Truth brought to light, or, wonderful strange and true news from Gloucestershire, concerning one Mr. William Harrison, formerly stewart to the Lady Nowel of Cambden, who was supposed to be murthered by the widow Pery and two of her sons ... To the tune of, Aim not too high.
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OR, Wonderful strange and true news from
Gloucester shire, concerning one Mr.
William Harrison, formerly Stewart to the Lady
Nowel of
Cambden, who was supposed to be Murthered by the Widow
Pery and two of her Sons, one of which was Servant to the said Gentleman. Therefore they were all three appprehended and sent to
Gloucester Goal, and about two years since arraigned, found guilty, condemned, and Executed upon
Broadway hill in sight of
Cambden, the mother and one Son being then buried under the Gibbet, but he that was Mr.
Harrisons Servant, hanged in Chains in the same place, where that which is remaining of him may be seen to this day, but at the time of their Execution, they said Mr.
Harrison was not dead, but ere seven years were over should be heard of again, yet would not confess where he was, but now it ap
[...]ears the Widow
Pery was a witch, and after her Sons had ro
[...]d him, and cast him into a Stone Pit, she by her witch-craft conveyed him upon a Rock in the Sea near
Turkey, where he remaind four days and nights, till a
Turkish Ship coming by, took him and sold him into
Turky, where he remained for a season, but is now through the good providence of God returnd again safe to
England, to the great wonder and admiration of all that know the s
[...]me. This is undenyably true, as is sufficiently testified by the Inhabitants of
Cambden, and many others thereabouts.
To the Tune of,
Aim not too high.
AMongst those wonders which on early are shown,
In any age there seldom hath béen known,
A thing more strange then that which this Relation,
Doth here present unto your observation.
Glocestershire as many know full well,
Camben Town a Gentleman did dwell,
One Mr.
William Harrison by name,
A Stewart to a Lady of great fame.
A Widdow likewise in the Town there was,
A wick wretch who brought strange things to pass,
So wonderful that some will scarce receive,
[...]hese lines for truth nor yet my words beleive.