A True and Perfect LIST, Of ALL the FORCES SENT By his Most Christian Majesty, ABOARD His Men of Warr and Gallies, Upon the Expedition for the Relief of Candia This present Year, 1669.
Published by Authority.
Printed by T. Newcomb in the Savoy, 1669.
A List of the Ships belonging to the French Fleet designed for the Succors of Candia, under the Duke de Beaufort, which sailed from Thoulon the 5 th of June 1669. together with the Names of the Captains, the Number of Guns, and Account of the Forces embarked for that Expedition.
- 1. LE Monarque, Admiral; commanded by the Duke de Beaufort, Admiral of France; and under him by the Captains Fayette, Forannet, and Gombaut; 4 Lieutenants; 4 Ensignes, and 15 Volunteers: a Vessel of 1600 Tuns: her Equipage consists of 800 men, carries 90 brass Guns; 500 of the Regiment of French Guards, and the Admirals Company of Guards of 120 men.
- [Page 2]2. Le Courtisan, Viceadmiral; commanded by the Marquis de Martel; a Vessel of 1200 Tun; her Equipage 400 men, 66 brass, and 6 iron Guns; aboard her Monsieur Colbert Field-Marshall, with 400 Musqueteers, and 26 Reformed Officers.
- 3. La Princess, Rere-Admiral; commanded by Monsieur Gaberet; a Vessel of 1000 Tun, 450 men her Equipage, 44 brass and 14 iron Guns; aboard her Messieurs Bray & de Choiseul Field-Marshals, Monsieur de la Croix Intendent of the Army, with 450 of the Regiment af Harcourt:
- 4. Le Fleuron, Monsieur Turelle Commander; 1000 Tuns, 300 men her Equipage; 26 brass, 22 iron Guns; aboard her 400 of the Regiment of Jonsac.
- 5. Le Lys; The Marquis de Grancey Commander, 1000 Tuns, 350 men Equipage, 32 brass and 26 iron Guns, 400 of the Regiment of Grancey, and 25 Reformed Officers.
- 6. Le Bourbon; The Chevalier de Bouillon Commander, 1000 Tuns, 400 men Equipage, 38 brass 22 iron Guns, 350 of the Regiment of Rousan, and 25 Reformed Officers.
- [Page 3]7. La Royalle; De la Hilliere Commander, 1000 Tuns, 400 men Equipage, 30 brass and 24 iron Guns, 450 of the Regiment of Bretagne and Conty, and 50 Reformed Officers.
- 8. La Therese; Monsieur de Hectot Commander; 900 Tuns, 350 men Equipage, 34 brass and 16 iron Guns; aboard her the Duke de Navailles the General of the Land Forces, 300 Horse and his own Guards.
- 9. Le Conty; Monsieur Querian Commander; 900 Tuns, 350 men Equipage; 25 brass and 15 iron Guns, and 350 men of the Regiment of Harcourt.
- 10. Le Provencal; Monsieur de Bouilly Commander, 800 Tuns, 300 men Equipage, 17 Brass and 21 iron Guns, and 300 men of the Regiment of St. Vallier.
- 11. Le Thoulon; Monsieur Peron Bellisle Major, 700 Tuns, 300 men Equipage, 15 brass and 27 iron Guns, and 300 men of the Regiment of Lorrain.
- 12. La Syraine; Monsieur Cogolin Commander, 700 Tuns, 220 men Equipage, 16 brass and 24 iron Guns, and 300 men of the Regiment of Montaigu
- [Page 4]13. La Dunquerquoise; Monsieur de Languillet Commander, 700 Tuns, 220 men Equipage, 18 brass and 22 iron Guns, and 200 of the Regiment of Montpesat.
- 14. Le Croissant; Chevalier de Tourville Commander, 400 Tuns, 200 men Equipage, 10 brass and 22 iron Guns, and 150 men of the Regiment of Lignieres.
- 15. L'Estoille; Monsieur de Pontay d'Humieres Commander, 400 Tuns, 200 men Equipage, 15 brass and 21 iron Guns, and 2 Companies of the Regiment of Chasteau Tierry.
