The TRUE Spirit and Elixir OF CANT.

[...]T the Sign of the Groaning-Board in Plot-Alley in Equity- [...] street, there lives an Eminent Scotch DOCTOR, Student [...] in Schism and Sedition, and a Well-wisher to the Good Old [...] visius all sick persons, writes all manner of Lives, and [...]y at very reasonable Rates.

[...] & Assistance of Satan, he can infallibly cure the sound [...] of the Church of England, which he calls a Popish Disease: [...] and Elixir of CANT takes away all nauseous Ceremo­ [...] [...] the Ring in Marriage, the Cross in Baptism, the Surplice, [...]ds the Altar, and Kneeling at the Sacrament. He cuts [...]of Jesuits, extempore; and pretends to love them as the [...]es Holy-water. This incomparable Elixir of CANT [...] [...]ny thing but Despair, as several tender Consciences can [...] There are several Antichristian Quacks that pretend to [...]able Spirit of CANT; but there is no person prepares it [...]le to this Anti-Canonical DOCTOR, as may be testified [...] following persons who frequented his Church for several [...] viz. Adam Weatherly, Waterman upon the Thames; Timothy [...] Scavenger upon the Land; Simon Soft, Gold-finder in the [...] [...]se; Nehemiah Scruple, Pin-maker at Wakefield; Hanah [...]se, at the Brandy-shop at Wapping; Catharine Constance, [...]bles Wife of Queenhith; Elkanah Edifie, at the Wheelbarrow [...] against the Coach and Horse in Puddle-Dock.

[...] to be heard every Sunday- morning at his Conventicle in Equity- [...] street, from Nine of the clock till Twelve; and from Two till [...] Five in the Afternoon. There is likewise a Back-door for those [...] that are scrupulous of coming there.

Printed for Information of Distemper'd Protestants, 1684.

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