The humble Petition of sundry of the Knights, Gentlemen, Free-holders, and others of the Inhabitants of the County of Suffolke, to the number of above 13000. presented Jan.31. 1641.

Humbly Sheweth,

THat whereas by the blessing of God, His Majesties grace and favour towards us, and the long continued labours of this Ho­nourable Assembly, many grievances and burthens both in Church and Commonwealth (under which we had a long time groaned) are removed, which with all humility and thankfulnesse we humbly acknowledge, yet understanding that many Bills tending to the honor of His Majesty, the safety and welfare of this Kingdome, have by this Honourable Assembly been voted and now lye in the Lords House unpassed, by reason of the Popish Lords and Bishops sitting there, as we conceive, by reason whereof together with the not execution of Laws against the Popists (who not with standing through the providence of God, have been discovered and disappointed in many of their treacherous plots against the King and State) they & their adherents are still emboldned in their mischievous plots and conspiracies, a lamentable experience of whose treasons and bloudy cruelties we heare is daily presented to this Honourable Assembly from Ireland, whose dolefull condition your Petitioners do much piety & bewaile. We therefore your Petiti­oners being greatly distracted and full of fears of some sudden & cruell design to break out against the peace of the Kingdome which puts us into an unsetled condition, & occasioneth a generall decay in trading, tending to the impoverishing of the Nation unlesse timely preven­ted, and having most of us solemnly protested to maintaine the Protestant Religion against all Popery, and to desend his Majesties Royall person, honour and estate and the High Court of Parliament, and to endeavour the union and peace of the three united Kingdomes, doe humbly and earnestly pray,

That this Honourable Assembly will be pleased to improve all good meanes that the Popish Lords and Bishops may be removed out of the House of Peeres, that this Kingdome may bee secured, and our poore distressed brethren in Ireland may be speedily relieved, that the Lawes against Popists may be put in execution, that delinqurnts may be punished and out former Petitions a­gainst Bishop Wren and cur seandalous Ministers may be speeded, and that all burthens in Church and Commonwealth may be removed, with the causes thereof.

And your Petitioners according to their bounden duty shall daily pray for a prosperous successe of this Parliament.

THE ANSWER OF THE HOVSE OF COMMONS TO This Petition, delivered by Mr. Speaker.


I Am commanded by the House to return hearty thanks to the Petitioners for their love and care ex­pressed in the first part of this Petition, and the House is resolved to take the rest of the Petition into their serions consideration; and I am further commanded to tell you, that the House hath already transmitted Bishop VVren to the Lords.

Printed in the Yeare, 1641.

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