To the Right Honourable Sir Patient Ward, Kt. Lord-Mayor of the City of LONDON, and to the Right Worshipfull, the Aldermen his Brethren,
The Humble Petition of Us whose Names are here Subscribed, and of many other Citizens and Inhabitants of the City of London; his Majesties Loyall Subjects.


THat your Petitioners being deeply sensible of the many Instances which they have had the Honour to receive, of his Majesties Princely Goodness and Bounty; and more particularly, in His Royall Assurances of a full Resolution to have Frequent Parliaments; and both In, and Out of Parliament touse his utmost Endeavours to extirpate Popery; to redress all the Grie­vances of his Good Subjects; and in all things to Govern according to the Laws of the Kingdom: Which his Sacred Majesty hath been Graciously pleas'd, with a most Express Solemnity, to promise, and to publish unto the World in his Late Princely Declaration.

In the Contemplation of a Goodness so ample, and so effectuall, that there is nothing further wanting toward the Compo­sing of Mens Mindes; the creating of a Right Understanding betwixt his Majesty and his Liege-People; and (under Gods Pro­vidence) toward the Establishment of a Distracted Nation in Agreement, Peace, and Plenty; saving only the Dutiful Return of Veneration and Obedience, from the Subject, in acknowledgement of the Fatherly Tenderness of so Indulgent a Sovereign.

Your Humble Petitioners cannot but in Reverence, and Gratitude, Declare, that We are Unanimously Resolved to lay our Lives and Fortunes at His Majesties Feet, in Defence of his Sacred Person, against all Opposition whatsoever; and in the Maintenance of the Established Religion, and the Government both of Church and State, as it is setled by Law; pursuant to the Tenour of his Majesties Royal Declaration, and the Duty of all Loyal Subjects.

May it Therefore please your Lordship, and this Honourable Court, to present This our Humble Aadress, Declaration, and Resolution, to his most Gracious Majesty, in such manner as unto You shall seem meet;

And Your Petitioners (as in Duty bound) shall ever Pray.

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