A THIRD PROCLAMATION, By His Grace FREDERICK Duke of Schonberg, General of Their Majesties Forces in IRELAND.
Published at DƲNDALK, September 14. 1689.

Licens'd October 11. 1689. J. F.

WHereas We are fully satisfied, That there has been great Invasion made upon the Proper­ties of the Protestant Subjects, and antient Charters of the respective Corporations in this Kingdom, and that several Protestant Iustices of the Peace, that have been removed from their Places of Trust, whereby great Disorders, such as Burglaries, Robberies, Fello­nies and Outrages have been committed in this Kingdom: And We being desirous to redress the said Grievances, Do hereby think fit to Publish and Declare, That the said Pro­testant Subjects be, & hereby are, Restored to their former Properties, and the respective Corporations to their antient Charters, and the several Protestant Iustices to their anti­ent Trusts. Hereby Impowering them, to do and execute all, and every Act, Matter, and Thing, as they could, or might do, by vertue of their respective Charters, or a­ny Commission of the Peace formerly granted, during Their Majesties Pleasure. The said Iustices of the Peace, in their respective Stations, are hereby required to take care, that no Landlord exact on any Tennant, not being able to pay his Rent presently, or on demand, they taking it into their consideration, that it is a Year of Wars and Devastations; but that when the Law is open, to take their Course by Law.


Edinburgh, Re-Printed in the Year, 1689.

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