besure pay her cack:
That was the best comfort I could her afford,
Then I out to the Ale-house, and spent like a Lord.
I sold all my gods, and I wasted my store,
And at the Long run I was grown very poor,
A hundred and fifty good pounds I have spent,
As long as any was left I could not be content:
My hostess she would he so merry with me,
When I call'd for Liquor and paid for't too free;
And with llabering and kining she pleased me tot'hl [...]
Thus I like a villian did wrong my poor wife.
At last I consider's and did think in my mind,
Now to my own family I had been too unkind;
Which troubles my conscience to think on the same,
That with drinking and swilling I was much to blame,
My Children was bare, and hard they did fare,
And I of their misery never took care,
But now i'le begin for to live a new life,
and take pains to maintain both my Children and wife.
For I to the Ale-house have been too kind,
Which to my undoing I plainly do find,
My poor little Children are fallen into want,
Which grieces me to see them full fore I repent,
That I had such fortune for to so led,
With Drunken companions which caul'd me he had,
But he runs along Race, that ne'r has an end,
I make much of my money that God does me send.
I'le be carefull of my Children and make much of my wife
And provide meat and drink for to preserve their life,
That little that's left I hope to make it more,
With rakeing of pains, and with working full sore:
And ale-wifes go hang themselves with what they have got,
No more of my money shall fail to their lot;
I have fow'd my wild Dats and I will have a care,
Of drunken companions that made me so bare.
It is a brave thing when a Winter comes cold,
To have something in store, with that a man may be hold,
Either Land men of Sea-men what evr they he,
All Young-men consider he ruled by me,
For Hostesses and tap houses will fill you no beer,
No longer then your money holds out you may sweat,
For I my own self now do find it too true,
Which makes me to speak, for what I spent I do rue.
Since I took a good course and for saken the had,
With my wife and my Children there is enough to be had,
But while I kept drinking and loosing my time,
All my whole houshould was ready to pine:
But it is a long day that ne'r has an end,
Therefore all good-fellows he rul'd by a Friend,
Keep many in your pockets and good Cloths to your back,
Drink to do your selves good, but take head of a Track,
Now in the conclusion that man is well blest,
That lives saver, and quietly, and forgoes Drunkeness,
He never will be out of reason with his wife,
If God give him a blessing he's free from all Arise,
It is a brave thing if a man do take pains,
Of he work ne'r so hard if he bring home the gains;
Therefore take this councel I pray you of mine,
It's a penny well bestow'd, he that takes up in tine.
F [...]NIS

Printed for J. Deacon. at the Angelin Guiltpur-street!

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