The true English Protestant Souldiers Resolution.
IT is not alone the many Declarations and Votes of Parliament, that reveale unto us how strong an influence the Papists have over the King, and his Dominions: Nor all the Remonstrances concerning Ireland so clearly evincing by what means that barbarous and horrid Rebellion was first fomented, and hath been since continued: Nor the Kings own Letters to the Queene so wholly depending upon her Counsells, conveyed from Rome and Jesuits: (All which have been publisht to forewarne us of our dangers.) But it is more then manifest also, By the Popes Letter to the King, and the Kings to the Pope, long since made known to the world in French, and now translated, acted, and almost fulfilled in English. By all the passages and proceedings of both the Matches when a Protestant Lady was propounded and neglected: By the Jesuits arguing for the Spanish Match: By the increase, domineerings, threatnings, and preferments for many yeares of Papists, By Intelligence from all the parts of Christendome: By Sir Tobie Mathews; The three Nuncioes; The Queene Mothers, with all her Jesuits gracious entertainment: By an whole Colledge of Capuchins: By the exceeding great decay of our auncient Protestant Nobilitie; and the discouraging, neglecting, and affronting such as remained: By forcing Idolatry and Popish Ceremonies upon the Conscience: By long pleading for six Priests and Jesuits, contrary to Law and promise after two others pardoned, which ended in the accusation of as many Members of Parliament: By making havocke of Protestants, to set up Protestant Religion: By arming of Papists, to beate downe Popery; And by thousands of Arguments and Observations more, That we are absolutely sold to Rome and her Adherents: The Achme of whose Antichristian Devotion is, not onely to assault the liberties and rob the treasures, but confound, destroy, massacre, and roote out all People and Nations that make not haste with them to the same degree of damnation: To prevent which over-spreading mischiefe, we (as all true Protestants of the Kingdome have done) have taken up defensive Arms against these bloudy enemies of nature, goodnesse, and Religion, wherein since there have been already wasted much precious and true-hearted bloud of many thousands of our deare kindred, friends, and allies, and many millions of our free and liberall loanes and Contributions expended towards the same; There is now no likely way left to save us from being no more a Nation nor a People (much lesse to have our Religion) by all the attempts so aymed at, but for the whole Nation, (at least so many as have any sense of pietie, honour, or compassion towards their brethren, and do truly weigh and understand their Oaths of Allegeance, Supremacy, Protestation, and late Covenant) to unite as one man: And according to the Orders and Declarations of Parliament; especially of the 26 th of Ianuary last, to come to ayde that high Assembly, and in them our selves, whose eternall Trophie it will be, (though their lives and States suffer by it,) to dye in reforming England, and in the strength of Christ, to oppose the Gates of Hell, and powers of Darknesse, with their sworne factors the Priests and Jesuits. For these are they that have at once attempted, and in great measure acted the Massacres of England, Scotland, and Ireland, as they have formerly done in the Low Countries, France, and Germany.
These are they who though discovered, dare yet continue to plot mischiefe, and perswade the King to proclaim and justifie himselfe the authour of those plots against his own naturall subjects.
These are they who yet in despite of the Acts and Orders of Parliament, dare walke our streets, and confront authority.
These are they whose Iesuiticall incantations first wrought jealousies, and afterwards by the bare names of Brownists, Anabaptists Separatists, and Round-heads; conjured up most strong divisions into the members of the same Body, and by them through the whole Kingdome. For it is their Character to seduce (if it were possible) the very elect, and as the taile of the Dragon in these last times, to sweep down the starres of heaven.
These are the Locusts of that Apollion Abaddon, That destroy both reason and conscience, soule and body, liberty, and estate, That destroy the King, That destroy the Parliament, That destroy the Kingdome, That destroy all holinesse. This is Antichrist, The Antichrist, even Babylon the great. So that the contemplation, of this is enough to inflame the frozen spirits of the dead, and raise them up to battell. Here is a Cause, here, here is an Alarm to call forth Michael and his Angels, and the glorious Hoast of Heaven to warre. Wherefore forsaking all by respects and nicknames invented to divide us, and looking up to the Almighty power which is to be seen in the Mount, beleeving these extremities ordered by his all-wise providence to necessitate us to the performance of his will, against that mother of Harlots and abhominations of the Earth.
We doe in the voyce of the Angell earnestly intreat all Protestant Christians to come out of Babylon, and forsake those Antichristian Papists, and not to plead for them, nor joyn with them, lest they be partakers of their punishment. And we doe for our parts all solemnly protest in obedience to the said declaration of Parliament, of Ian. 26. last, that since there is no other means left (as we conceive) of assisting that honourable Assembly, or of enjoying peace, or the Gospell of peace, nor so much as our owne Lives, where these Antichristian Locusts have any footing, Wee will endevour the banishment or utter extirpation of all Papists out of this Kingdome, as the authors and incendiaries of these unnaturall and bloody warres; and bring to condigne punishment, all such as contrary to their oathes of Supremacie, Allegeance, Protestation and Covenant, shall oppose themselves to hinder the just and necessary performance of this our resolution.