A CATALOGUE Of all the cheifest RARITIES In the Publick THEATER and ANATOMIE-HALL Of the University of LEYDEN, BY GERRARD BLANCKEN, Which are so set in order that all may easily bee found in their Places.
Sic erimus cuncti postquam nos auferet orcus.
Printed in Leyden, By HUBERT vander BOXE, 1695.
Advena, qui
Batavas spectatum veneris oras,
Huc age, quae stupeas inclyta
Leyda dabit,
Huc ubi Legiferam.
Cererem comitatur
Isidos Argolicae suspice signa Deae;
Frustra Deum fragilis
Fortunae idola profana,
Urnam, quae cineres relligiosa notet.
Lampada, ad humanos quae non pervenerit usus,
Cui magis in cultu, cui magis apta Deum!
Vixerit aeternae tantum se pasta lucernae
Flammula, an invisae larva sit illa rei?
Quâ lacerarit acu, qualem cui
Fibula vestem.
Vinxerit, unde sagum strinxerit, unde togam:
Aegypti pretiosa cadavera, lata
Eois, invidiosa Diis:
Singula nosse juvet, tamen his & inania rerum,
Et maris, & terrae viscera posthaebeas;
Erudit in cantum te vox facunda
Et claram ambiguo praestat ubique facem.
Sic saecli penetrare sinus, & viscera veri.
Sic poteris
Roma prodigiore frui.
- 1 Two heads of Elephants. D. D. Sopii & Adriani Paauw.
- 2 The four feetos an Elephant. E. Justas Heurnius.
- 3 Tigers and Leopard's Skins. By Pr. Maurits.
- 4 A great Oister-Schell weighing 150 pound.
- 5 The Bone of the hinder part of the head of a large old whale. D. Adr. Paauw.
- 6 The Head of an Elk. D. D. Jobi Paludoni.
- 7 The Skin and Horn of the Head of a Rhinoceros.
- 8 The Skin and Horns of a white Hart.
- 9 A Crocodile.
- 10 A Norway house built of beams with out Morter or Stone.
- 11 The Skin of an Animall inhabiting Brasil called Tamandua Popa. D. Principi Mauritii.
- 12 The Snout of an Unknown Fish, from Brasil. D. G. Pisonis.
- 13 Some Indian Dats.
- 14 A Trumpet made of the Rinds of Trees in Muscovy.
- 15 Muscovian Bow.
- 16 A Pair of Polonian Boots.
- 17 A Leopard Skin.
- 18 A Pair of Lapland's Breeches.
- 19 A Lapland's Cunger-drumme & a pair of Shoose. given by Everhard Gnootsman.
- 20 Two Horns of an Outlandish Oxe.
- 21 A Muscovian Monk's Hood.
- 22 A Cithern which the Cossacks lightly armed make use of.
- 23 A Pair of Muscovian Breeches & A Shirt.
- 24 A Pair of Stilts or Skates, with which the Norwegians, Laplanders and Finlanders run down high snowy mountaines, with almost an incredible swift pace. D. Arnol. Williams.
- 25 A Leather'n Boat, brought from the Straites of St. David.
- 26 Warlike arm's used in China.
- 27 A great Falchion or hooked sword of the foresaid Chinenses.
- 28 The Halbard of the Snout van een Sawfish.
- [Page 4]29 A Chirurgeons Instrument called Glossocomium.
- 30 A Chaire of a Root of a Tree naturally grown so from Amboyna. D. Pr. Carpentier.
- 31 The sceleton of a young Whale, cutt out of the Old ones belly.
- 32 The Hide of a Sea Horse. given by Pr. Maurits.
- 33 The Skin of an Alce.
- 34 Swo East Indian Tygers. Gift of Pr. Carpenter.
- 35 A Bear. D. Danielis Bekheri.
- 36 The head of a Wild boar.
- 37 the Sceleton of an Eagle.
- 38 A Civet-Cat. by Dn. D. Theod. Gool.
- 39 A Ferret.
- 40 A Leopard.
- 41 A Chaire oi a Midwife. by van Solingen.
- 42 A Modell of a Murthering-kniefe found in Engeland.
Aboue in The Anatomie Chamber.
- 1 Some monstrous Bones.
- 2 Teeth of a Whale.
- 3 The Sceleton of a Bear.
