True Copie of the List, or Roll, of the KING'S MAJESTlES most Royall Proceedings from the Tower through London to VVhitehall, as it will be Marshalled by the Lords Deputed for the Office of Earl d. Marshall.

  • [...]is MEssengers of the Chamber
  • Gent. Harbinger, and Serjeant Porter
  • Gent. and Esquires, the Dukes Servants
  • Gent. and Esquires, the Kings Servants
  • Gent. Sewers, the Kings Servants in Ordinary
  • Gent. Ushers, Quarter Wayters in Ordinary
  • Gentlemen Ushers in Ordinary
  • Clarks of the Signet
  • Clarks of the Privy Seal
  • Clarks of the Councell
  • Clarks of the Parliament
  • Clark of the Crown
  • Chaplains having Dignities
  • Aldermen of London
  • The Dukes Councell at Law
  • The Queens Councell at Law
  • The Kings Atturney and Soliciter, with his Lear­ned Councell.
  • The Kings Advocate and Remembrancer
  • Serjeants at Law
  • The Kings Serjeants
  • Masters of the Chancery
  • Knights Batchellours
  • Secretaries of the French and Latine Tongues
  • The Queens Secretary
  • Esquires for the Body Sewers
  • Carvers, Cup-bearers in Ordinary
  • Masters of Standing Offices, being no Councellors, viz.
    • The Tents
    • Revellers
    • Armory
    • Ward to be made
    • Ordnance
  • Masters of Requests
  • The Chamberlains of the Exchequer
  • Barons of the Exchequer, and Judges of the Laws
  • The Lord Chief Baron, and Chief Justice of the Common Pleas
  • The Lord Chief Justice of England Trumpets
  • Gent. of the Privy Chamber, and Bed Chamber
  • Knights of the Bath
  • Knights that have been Lords Embassadors, Lords President
  • Knights Marshall, The Master of the Kings Jewell-House
  • The Dean of the Kings Chappell
  • Barons Younger Sons
  • Viscounts Younger Sons
  • Knights of the Privy Councell
  • Knights of the Garter
  • Barons Eldest Sons
  • Earls Younger Sons
  • Viscounts Eldest Sons
  • Treasurer and Comptroller amongst Barons, ac­cording to their Creation
  • Barons of Parliament
  • Principall Secretary
  • Bishops
  • Marquesses Younger Sons
  • Earls Eldest Sons
  • Viscounts
  • Dukes Younger Sons
  • Marquesses Eldest Sons
  • Earles
  • The Lord Admiral, and Lord Chamberlain of the Houshold, if not otherwise imployed
  • Dukes Eldest Sons
  • Marquesses
  • Dukes
  •   Serjeant of Armes
    • Clarencieux and Norry, Kings of Armes
    • Lord Treasurer
    • Lord Chancellor
    • Chief Gent. Usher Garter, Lord Mayor of London
    • The Duke
    • And the Lord Great Chamberlain
    Serjeant of Armes  
    Footmen & Squires Gent. Pentioners
    • The Constable, The Sword born by the Earl Marshall.
    • The KINGS MAJESTY under His Canopie,
      Born up by the Barons of the Cinqueports.
    • The Master of the Horse leading a spare Horse
    • The Vice-Chamberlain to the KING.
    Gent. Pentioners Footmen & Squires

Printed at London, and Re-printed at Edinburgh, Anno Dom. 1661.

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