To the King's Most Excellent Majesty.
The Humble Petition of your Majesty's most Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, Inhabitants within Your County of MIDDLESEX, whose Names are hereunto Subscribed.


THat whereas there hath been, and still is, a most Damnable and Hellish Popish Plot, branched forth into several the most Horrid Villanies against your Majesty's most Sacred Person, the Protestant Religion, and the Well-Established Government of this Your Realm, for which several of the Principal Conspirators stand now Impeached by Parliament.

Therefore in such a Time when your Majesty's Royal Person, as also the Protestant ReligiĀ­on, and the Government of this Nation are thus in most imminent Danger,

We your Majesty's most Humble, Dutiful, and Obedient Subjects, in the deepest sence of our Duty and Allegiance to your Majesty, do most humbly and earnestly Pray, That the Parliament which is Prorogu'd until the 26th Day of January next, may then Sit, to Try the Offenders, and to Redress all other our most Important Grievances, no otherways to be Redressed.

And your Petitioners shall ever Pray for your Majesty's Long and Prosperous Reign.

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