About The Circle of The Theatre are placed These, Following Rarities.
- 4 The Sceleton of a Cow.
- 5 The Sceleton of a Wolf.
- 6 The Sceleton of a Baboon.
- 7 The Sceleton of an Asse upon which sit's a Woman that Killed her Daughter.
- 8 The Sceleton of a Cat.
- 9 The Sceleton of a Woman of 17. Yeares old who murdered her son.
- 10 The Sceleton of an Hog. D. Dr. Bils.
- 11 The Sceleton of an Ape.
- 12 The Sceleton of a Tiger.
- 13 The Sceleton of a Buck-Goate.
- 14 The Sceleton of a Gardiner, that hang'd himself.
- 15 The Sceleton of a Bear.
- [Page 5]16 The Sceleton of an Hart.
- 17 The Sceleton of a Piger. Donum Pisonis,
- 18 The Sceleton of a Lepus Marinus a Fish inhabiting the muddiest part of the Sea, and casteth Snot out of it's mouth.
- 19 The Sceleton of a Dogge.
- 20 The Sceleton of a Sheep-stealer of Haerlem.
- 21 The Sceleton of an Horse.
- 22 The Sceleton of a Pirat.
- 23 The Sceleton of a Sheep. D. Dr. Bils.
- 24 The Sceleton of a Gelded Buck-Goate.
- 25 The Sceleton of a Ferret.
- 26 The Sceleton of a Woman called Catherine of Hamburg, strangled for theft.
- 27 The Sceleton of a Man, sitting upon an ox executed for Stealling of Cattle. D. Dr. Bils.
- 28 The Sceleton an Ape.
- 29 The Sceleton of a young Grey-Hound.
- 30 The Sceleton of a Dogge.
- 31 The Sceleton of an Otter.
- 32 The Sceleton of a Grey-Hound.
- 33 The Sceleton of a Patridge Dogge.
- 34 Two Blue coat souldiers in their Skins.
- 35 The Sceleton of a Captain servant, hanged in the Hague.
These following Rarities are about the beames, & Wal of the Theater.
- 36 The Covering of a great Mumie, upon which is engraven the Effigies of Ceres.
- 37 A Young Elephant's Head.
- 38 An Unknown Sea Fish.
- 39 A Sea Hedg hog.
- 40 The Sceleton of a Lap wing.
- 41 Two beats named Tatou. by Pr. Maurits.
- 42 The Head of a Sea-Calfe.
- 43 A Whale's Yard.
- 44 A Sawfish.
- 45 The Skin of a Man Tann'd.
- 46 A Piger, Don. Princ. Mauritii.
- [Page 6]47 A fish caught in the Haerlemmer Meer.
- 48 The Skin of a Ray, or Skate, from Angola.
- 49 A Formica Vorans or Pismire eater, by Princip. Mauritii.
- 50 An hound-fish.
- 51 A Crocodile. Donum Principis Mauritii.
- 52 The Bladder of a Man containing four Stoop (which is something above two Eng. Gallons) of Water,
- 53 The Skin of a Man dressed as Parchment.
- 54 A Sea Dog.
- 55 An Arm, a legg & the scull of a Thief hang'd.
- 56 The Effigies of a Prusian Pesant. who Swallowed a Knife of ten inches Length, which was cut out of his Stomack, & he Lived Eight Years afterwards. Don. Dan. Beckeri.
- 57 The Entrailes of a Man of which is made a Shirt. Don. Dom. Johann. a Leeuwen.
- 58 The Skin of an East-Indian squirrell.
- 59 The Skin of a woman prepar'd like leather.
- 60 The Head of a Sword-Fish, enemy to the Wihale. D. Dr. S. Boemaert.
- 61 A Whales Operator.
- 62 A Sea Calfe.
- 63 A Sea starlin.
- 64 A Sea-hedg-hog.
- 65 A Fish called, Orbis Piscis which is like a Can with agreat belly, of a Chesnut colour, is unsavory meat.
- 66 The Sceleton of a Coney.
- 67 The Head of a wilde Boar.
- 68 The Sceleton of a Swan.
- 69 The Sceleton of a Cock.
- 70 The Sceleton of a Pigeon.
- 71 A Shield made of a Lange Sea-tortice-shell. D. Job. ab Ilpendum. and A Kind of Baboon, called by the Dutch A Bosh Manneken. sitting upon itt.
