A TRUE COPY OF THE PAPERS Delivered by Mr. Robert Chernock, Mr. Edward King, Mr. Thomas Key, TO THE [...]heriffs of London and Middlesex, at Tyburn, the Place of Execution, March 18th. 1696.

Published by Authority.


THAT I might avoid distractions, and be Composed as much as possible at the time of my Execution, I thought it much more proper to Communicate This to the Sheriffs, than to give my self the uneasiness of speaking, leaving it to them to publish (if they should think convenient) for the satisfaction of the World; and in what I have to say, I have taken as much care as I could to be short, that I might not lose time in my greatest Concern.

As concerning an Invasion intended by King James upon England, and that there was certain Intelligence of it from Abroad, I presume every body was satisfied; and to the facilitating of which, I own that my self and some o­thers did agree upon the Undertaking, To Attack the Prince of Orange and his Guards, for which I am now to Suffer; but I think my self obliged by all the Tyes imaginable, both of Conscience and Honour, to declare, That as for any Order or Commission of King James's for Assassinating the Prince of Orange, I neither saw, nor knew of any; but have had frequent Assurances of his having rejected such Proposals when they have been Offer'd.

I confess I did hear that there was a Commission arrived for Levying of War, and which was natural to believe, if the King was in such a readiness to come over as was reported; but if there was any such Authority as that, I declare I never saw it.

As to what regards the Body of the Roman Catholicks, I must do them this Ju­stice, and which I dare be positive in, That they had no manner of Know­ledge of this Design, nor do I believe it was Communicated to any other Party of such as are reputed the King's Friends, but carried on merely by a small number, without the Advice, Consent or Privity of any Parties whatso­ever.

I ask forgiveness of all the World for what Offences or Injuries I have [...] to them; and I am ( I bless Almighty God) in perfect Charity with Mankind.

Robert Cherno [...]

Mr. KING'S Paper.

I Am now within a few Moments of Eternity, brought to this place by the [...] Hand of God in Punishment of all my Crimes; but particularly of that, which I have been lately Arraign'd, and for which I stand here Condemned; bu [...] hope, that Goodness of God, which hath given me a Sense of my Wickedne [...] will accept my Repentance, and shew Mercy on me; which I hope to obtain throu [...] the Passion and Merits of my Redeemer, upon whom I intirely cast my self.

And that I may find his Mercy, I think my self oblig'd to do Justice to my Neigh­bour, that so none may suffer wrongfully on my account; and therefore as I am so [...] to answer the truth of what I say before the Tribunal of God.

I First declare, that I never saw any Oorder or Commission of King James's pro­moting the Assassination for which I am Condemn'd: Neither do I know of any such Order or Commission.

Secondly, That the Design was not undertaken with any General Knowledge or Approbation of any Body of Men, either Catholick or Protestant.

Lastly, That I did not ingage in it on Presumption of any King-killing Princi­ples that cou'd justify such an Ʋndertaking, but was drawn into it by my own Rash­ness and Passion, for which and all other Sins I heartily beseech God to forgive m [...]

And I hope that such who think the Misfortune of their Imprisonment or Troubl [...] is derived from my having been ingag'd in this Enterprize; or such to whom it h [...] any ways given Scandal, that they will admit me to their Pardon, as I freely a [...] heartily forgive all Mankind. In this Disposition and sincere Repentance and true Charity, I commend my Soul into the hands of God, and hope to find Mercy from him. And for this I beg all your Prayers.

Ed. King

Mr. KEY's Paper.

I AM now going to appear before the Living God; I trust in his Mercy that he will forgive all my Sins committed to this last moment of my Life God is just in all his Judgments, and I accept of this Death as the Punish­ment of my Iniquities: I forgive all my Enemies, and hope through a hearty Repentance, and the Merits of my Saviour, to obtain Mercy.

Have mercy on me, O Father of Mercy, and through thy only Son forgive me all my Sins.

Thomas Key.

Edinburgh, Re-printed by the Heirs and Successors of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Excellent Majesty, 1696.

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