WHereas his Highnesse Council in SCOTLAND by their Ordinance of the 31. of October last, have Or­dained, That the Prices for every Common-Bill shall be Sixpence sterling. The Prices of every Bill of Sus­pension, Two shillings sterling. And all other Prices belonging to Clerks, Registers, Keepers of Seals, or payable for Seals, shall be according to the Statutes of this Nation, and no more. Therefore the Com­missioners for Administration of Justice to the People in SCOTLAND, to the end the People may know certainly what to pay to HENRY HOPE, who is appointed Receiver of these Prices, excepting the Prices due for the Privy Seal, which are ordained to be paid to the Keeper of that Seal, Have thought fit to excerp from the Statutes, and Acts of Parliament of this Nation, the Prices underwritten, due thereby to the Director of the Chancery, Clerks of the Session, Clerk of the Bills, and for the Signet Privy and Great Seals; And also the Prices due to the Clerk of the Register of Hornings and Inhibitions; And to the Clerk of the Register of Seasings, in manner following.

Prices to the Director of the CHANCERY.
  Scots Money.
  L. S. P.
FOr Legitimations 02. 00. 00.
For Remissions to a Yeoman 02. 00. 00.
And for every Person more than one contained therein 01. 00. 00.
For a Remission to a Baron 04. 00. 00.
And for every Person of that rank more than one contained therein 02. 00. 00.
For a Remission to a Lord 06. 00. 00.
And for every Person of that rank, more than one contained therein 03. 00. 00.
For Writing and Registring of a Conformation or Infeftment of a Five pound Land, or under, with the Precept of Seasing duely and orderly past 04. 00. 00.
For Writing and Registring of a Confirmation or Infeftment of a Ten pound Land, or under, with the Precept of Seasing duely and orderly past 05. 00. 00.
For Writing and Registring of a Confirmation or Infeftment of all other Lands under a Barony, or Thirty Pound Land, with the precept of Seasing duely and orderly past 06. 00. 00.
For Writing and Registring of an Infeftment of a Barony, with the precept of Seasing duely and orderly past 10. 00. 00.
And for every Barony more than one, contained therein 05. 00. 00.
Provided, That the whole Payment exceed not 20. 00. 00.
For Writing and Registring of an Infefment of a Lordship or Earldom, with the precept of Seasing duely and orderly past 20. 00. 00.
And for every Barony more than one contained therein 05. 00. 00.
Provided, That the whole Payment exceed not 50. 00. 00.
For Commissions orderly past the quarter Seal, for serving of Brieves in favors of a Yeoman 02. 00. 00.
For Commissions Sealed, in favors of a Baron 03. 00. 00.
For Commissions Sealed, in favors of a Lord 06. 00. 00.
For Tutory Datives, duely and orderly Sealed 02. 00. 00.
For the whole Persons contained in the Tutory.      
Presentations upon Forfeiture or Bastardry of small Annual­rents, or Lands within Burgh, and of small peeces of Lands, for the Writing and Quarter-Seal 02. 00. 00.
And of other Lands of greater availe 05. 00. 00.
For a Breive 00. 05. 00.
For an Aturney 00. 02. 00.
For Registrating a Retour to a Common-man 00. 13. 04.
To a Baron 01. 06. 08.
To a Lord 02. 00. 00.
For Precepts upon the Retour for Lands, under a Ten pound Land 02. 00. 00.
And if the Lands be above a Ten pound Land, to pay ac­cordingly      
Provided, That the highest price exceed not 04. 00. 00.
For the second and third Precepts 01. 00. 00.
For the fourth Precept conform to the first      
Prices for the Clerks of the SESSION.
  Scots Money.
  L. S. P.
FOr Registrating of an Obligation 00. 13. 04.
For the Extract thereof 00. 13. 04.
An Act of Litiscontestation in Summar and Common Causes, for every sheet of the Act, and of the Decreet 01. 00. 00.
And whereas by the Act of Parliament, 1621. The Prices of Acts of Litiscontestation in matters of contentious dispute, heard in presence of the Lords, are appointed to be at the discretion of the Party. It is Ordered, that the payment for such Acts of Litiscontestation, be as for other Acts of Litiscontestation.      
Common and ordinary Extracts, for every sheet extracted 00. 13. 04.
The Registration to pay as much.      
Prices to the Clerk of the BILLS.
  Scots Money.
  L. S. P.
FOr Acts of Caution with the Relief 01. 00. 00.
For Commissions 00. 13. 04.
For Dispensations in favors of a Party 00. 00. 04.
And for a Sheriffedom or Burgh 00. 06. 08.
Acts of Lawborrows, for every person contained in the Act 00. 06. 08.
For Advocations 01. 00. 00.
For Relaxations per se 00. 06. 08.
And for every person contained therein accordingly.      
The Prices for Cōmon Bills, & Bills of Suspension are set down in the Preamble to the Prices, viz. for every Common Bill, 00. 06. 00.
And for every Bill of Suspension 01. 04. 00.
Item according to the Act of Parliament, 1641. for recording and allowing of Comprisings 02. 00. 00.
And for the Extract thereof 01. 00. 00.
Pryces for the SIGNET.
  Scots Money.
  L. S. P.