- 72 Sceleton of a Doue.
- 73 Two peeces of the beard of a young Whale, caught before Zierickzee.
- 74 Three great Snakes Skins.
- 75 The Bone of a Whales Taile.
- 76 The ribbs of Wale with some back bones.
- 77 The Skin of a childe when first born.
- [Page 7]78 Two Horses Hides of China.
- 79 4. or 5. China Songs. D. P. de Carpentier.
- 80 The Wonderfull form of the Bladder & Stomach of the known Monstrous-fish of Scheveling.
- 81 The Stomach of a Man, & of a Hogge.
- 82 Some Men's gutts.
- 83 The Intestines and Stomack of a Man.
- 84 Two Snonts of Sawfishes
- 85 Some strange sea fishes.
- 86 Two Skins of Badgers.
In the Presse. A. on the North-side are these Following rarities.
- 1 The Mumie of an Egyptian Prince aboue 1800. Yeares old. D. David de Willem.
- 2 The beck of the bird Rhinoceros. or, Topau. D. A. de Paeuw.
- 3 A White Box in which iis unbleacht Tgyptian Linnen.
- 4 R Role of White China paper. D. Michaelis Paeuwe.
- 5 A Stone of a Confiderable bignesse, taken out of a maids kidneys. Don. Otto Heurnius.
- 6 A Corral Tree taken out of the East-Indian-sea, D. I. de Laet.
- 7 Six stones taken out of the Bladder of old. Professor Job. Heurn.
- 8 The bille of a strange Bird.
- 9 Two Vertebrae out of the neck a Rhinceros.
- 10 A great Jasper-stone or Bloud-stone from Arabia.
- 11 A Pot in which is China Beer.
- 12 An Indian Sable.
- 13 A Roman Lamp which burnes alwayes under Ground.
- 14 Some Roman Urnes, a 1000. Yeares old. D. Danielis Gisii.
- 15 An Indian Crab-Fish. D. D. Johan. Dammasii Bussa.
- 16 An Hand of a Meermaide. D. Princ. Mauritii.
- 17 A Mushrom aboue 100. Yeares old. which grew on the bank of the Haerlemer Meer. D. Petri Sceverii.
- 18 A Foot of a Sea-monster. D. Princ. Mauritii.
- 19 A Lizard's Skin from Brasile. D. Princ. Mauritii.
- 20 A Gold-Ring from China. D. Dr. Johan Hoogkamer.
- 21 The Head of a Rhinoceros.
- 22 The Wings of a Flying Fish.
- [Page 8]23 The Skin of an Indian Squirril.
- 24 The Claw of an East-Indian Crab-Fish.
- 25 A Glasse containing the substance with which they were wont to preserve Mumies.
- 26 A Tyger's Head. Don. Princ. Mauritii.
- 27 The Head of a Beast from the East-Indies, called Carbirousa, is halfe Hart and halfe Hog, is bred in the Iland Celebes.
- 28 The Head of a Sea-hog, from Brasile. D. Guil. Piso.
- 29 The Hand and Foot of a Mumie. D. Freder. Westphalink.
- 30 A Petrified Toad-Stool.
- 31 The Same.
- 32 A Precious stone in Ethiopia, called Heliotropium.
- 33 Three Clawes the horn of a Young Rhinoceros.
- 34 An Egyptian Bean.
- 35 A Book printed with China Character's. D. Francisci Porsijn.
- 36 A Thunder bolt, Given by Melchior de Moucheron.
- 37 The Arme of a great Aegyptian Heros.
- 38 A Dried Black arme.
In the Presse B.
- 39 A Man whole in his miscles and tendrons very curiously set up by professor Stalpert vander Wiel.
In the Presse are as followeth. C.
- 1 The Sceleton of a New borne-childe.
- 2 The Sceleton of a Mouse.
- 3 The Sceleton of a Mole.
- 4 All the veines of a mans Liver.
- 5 A Flying hart, by Franciscus Schurmans.
- 6 A N Abortus embalmed.
In the Case D.
- 1 An Egyptian Urn, in which is an Abortus Embalm'd, above a 1000. Yeares old.
- 2 A Viper or Flying Adder.
- [Page 9]3 An Egyptian Flie.
- 4 The Cheek Bone of a Mumie.
