To the King's most Excellent Majesty, The Humble ADDRESS OF THE CITTIZENS and INHABITANTS That are of the Presbyterian Perswasion in the City of Edinburgh and Cannongate.

May it please Your most Sacred Majesty,

WE cannot find suitable Expressions to evidence our most humble and grateful Acknowledgments for Your Majesties late Gracious Declaration, by which we are happily delivered of many sad and grievous Burthens we have long groaned under; and (all Restraints, to our great Joy, being taken off) are allow'd the free and peaceable publick Exercise of our Religion, a Mercy which is dear­er to us than our Lives and Fortunes.

Could we open our Hearts, Your Majesty would un­doubtedly see what deep Sense and true Zeal for Your Ser­vice, so surprizing and signal a Favour hath imprinted on our Spirits; for which, we reckon our selves highly obli­ged (throwing our selves at Your Majesties Feet) to re­turn Your most Excellent Majesty our most humble, duti­ful and hearty Thanks: And we desire humbly to assure Your Majesty, That as the Principles of the Protestant Re­ligion, which according to our Confession of Faith we pro­fess obligeth us all the days of our Lives to that intire Loy­alty and Duty to Your Majesties Person and Government, that no difference of Religion can dissolve; so we hope, and through Gods Assistance, shall still endeavour to demean ourselves is our Practice, in such manner, as shall evidence to the World the Truth and Sincerity of our Loyalty and [Page 2] Gratitude, and make it appear, that there is no inconsist ency betwixt true Loyalty and Presbyterian Principles.

Great SIR! We humbly offer our Dutiful and Faithful Assurances, that as we have not been hitherto wanting in that great Duty, which our Consciences bind upon us to pray for Your Majesty; so this late refreshing and unex­pected Favour will much more engage us in great Sincerity, to continue still to offer up our desires to the God of Heaven, by whom Kings Reign and Princes decree Justice, to Bless Your Royal Majesties Person and Government; and after a happy and comfortable Reign on Earth, to Crown You with an incorruptible Crown of Glory in Heaven, which is most ar­dently prayed for, by,

Most Dread Soveraign,
Your Majesties most humble, most Loyal, most Dutiful, and most Obedient Subjects. Subscribed in our own Names, and by order of the Citizens and Inhabitants of the Presbyterian Perswasion within Your City of Edinburgh and Connongate.

London, Printed by T. N. and Re-printed at Edinburgh, by the Heir of Andrew Anderson, Printer to His most Sa­cred Majesty, City and Colledge: 1687.

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