A True RELATION OF A Monstrous Female-Childe, Born about the 6th of May last, at a Village near Taunton-Dean in Somerset-shire. &c.
WOnderful are the Productions of Nature, and great-to be admired, providence that Rules the world and orders all below, has marked out various and sundry Forms and shapes not usual, nor Common, but such as may fill all persons with Astonishment, for who can hear and not be amazed at what we here intend for to relate, a thing so monstrous strange and wonderful, the like of which has not been heard of nor seen in many Ages past, viz. A Female Infant, or more properly two Females joyned in one, so much beyond the skill of Art to make a separation between; that all conclude them to be two destinct Bodies joyned so firmly in the Womb, Back to Back. It's first appearance in the World was about the 6th Instant of May, after a long expectation, and a tedious Trauel. The groaning Mother was disburthened of the Monstrous B [...]rth, whose frightful Apparition so amazed the several Assistants and Spectators, that starting back all pale, they knew not what to think, but long time stood doubtful in their wonder, e're they durst approach, supposing it more dreadful than it was, but after a more curious View, they found it was a humain Creature, and bore the stamp (though in an unusual Form) of woman, so that taking heart, they annimated each other so far, as to take it in their Arms, whilst with a double Voice it cried aloud, and found it in all proportions as followeth, viz. That it had two [Page 3] perfect heads, as large and as lively as any Children usually have at their Births; which were supported by two different Necks, which grow from the united Body or Bodies, two Female Feces, beautiful, fair, and of a pleasanc Aspect; in which were plainly imprinted all the smiling Graces of well-promising Virgins; two roling Eyes each Face contained, two Ears, both in their proper places. Upon each Noses and Mouthes, of fit and proportionable Largeness, the Bod [...]es joyning Back to Back, two Arms grew on one side and two on the other, with all their joynts as pliable and Active as tender streng [...]h could allow, at the end of each Arm a fair hand with Finge [...]s, Thumbs, and all placed in due Order, having in all sixteen Fingers and four Thumbs; the brest-bones and Ribs divided from each other, so curious was Nature in perfecting the work, that it would not leave any thing out of Frame, the very Nipple; though but small appearing a due number of Ribs and a panting Heart on each left side, so that all believe notwithstanding this wondrous Conjunction that it contains two dividual Souls so wonderful are all the works of the omnipotent Creator, who formed us of Dust, and so can make us as it best pleases him. But when the Infant or Infants, which you please, cry, their Voices or Cries are of the self same note, though 'tis seldome that both heads cry together. The Backs being joyned, two Bellies do equally appear, with Navels Bowels and all other things requisite in Nature as Female-Privi [...]te, places of Evacuation and the like; so that there remains no imperfection to perfect two Females, only their strict conjunction in one, four Legs likewise are in order joyned and placed, having Toes and Feet proportionable to the great consternation and amazement of many hundreds who dayly flock thither to see the monstrous work of Nature, and admire so great a place of curiosity during the time of the Mothers Travel she was so big and unwieldy, that all concluded that she would have two Children or Twins at that Birth; which observations and asseverations did not altogether fail, though it happened at a more strange rate than was expected, the Father of this duplicit or double infant, is as it is averred, no other than a poor honest laborious man and takes great pains for the Maintainance of himself and his Family being a Man of very honest Repute, and free from all aspersions of Vice or exorbitances, the which as to many of the censorious of this Age might have imputed the [Page 4] Cause of so strange an accident, yet not altogether to leave the Reader in an extasie of thought or admiration at this wonderful birth of nature and work of providence, there is several learned Historians that make mention of the like tho 'tis very rare, for as it is recorded by a warrantable Author in his Book of Nature, of the like Birth that hapned, and that the Children so joyned in the womb being brought forth did live for several years: being chearful and pleasant, endued with undrrstanding and all other capacities incident to ratiooal souls, and that they so continued, till one of them dying and by reason there could not be made a Section to separate the dead from the living without hazarding the Life of the remaining, he continued alive till the noisomeness of the deceased infected him, and thereby, and by no other Cause as could be conjoctured he dyed. So may we see the wonders of the omnipotent God, and that we can or ought to do herein, is to adore his Divine Majesty, and with the Prophet say, This is the Lords doing, and it is marvellous in our Eyes.