
A true NARRATIVE Of the Proceedings at the Sessions-house IN THE OLD-BAYLY, At a Sessions there held On April 25, and 26. 1677.

Where Nine persons (Six men and Three women) were Condemn'd to die.

With a particular Relation of the Young man at Enfield, and his Brother and Sister's Tryal and Con­demnation; who most barbarously abused his Sweet­heart by cutting off one of her Lips, putting out one of her Eyes, slashing her Cheeks, stabbing her in seve­ral places, and other Inhumane Cruelties.

To which is added, a true Account of the Bloody Mur­ther in the Hay-market, where a Coachman lately kill'd his Wife with a Fire-fork.

As also an Account how many are Burn'd in the Hand, Transported, and to be Whipt.

With Permission.

Ro. L'Estrange.

LONDON: Printed in the year 1677.

A true Narrative of the Proceedings at the Sessions-house in the Old-Bayly.

THe 25th of this Instant April be­gan the Sessions at Justice-hall in the Old-Bayly. The remar­kable Occurrences there, were as follows:

A fellow of a good Name, but poor Con­dition, and worse Quality, was Convicted for laying an Embargo on a man whom he met on the Road, by bidding him Stand and Deliver, but to little purpose: for the Traveller had no more Money than a Capuchin, but told him, all the treasure he had was a pound of [Page 4] Tobacco, which he civilly surrendred; and the pitiful Padder to verifie the Proverb, and play at small Games rather than be idle, ac­cepted. Being violently taken from his per­son on the Road, this in strict Law was death; but the Court mixing Mercie with Justice, was pleased to set him by before Condem­nation.

A young fellow abusing the Trust repo­sed in him by a Person of Quality, whom he had the honour to serve, had most ingrate­fully and treacherously robb'd him of Jewels, Money, &c. to the value of Twelve hundred pounds; and intending, it seems, to spend it abroad for acquiring some French Accom­plishments, was taken on board a Ship at Portsmouth. He pleaded guilty, and beg­ging the favour of Clergy, had it very fully bestow'd upon him. All or most part of the Prize was refunded, and the ingenious Gentleman had only a signal Mark left him of all his booty.

A woman, whose age might have promised more Chastity and prudence, being privately [Page 5] delivered of a Bastard-childe, made shift, by her wickedness, to deprive the poor Infant of that life she had contributed to by her wan­tonness. She pretended it came by its un­timely end, by falling from her body on the floor whilst she unhumanely went from the bed towards the door; but she concealing it above a week under her Pillow, the Law just­ly Condemn'd her as a wilful Murtheress.

An old Offender having lately, with two of his Female Confederates, stolen a piece of Stuff from a Gentleman in Ludgate-street, had the impudence, within two days, to take their progress again by the same shop, and be­ing known, he was apprehended, and now Convicted; and having formerly received the civility of the Warm Iron, was Condem­ned to die.

A man for Personating another, and in his Name entring into a Recognizance, was con­vict of Felony; and truly was so far inexcu­sable, since another for the like offence but two Sessions ago was Condemn'd and carried to Execution, though under the Gallows he [Page 6] a gracious Reprieve. However, in this Case the Crime being committed only before a Ju­stice of Peace, it was some doubt, whether within the Statute, which makes it Capital; and so the Court waved Sentencing him to die, discreetly inclining in dubious Cases to favour rather than severity.

The next was a Case wholly extraordi­nary; and as it was the first President of Pu­nishment on that most necessary Statute a­gainst cutting off Noses, dissiguring and maiming his Majesties Subjects; so in the Cir­cumstances, for Malice, Cruelty, and Barbari­ty, it exceeds all the Presidents of former Ages.

A young man of Enfield, being Fellow­servant with a very pretty young maid, pre­tended Love to her; but meeting with a Repulse, he consults his Sister, who advised him to get to bed to her, and get her with Childe, and then leave her. This She-devil's Counsel, it seems, the Maid's Vertue hindred him from putting in execution; and there­fore finding all his hopes like to wither, they [Page 7] take new measures: There was no body in Fa­mily but these two and an aged Master and Mi­striss, who being both in bed, on the 20th of Febru­ary last, as this innocent Virgin and her treache­rous Sweet-heart were sitting together, his own Brother and Sister came and knock'd and call'd him by his name, who open'd the door and let them in; but no sooner were they entred, but this Sister, more like a Fiend than a Woman, fell upon this harmless Maid, and with a Knife, whilst the other Brother held her, and in a most inhumane manner cut out one of her Eyes, the sight whereof she has lost; cut her Nose towards the upper part so desperately, that two bones, produ­ced in Court, were since taken out of it; her Lips they slash'd so, that with much difficulty, and not yet perfectly, she can use them in speech; two of her Teeth they beat out; gave her a lamentable wound in the Neck, and two stabs, besides a great wound in the Arm; all which was testified by the Chirurgeon: and so leaving her thus mangled as dead, went home; after which the pretended Sweet-heart runs up stairs, wakes his Master and Mistriss, cries out Thieves; the Neighbours come in, send for a Surgeon: The fellow, to colour his Villainy, pretends to have been knock'd down, and complains of a blow on his forehead, but inconsiderable. After some days the Maid comes to her self, and declares the Authors of this Cruelty: One of the Crimi­nals flies, but was afterwards taken. No theft appeared to have been committed; so that it [Page 8] being evident that it was a premeditated act of Malice to render her deform'd and unfit for any bodies Addresses, because she would not consent to his desires, all three of them were found guilty within the Statute, which makes such barbarous Assaults Felony without Clergy, and so deser­vedly received Sentence of Death.

Here was expectation of the Tryal of a Mid­wife for taking up a Childe out of its Grave, &c. but for some reasons it was put off. Also a hor­rid Murther was in Easter-week committed in the Hay market by Charing-cross, where a Hack­ney-Coachman falling out with his Wife about their Horses going to work, in his devilish fury got up a Fire fork, and therewith stabb'd her into the head and several parts of the body, of which wounds, after neer a weeks languishing, she died, and by the Coroners Inquest on the 26th instant it was found wilful Murther; but the Husband immediately after the blows given, made his e­scape, and is not since heard of.

There were in all Nine persons, Six men and Three women, Condemn'd; Nine Burn'd in the Hand; and Six, for petty Larceny, to be Whip'd at the Carts Tayl.


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