- 16. L'Elbeouf & Serpent; Monsieur de Breman Commander, 450 Tuns, 250 men equipage, 10 iron guns, and 100 men of the Regiment of Moupeiroux, with 40 Reformed Officers.
- 17. La Concorde; Monsieur le Roux Commander, 150 Tun, 25 men equipage, 6 Iron guns, and 420 men belonging to the General Officers.
- 18 Le Saint Antoine de Padoue; Monsieur Chaboureau Commander, 150 Tun, 30 men equipage, 4 Iron Guns, and 420 men belonging to the General Officers.
- [Page 5]1. La Justice; The Sieur Guillet Commander, 400 Tun, 50 men, and 11 Iron Guns.
- 2. Le Mareshal Phaebus; The Sieur Serpaut Commander, 70 Tun, 25 men, and 4 Iron Guns.
- 3. La Galliotte; The Sieur Julien Commander, 80 Tun, 15 men, and 8 Iron Guns.
- 4. La Vierge attending as an Hospital; The Sieur Braulieu de Verne Commander, 300 Tun, 45 men, and 16 Iron Guns.
Besides these, are attending on the Fleet 2 Fregates which are to wait upon the Army, 6 Long Barks, one Brigantine, and 20 other Vessels laden with Ammunition, Provisions, Artillery, and Palisadoes belonging to the Land Army, the least of which carry 8 or 10 Guns, and 60 men, and 5 of them 120 men.
A List of the Gallies and Galiotes which put to Sea from Marseilles the 15 of May 1669. upon the same Expedition for the Succors of Candia.
- 1. LA Capitane; the Count de Vivonne General, Monsieur de Manse a Captain under him; 340 men attending at the Oar,
- 1. LA Vigilante; Monsieur Spanet Commander; 200 Men at the Oar, all Freemen, 20 Seamen, 10 Souldiers, 4 Inferiour Officers, and 50 Soldiers of the Regiment of Chateau-Thierry.
- 2. La Subtile; the Count de Bueil Commander; 200 Freemen at the Oare, 20 Seamen, 10 Soldiers, 4 Inferiour Officers, and 50 of the Regiment of Chateau-Thierry.
- 3. La Legere; the Chevalier de Foresta Commander; 200 Freemen at the Oare; 20 Seamen, 10 Soldiers, 4 Inferior Officers, and 50 Soldiers of the Regiment of Chateau-Thierry.
- Two Ships and 14 Barks or Polachs laden with six Months Provision and Ammunition for the Gallies.
It is to be observed, that besides the 100 Soldiers which are the Equipage of each Gally, there are 50 Soldiers Embarked upon each Gally belonging to the Regiments of Espagny la Ferre, and Chateau-Thierry.
The Sieur Stoup Cap. of the Swiss Guard, the Sieur de Roussy, a Reformed Captain; the Sieur de Mabousquet, Chevalier des Pennes, and Baron Dollieres, are Embarqued upon the Captains Gally.
A List of the Land Forces Horse and Foot under the Command of the Duke de Navailles, which are design'd to land in Candia, besides the Equipages of the Men of War, Gallyes and Galeotes.
CAptains | 164 |
Lieutenants | 173 |
Ʋnder-Lieutenants of the Guards | 5 |
Ensigns | 38 |
Serjeants | 174 |
Voluntiers of the Guards | 47 |
Soldiers | 4872 |
Archers | 2 |
5475 | |
Reformed Officers | 203 |
Voluntiers | 62 |
Servants | 315 |
580 |
The two Companies with the Voluntiers | 254 |
Drums | 4 |
Inferior Officers | 3 |
Servants | 293 |
554 |
Captains | 16 |
Lieutenants | 21 |
Quarter-Masters | 13 |
Horsemen | 359 |
Servants | 16 |
Supernumerary Officers | 5 |
Servants belonging to the Cavalry distributed upon the Barks | 135 |
565 |
So that the whole number of Officers, Soldiers and Servants belonging to the Land Army onely will amount to Seven thousand, one hundred seventy and four Men.— | 7174 |