FOr Summons of whatsoever quality. 00. 10. 00.
For Letters of Inhibition and Arrestment 00. 16. 08.
For Letters of Lawborrows, and Criminal Letters, how many Persons soever be insert 00. 10. 00.
For Ministers Letters 00. 10. 00.
For all Letters of Horning of whatsoever quality, except Let­ters of Lawborrows and Criminal Letters 01. 11. 08.
For a Relaxation 00. 10. 00.
And accordingly for every Person Relaxed.      
For a Legitimation 01. 00. 00.
For an Infeftment or Confirmation of a Five pound Land, or under 01. 10. 00.
For an Infeftment or Confirmation of a Ten pound Land or under      
For an Infeftment or Confirmation of other Lands, under a Thirty pound Land, or Barony 02. 10. 00.
For an Infeftment of Barony 03. 00. 00.
And of so many moe different Baronies as are contained in the Signature 03. 00. 00.
For an Infeftment of an Earldom and Lordship of dignity 06. 00. 00.
And for every Barony beside, contained in the Signature 03. 00. 00.
For Comprisings 02. 00. 00.
For a Remission to a Common-man 01. 00. 00.
And accordingly for every person contained in the same Re­mission, and for every Crime      
For a Remission to a Baron 02. 00. 00.
And accordingly for every person of that rank, and for every Crime contained in the Signature.      
For a Remission to a Lord 03. 00. 00.
Crime contained in the Signature.      
A Taxt-Ward being insert, to pay likewise the half price that the Lands or Barony payeth at the Signet.      
Prices for the PRIVY-SEAL.
  Scots Money.
  L. S. P.
FOr the Escheat of a Common-man 01. 06. 08.
And for every Person more contained in the Signature 00. 13. 04.
The Life-rent and Escheat to pay the double of this Sum.      
For the Escheat of a Baron 02. 13. 04.
And for every Person more of that rank contained in the Signature 01. 06. 08.
The Escheat and Life-rent to pay the double of this Sum.      
For the Escheat of a Lord 08. 00. 00.
And for every person more of that rank contained in the Signature 04. 00. 00.
Their Escheat and Life-rent to pay the double of this Sum.      
For a Legitimation 02. 00. 00.
For a Remission or Respit to a Common-man 02. 00. 00.
And accordingly for every Person, and every Crime con­tained in the Signature.      
For a Remission or Respit to a Baron 03. 00. 00.
And accordingly for every Person more of that rank, and for every Crime contained in the Signature.      
For a Respit or Remission to a Lord 06. 00. 00.
And accordingly for every Person of that rank, and for every Crime contained in the Signature.      
For the Infeftment or Confirmation of a Five pound Land, or under 03. 00. 00.
For the Infeftment or Confirmation of a Ten pound Land, or under 04. 00. 00.
For the Infeftment or Confirmation of all other Lands, under a Thirty pound Land or Barony 05. 00. 00.
For the Infeftment or Confirmation of a Barony 06. 00. 00.
And for every Barony more contained in the Infeftment 03. 00. 00.
For an Infeftment or Confirmation of an Earldom, or Lord­ship of dignity 12. 00. 00.
And for every Barony beside contained in the Infeftment 06. 00. 00.
For a Comprising 04. 00. 00.
For a Taxt-Ward, the half price that a Land or Barony payeth at the Privy-Seal.      
For the Ward, Non-entress, Relief, and Marriage of men under Barons 02. 00. 00.
For the Ward, Non-entress, Relief, and Marriage of a Baron 04. 00. 00.
For the Ward, Non-entress, Relief, and Marriage of a Lord 10. 00. 00.
For the Ward only of a mean man 01. 10. 00.
For the Ward only of a Baron 03. 00. 00.
For the Ward only of a Lord 05. 00. 00.
For the Non-entress only of men under Barons 01. 00. 00.
For the Non-entress only of Barons 02. 00. 00.
For the Non-entress only of Earls and Lords 03. 00. 00.
For the Marriage only of men under Barons 01. 10. 00.
For the Marriage only of Barons 03. 00. 00.
For the Mariage only of Lords 05. 00. 00.
For Common Gifts of Prebendaries, Chaplinries, Pensions, or Offices 01. 10. 00.

Prices of the GREAT-SEAL.

THat the Prices of the Great-Seal, exceed not the quadruple of the Privy-Seal; And Henry Hope the Receiver, is to conform himself thereto in all points.

Prices for the Register of HORNINGS.
  Scots Money.
FOr Registring of Letters of Horning, for every sheet thereof 00. 06. 08.
And how long soever the Horning be, not to exceed 01. 00. 00.
For Inhibitions and Relaxations, how long soever they be 01. 00. 00.
Prices for the Register of SEASINGS and REVERSIONS, &c.
  Scots Money.
THat according to the Act of Parliament, 1617. There be payed for every Leaf of the Register, containing no less than is in the said Act of Parliament 01. 06. 08.
And so proportionably for every Page of the Leaf, and part of the Page.      

AND Ordain these Presents to be Printed, and Copies thereof to be affixed in every Office, that all Persons concerned may have inspection of the same.

GEO. SMYTH, President.

EDINBƲRGH, Printed by Christopher Higgins, in Harts-Close, over against the Trone-Church. 1655.

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