To the KINGS most Sacred Majesty:
The most Faithful and Unfeigned Thanks and Resolves of the Mayor, Sheriffs, Aldermen, Citizens, and Commonality of the City of Norwich, in Common Council Assembled, at their General Quarter Assembly, held the 3d. of May, in the 33d. year of Your Majesties Reign, and Sealed with their Common Seal.

FIrst, we Restore Your Majesty, our Hearty Thanks for Your Majesties steady Re­solution of maintaining the Rights of the Crown, and Succession in their due Course, and our Religion, by Law Established, the Right of Your Subjects, their Liberties and Properties, against the Arbitrary proceedings of the House of commons, in their two last Parliaments, and their Ʋnlimited, and Illegal Imprisonments; and their Messengers exorbitant, exacting pretended Fees form Your Loyal Subjects, con­trary to Magna Carta, and Your Majesties Declaration, dated the eight day of April, 1681.

We also Ʋnanimously thank Your Sacred Majesty, for giving Your last Parliaments such timely Dissolutions, and for Your Gracious and kind Declaration sent after them, and not passing limitations, or nullifications of such wholesome Acts, as were design­ed for a preservation of the Reformed Religion, especially the 35th. of Queen Elizabeth, as well as for not signing such others, which were prepared for Your Majesties Sub­jects, to associate and destroy the Succession, and extirpate Monarchy, not doubting, but by Your Majesties great Wisdom, effectual Care will be taken, that those Laws, now in force, may vigorously, speedily, and equally be put in execution, against all Papists and Protestant Dissenters, whereby we hope in time, they will be all brought to their right Ʋnderstanding, Obedience, and Allegiance to Your Majesty.

And we do Ʋnanimously resolve, that it shall be our utmost endeavours, when Your Majesties occasions require, to send such men for our Representatives, as shall rea­dily, and willingly supply Your Majesties occasions, and the Defence of the Kingdom by Sea and Land, and give discouragements to all Papists, and other malicious op­posers, being clearly Convinced, that the Conveening of Parliaments to any place, Managing, Proroguing, and Dissolving the same, is the unquestionable Right of Your Majesty.

We farther Resolve, that to our utmost power we will, as in duty bound, stand by, and defend with our Lives and Fortunes, Your Majesties Sacred Person and Go­vernment, as by Law Established, and the Succession in the right Line, and legal course of descent, against all vile Attempts of all that do yet retain their old Common­wealth Principles, by whom Your Father of Ever-blessed Memory, was Barbarously Murthered, and shall always, upon all occasions, be in greatest readiness to perform the same, and glad to shew our selves,

Great Sir,
Your Sacred Majesties most Faith­ful, Dutiful, Obedient, Loyal, and true hearted Citizens and Subjects.

Re-printed in the Year, 1681.

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