THE TRUE RELATION OF THE LATE & HAPPIE VICTORIE, Obtained by the MARQUES of MONTROSE his Excellencie, HIS MAJESTIES Lievetenant, and Generall Governour of the Kingdom of SCOTLAND: Against General Lievetenant Baylie, and others of the Rebels, at Kilsyth, 15 August, 1645.

SOME LINES, Upon the Marques of MONTROSE HIS EXCELLENCIE; Written by the late Lord GORDON, VVho died at Alford, valiantlie fighting for His Maje­sties Service.

WEe need not prayse thee, let thy passiue Foes
Tell their Destruction; whilst our Nation, owes
In compensation, for the blood that's spilt
Memorialls of thy Glorie, and their Guilt,
Who tempted first thy Loyaltie, to dare
With private Valour, t'vndertake a Warre
Agaynst a Multitude, Fortune alone
Favouring to bring future successes One:
But now thy Sword hath so destructiue beene,
In spight of Force, and Danger, that the sinne
Of bolder Treason, hence-foorth seems to bee
The presage of thy further Victorie:
Whilst thy succesfull Arm sustayns alone
The freedom of a Kingdom, and a Crown.

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