And Noble Patron of the Religion, Laws and Libertys of all the Free Born People of England, who like a Star of the first Magnitude in Libra, outshines all the Stars in our Hemissphere, having Sol and Mercury for your Ascendant, being not able to wait on your Lordship my self, being forced by cross Winds of Popish Faction and Malice to come to an Anchor in the Fleet; Upon pretence of not answering a Bill in Chancery put in or preferr'd by a Convict Papist and a Traytor, found so by the Grand Jury, but indeed an Atheist, that being but a pretence to hinder my appearance before the King and Council; who have sent for my Papers, and have them now as I am told in consideration before them, but 'tis much to my prejudice, I suppose, I am not there, which I cannot be now without danger of my Person; having been, three times assaulted in the Street; and warning given me, by several persons of Credit and Honour, to have a care of my self; Which Danger I suppose will encrease as Discoveries come on; so that God, I believe, in his kind Providence to his Glory and my good, I hope; has been pleased to hide me in the hollow of his hand, to be a means to Discover die hollowness of more Hearts than have yet been founded, and so to preserve me till these Storms of State are overpast, turning that into a safe Harbor which they meant for a Quick-sand to devour me; were I now but as well Victualled, as I am here secured from Winds, I should not fear to ride it out till next Sessions: if no Parliament sits, I hope we shall not want a place to Try Whores and Knaves in, or we may shut up our Shops and make it a St. Innocents day.
My Lord, I the rather make this Address to your good Lordship, as having lately found in an old Magazine of a great Enemy of the Jesuits, a Present, I hope, worth your acceptance in these Polemical times of Disputation with those Fathers of Falshood, and Step-fathers of Truth the Jesuits, being a Quiver of Arrows made by some Tartarian Priests of excellent piercing Points, where in a short Familiar Epistle to them, they make the Vanity of their Superstitious practices appear to be not only against Grace but Nature too, I thought my self therefore as a true Son of the Protestant Church to enter my Protest against them; and give what Aid I could to their Destruction having sought and still do seek mine with so much Malice and Cruelty:nor knew I where to put these Arms in better hands in than theirs, that have used those they have already managed with so much Generosity, Courage and Constancy, that your Honour may as well be called the Fabeus as Sir William Waller the Marcellus of this our Church and State; for if Religion staggers, I find Law must reel; or, if you please rather to take the resemblance of those two Noble Active Romans, I mean Horatius Cocles and Mutius Scvola; the one defending our Bridge against the French Poursenna, when they endeavoured to make one over our Noses to our Destruction, the other boldly putting his hand into the Flame of Popish Malice to pull the Church of England like a brand out of the Fire of their Purgatory, That I now begg of your Lordship, and of all true lovers of their Country is to lend me their assistance to subsist here without starving, which has been and is til their Design, but I hope being here in this Fortress; secured from want of Ammunition to gaul them more than if I were abroad, meaning from hence to play my great Guns to batter their Babylon, and destroy all their strong Holds of Sin and Satan; Pray my Lord be pleased to accept this Sacrifice to you and my Country, having now put those Arms into your hand of such excellent trusty Steel with which you may easily Wound the Head of the Beast, and Heart of the Whore, overthrowing her Golden cup full of Superstitious Liquor to the Ground, with Which she hath made the Kings of the Nations drunk.