A True and Exact RELATION Of the Taking of Newhassell by Storm. TOGETHER With the Defeat of the serasquier Bassa before Grann, by the Duke of Lorrain, as it was brought from Vienna by the Sieur Martell to the Governour of the Spanish Netherlands.
ALL being well put in order by the Care and Conduct of the General Count Caprara, and the Duke of Crey, to whom the the Duke of Lorrain had left the Command to continue the Seige of Newhassell; they began on the 19th. to Storm about Eight in the Morning; and in less then an hour carried the place by main Force, and cut all the Garrison in pieces, except a few Principal Officers, to whom Quarter was given, after the heat of their Fury was over; And amidst this Slaughter, four hundred being retired to a Bastion, who were warmly plaid on by our Cannon, slid down the Ditches to escape; whereof many were drowned, and the rest cut off by our Horse, who came not up to the Storm. This great Success was immediatly carried by General Count Sherffenberg to his Imperial Majesty at Vienna, whither he parted at Nine in the Morning, and arrived there at Nine on the 20th at Night: This General Commanded the Right, and entred first the Town with his Sword in his hand, and the Sir Rinnel General of the Battel of the Bavarian Troops, who commanded the Left, entred likewise about the same time, while the Seiur du Mont, General of the Battel of the Lunenburgers commanded the Reserve; there were but two Lieutenants of the Imperialists Killed in all the Action [Page 2] and about 30 private Souldiers, with a few of the Auxi [...]iaries. The Besieged were still about 1200 behind the Breaches on the time of the Assault; they found in the Magazines Forty Thousand weight of Powder, a great quantity of Ammunition, and Provision both for War and Mouth, Eighty Pieces of Brass Cannon, which had been all dismounted by us, except two, all the Riches taken, a great number of Christian Slaves freed. Thus this place after having groaned 22 years under their Tyranny, is redeemed to the Power of his Imperial Majesty.
Brussels 19. 1685.
Having given you a Relation of the wonderful taking of Newhassell, with so inconsiderable a loss on the Christian side, it will be no less surprizing News to tell you that Prince Charles of Lorrain, the Duke of Bavaria, Prince Waldeck, and other General Officers have signalized themselves against the Ottoman Army, under the Command of the Serasquier Bassa, who had besieged the Town of Grann, on purpose to make a diversion, in hopes to releive Newhassel, but His Highness the Duke of Lorrain finding the Enemy, advantagiously posted in a Morras, made a show, as if he designed to March towards the Bridges of Raab, and as a forerunner of good success, God Almighty so ordered it, that a Fogg rose on the sudden, and prevented the Enemy from discerning of his March, so that they removed from their Camp to follow His Highness, who immediately faced about, and Fought them in the open Field, killing 6000 Janizaries upon the place, taking all their Cannon, Ammunition, and Provisions, and a great number of Prisoners. This Account is brought to the Governor of Flanders, by Mounsieur Martel, who was sent by Count Chersenburg, from Vienna, to communicate this Advice by word of Mouth to the Governor of Flanders, the Duke of Lorrain being then in pursuit of of the Rest of the Ottoman Army.
EDINBURGH, Re-printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His Most Sacred Majesty. Anno Dom. 1685.