Twelve Serious Queries, proposed to the conscientious deliberate consideration of all Electors of Knights, Citizens, or Burgesses for the next intended Assembly at Westminster, touch­ing Members to be now Elected by them to serve therein.

1. WHether any Novices or young raw Gentlemen or Burgesses, unac­quainted with or not versed in Parliamentary, or State Affairs?

2. Whether any active Contrivers, Imposers, Collectors; Treasurers, Sharers, Continuers of their late and present heavy uncessant Taxes, Excises, Imposts, Contributions?

3. Whether any open Infringers, Subverters, Impugners of their Hereditary Fundamental Laws, Liberties, Freedoms, by illegal Imprisonments, Confinements, Sequestrations, Disseisins, Seisures of their Estates, Goods, Persons, Writings, forcible ransacking of their Houses, Closets, Cabinets, by Souldiers, or o­therwise?

4. Whether any High Court of Justice-men, who have condemned or executed any English Freemen without a Legal Inditement, or Trial by a lawful Jury of their Peers, against the Great Charters and Fundamental Laws of the Land, and the opinion of the very present Judges themselves, or any who have had a vote in erecting such Judicatories or countenan­ced them in any kind?

5. Whether those who have been instrumental in subverting the Rights, Privileges, Free.+dome, Constitution of Parliaments themselves, and in securing, secluding, imprisoning the Members thereof for the faithful discharge of their duties?

6. Whether any who have had a vote in depriving most Freeholders, Burgesses of their Voyces, Rights and Freedoms in Elections, both in Countries, Cities, Burroughs, and lately secluded many antient Burroughs from electing any Burgesses?

7. Whether any who had a hand in introducing Scotish and Irish Knights, Citixens, Bur­gesses into the Parliaments of England against the very constitution, Privilege, Honor of our English Parliaments and Nation, who have no votes in Scotish or Irish Parliaments, though subordinate to England and its Parliaments?

8. Whether any who have enriched themselves by the unjust plunder and spoyl of any private Person, or of the publike Lands and Revenues of the Nation, which should defray the Ordinary Expences of the Government, and ought to be resumed for that end to ease the people in and from their Taxes?

9. VVhether any Military Officers in present Command, who impose live upon, levy, share the former, present Publike Taxes, Exercises and are likely to share & dispose of all the future, and have been the chief Instruments of our late Bondage, Oppressions, Burdens, and make a gainful endlesse; trade of VVarre?

10. VVhether any timorous, Cowardly, faint-hearted Persons, who will neither speak nor act for the publike Laws, Liberties, Ease, or welfare of the Nation, or very coldly, and will do any thing to secure their own private Interests, though the Publike suffer Ship­wracke by it?

11. VVhether any who eagerly canvas for places, Voyces, by Letters from Great men in present power, Bribes, promised favours or rewards, Menaces, or any indirect mean, Or Persons of no publik Eminency, Integrity, or Estate, who are more apt to seek their own private interests, and theirs who recommend them, then the publike ease, wel­fare, settlement of the Nation?

12. VVhether any ambitious or covetous selfseeking Temporizers, who ayme only at their own private preferments by complying with ay prevailing party; or such who seek to be chosen to exempt themselves from arrests, or payments of their Debts?

Whether all or any of these, at any time, but especially at this season, in reason, prudence, policy, justice, conscience, may or ought to be elected Knights, Citizens, or Burgesses, in any County, City, or Borough whatsoever? And whether the choise of any such, [...] any place, at this instant time, will not be a breach of the Electors trust, an injury to the who [...] Nation, and a forfeiture of their right of Electing any Members for the future, if not a [...] betraying of their own as well as the whole English Nations, and Parliaments Rights and Liberties, beyond possibility of any future restitution, if Elections of any or many such should now be made through improvidence, favour, or flatery of Great men? Consider and declare your judgments herein, by your prudent and careful Elections.


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