- 5 A Sea-Spider, from New. Yorke D. Hermanni Bloem.
- 6 Capriscus Rhondeletii.
- 7 The veines of a Man's Liver.
- 8 An Egyptian Night-Owl.
- 9 A Little Box, wherein some bloud of a Crocodile.
- 10 A Piece of Bread of a new and unknow meale.
- 11 A Mallet, or hammer that the Savages in New Yorke, kill with, D. Hermani Bloem.
- 12 AN Abortus embalmed.
- 13 A great heart Vein of a Man.
In the Cupboard E.
- 1 The Arme of an Aegyptian Mumie. D. Dav. de Willem.
- 2 A Little bone taken out of the Pizzle of a Wolfe.
- 3 A Little Stone found in Eagles Nests, called Aetites Lapillus.
- 4 A Stone taken out of the Stomack of a Goose, brought from the Straites of Magellane.
- 5 Lapis Nephriticus, or Gravel-stone.
- 6 A Stone found in the Head of a Sea-Calfe.
- 7 A Bone of the hearing Organe of a Whale. D. Jacobi.
- 8 Cuculo, commonly called a Sea-Cock.
- 9 A small bone taken out of the Penis of a Beaver.
- 10 The Bladder of a Man.
- 12 The Double Bladder of a Fish.
- 13 The Veines of the Liver.
- 14 A Drinking-Cup of the Skull of a Moor, killed in the Beleaguering of Haarlem.
- 15 The Sceleton of a Hedg-hog.
- 16 The Sceleton of a Frog.
- 17 The Sceleton of a Bittor.
- 18 A Young Crocodile from Egypt. D. Princ. Mauritii.
- 19 The Sceleton of a Water-Rat.
- 20 The Sceleton of a Chaffinch.
- 21 A Sheapheard's Pipe from the Iland Maltha. D. D. Johan. van Horne.
- 22 The Matrix.
In the Case F.
- 1 A Woorden Effigies of Osiris, whom the Egyptians worshipped as a God, it's now almost consumed with age.
- [Page 10]2 An Image of Ifis, giving Stuck tother Son Orus.
- 3 An Egyptian Coffer in which are aromaticall spices, for preserving of bodys, for Mumies.
- 4 Three Egyptian Idoles, made of stone.
- 5 A Drinking Cup made of a Tortice-shell.
- 6 An east Indian Serpent's Egges.
- 7 The Sceleton of a Mole.
- 8 The Veines of the Lungs.
- 9 Two ears of a thief hang'd.
- 10 The tongue of a thief hanged.
- 11 The heart of a Man.
- 12 The membrane of hearing.
- 13 The Wind pipe or throat of a Man.
- 14 The pine glandle.
- 15 The thumb of a Bassa cutt of in the fight of Ntwhuise, by Jonker Tierse van Mecklenburg.
In the Phresse G.
- 1 A Brazen Effigies of Osiris, the Egyptian God.
- 2 A Water-Serpent.
- 3 The Arme of an Egyptian Hero, embalmd.
- 4 A Bone Embalmd.
- 5 A Little Egyptian Coffet upon which is engraven Isi's Effigies, & in which is the heart of an Egyptian Prince, Embalm'd. D. D. de Will.
- 6 A Fish. called Schincus.
- 7 The Hip bone of a Giant. Don. Sam. Mutsenbrock.
In the Case H.
- 1 The Arterys of the Lung's of a pig.
- 2 Two Idols made of Stone. D. David de Willem.
- 3 A Cruse wrought in polished Mathble.
- 4 A Tringular Fish. D. Mr. a Hasenbroek.
- 5 A Child in his muscles and tendrons.
In the Case I.
A young tief hanged being the Bidegom whese Brihde stood under the gallows, very curionsly set up in his ligiments, by P.S. v. Wiel, the younger.
In the Case K.
The Sceleton of a Child of six months.
In the great Cupboard. L. on the North side of the Anatomie.
- 1 The Mumie of an Egyptian Princes above 1300. Yeares. D. Johannis Baptistu Bartoliti.
- 2 A Pair of Sandles or Slippers from the Kingdome of Syam.
- 3 The Skin of an Indian Lizard.
- [Page 11]4 The Skin of a Molacca Moman aboue 150. Yeares old, by Richard. Sn.
- 5 A Pair of Russian Shoes.
- 6 Two Images out of the kingdom of Japan. D. Adriano Pauwe.
- 7 A Cheek Bone of a Dog Fish.
- 8 A Lion's Head.
- 9 An Urne, called Urna Feralis Romana, where in the Romans preserved the Asshes of burnt bodies. D. Danielis Turreto.
- 10 A Woman's Pudenda.
- 11 A Roman Eartherne Vessell. D. Danielis Gysii.
- 12 A Guilded Copper Idol from Syam.
- 13 A China Pot. D. D. Jac. Speck.
- 14 A Box of white Pouwder, with which the Indians & Italians use to make the haire fall of.
- 15 The bough of a Tree fenced with a Stone. D. D. Harrewijn.
- 16 A Pair of Shoes — made of Man's Leather.
- 17 A Pair of Egyptian Sandals. D. D. I. a Leuwen.
- 18 An Indian Lamprey.
- 19 A Sea-Horse out of the east Indies.
- 20 A Flying Dragon.
- 21 Some Stronge Indian Fishes and a Flying Fish.
- 22 A Roman Lamp which burned eternally. D. D. Dan. Ghisii.
- 23 A Roman Buckle.
- 24 A Piece of Rhubarb gown in shape of a Dog's Head. D. I Hoogk.
- 25 A Lizard.
- 26 A Basket wherein are Crocodile eggs. D. Princ. Mauritii.
- 27 An Indian Sea-Spider.
- 28 The Liver of a Man, in which is grown a stone like a ball.
- 29 The Rib of a Sheep, with three branches sprouting out.
- 30 The Hearing Organ of a Man.
- 31 A Basket in which is Muscovian and other Country money.
- 32 The Arteria Magna of a Man.
- 33 Some Egyptian Glassing Vessels, or Cupping Vessels.
- 34 The Sceleton of a Serpent, D. Ad. Bornii.
- 35 A Dish of Lapis Ossifragus, or Fine bone-stone. D. Johan Nicolai Boumanni.
- 36 A Stone which was found on the Os Sacrum, or the great bone upon which the Ridg bone resteth.
- 37 A Glasse in which are Cheina Figs.
- 38 A Ball called Mensa, found in a Cow's Stomack.
- 39 A great Cassia Fistula from Brassile. D. Princ. Mauritii.
- [Page 12]40 A Box of Very Large Amber. D. Danielis Beckleri.
- 41 An American Bean.
- 42 An Indian Rnife.
- 43 An Indian Guilded Wooden-Cup. D. Do. Jac. a Stellingwerf.
- 44 A Black Fly called a Beetle brought from the Cape of Goodhope.
- 45 The Cranium, or Braine-pan of a Wolfe.
- 46 A Cup made of a Double Braine-Pan. D. Dr. de Bils.
- 47 Some Grown-Coral.
- 48 The Brain-pan of an Ostrich.
- 49 A Ruff, or Mushrom of a very considerable greatnesse.
- 50 A Sceleton of a childe newly borne.
- 51 The Sceleton of a childe but 4. moneths old in the Womb.
- 52 The Image of the Goddesse Fortune. D. Danielis Gysii.
- 53 A great Stone found in the Body of a Woman of Vlording being 9 Yeares old.
- 54 China shoes of a Mananda Woman.
- 55 The Sceleton of a twin.
- 56 The Sceleton of a Fondling.
- 57 A loaf turn'd into stone.
In the Cupoad M.
- 1 Many Anatomy-Imstruments left by Dr. van Solingen.
- 2 The Sceleton of a Man hang'd al Gouda nam'd Philip de Snyder.
- 3 The Monstrous Sceleton of a Man with crooked hands & leggs by Prof. Nuck.
Underneath in the Circuit may be seen in the great Case all sorts of beasts, as Cats, Doggs, Rats, Moles, Squirrels &c.
Here after fallows a small Chamber in, which is.
- 1 A French Noble-man who ravish't his sister, and also murdered het, was beheaded at Paris, and bestowed on the Anatomie, by D. Bils.
- 2 The Sceleton of a Man on horse-back. D. de Bils.
- 3 The Head of a Sea-horse.
- 4 Three Fondelings in Their Skins.
- 5 A Man was beheaded at Gouda very curiously set up, by Prof. Nuck.