To the Inhabitants of the whole Earth, I Thus write in the Name, and power, and dread of the Lord God.
come down, come down to the Witness of God in your hearts, even that which reproveth you in secret, and cease from all things else, as ever you would know the way, the path of peace and blessedness, and be delivered from eter [...] [...]ery, sorrow, vexation, torment and desolation. Oh cease, cease all ye [...] guides, to mislead the Sons and Daughters of Men, by perverting the [...] spotless, innocent, certain, sure, safe, (though narrow) way of God; [...] [...]e way is but one, and the way is near, is brought near to every one, and [...] [...]e little seed of Righteousness, the Word near and in the heart. Oh [...] [...]e soarers, ye comprehenders, ye towrers, ye fathomers, ye stretchers, [...] [...]merers, ye toolers, ye gravers, ye makers of Images, ye [...]urderers in [...] [...]arkned minds and imaginations therein, cease from all the works of [...] [...]wn hands, and come down, come down to the witness, the lowly lit [...] [...]d of Righteousness near and in each of your hearts. Oh cease ye lust [...] [...]ellious ones, who are pursuing a shadow, and miserable disappointed [...] all, who lust to have, and the more you have the more you want: Come [...] come down to the witness of God in you, near and in your [...] that sometimes brings you to judgment, and lets you see the end of [...] [...]se things is death and misery. Oh ye painted Harlots, who are gone [...] [...]o deceive the Inhabitants of the Earth, come down, come down to [...] [...]itness and give up, and confess that there is a lie in your right hand, for [...]y of the Lord God doth discover you all, and hid you can no longer [...] the birth is born that cannot be deceived, and a swift witness the Lord [...]s, and will yet more abundantly be against all unrighteousness and de [...] [...]nd whosoever, whatsoever will not bow to this day of his appearance, [...] [...]e brought forth with the workers of iniquity, and slain in and by his [...]ce and brightness of his Coming, before which, no flesh nor nothing [...]of can stand or live. Oh the dreadful, terrible astonishing day of God [...] at hand, to be revealed against all unrighteousness, all manner of un [...]ousness and deeds of darkness. Therefore come down all ye Sons and [...] [...]f what degree, quality or condition soever ye be, (for [...] God is no respect of persons) come to the Witness of God near and [...] your hearts, and be not stout or rebellious against his Word, his Light, his Witness near and in your hearts; come down I say to this, and give up the [...]ransgressor, even all that the light of Christ near and in your hearts witnesseth against, else misery, desolation and torment shall be your portion in the lake that burns for ever.
ALL you that think and say and maintain it as your Principle, that you must be sinners for term of life, so as you cannot cease from sining, do [...] not with open face proclaim that you are in unbelief, ignorant of the [...]mb of God that takes away the sins of the World, and of his blood that [...]anseth from all sin, and of the truth that sets free indeed, is not this the [...]octrine of Devils that saves the Devils head and Kingdom, and makes pro [...]ssion for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof, so as to make the Covenant with Hell and Death strong, so as even to be at agreement with Hell & Death; is not he that is and was in the Saints, stronger then he that was in the World and is not the strong Man to be cast out? Oh Friends, you have erred in Councel, you have stumbled in Judgment, you have perverted and do, the right, upright, spotless, perfect way of God, and have brought it down to your carnal fleshly imaginations, to save the enemies head, the Devils Kingdom in you. And I am a Witness for God against you all, that his way is perfect; and all that come in the least measure of truth to witness it; shall witness it to be a perfect way (and they know nothing of the way of God, who are affraid of perfection, or that can be satisfied to sit down below it) waiting in simplicity and fear to be perfectly redeemed, afraid to fall short of it, or to sit down by the way, or turn aside from it, returning to the puddle or vomit, and where he comes to rule whose right it is, he puts an end to sin and sinings, and brings in everlasting Righteousness, in which there is no [Page] sin; but breaks the Covenant with Hell and Death, and makes strait steps, and spares not one hoof, makes more then Conquerors; so as the enemy comes to be sought for and cannot be found, and gives perfect peace, rest, his Enemies being made his footstool, every thought and imagination and desire reduced, perfectly reduced into the obedience of truth. But you are all ignorant of this, and cannot be otherwaies, all you whose minds are wandered, erred, gone from the measure of the truth, the Light of Christ each in your selves not only with evil deeds and practices, burdening the same, haveing slain the just in you, but also with open face opposing, denying, gainsaying, the in-being thereof, being past all feeling, or if there-through ye have any gripings or stings, and checks or reproofs, so as sometimes to be brought under condemnation thereby, you (through the help of your blind guides) call a natural insufficient thing, notwithstanding your experience, and the plain clear testimony for it in the Scriptures of truth. Oh Friends, you cannot know perfection but in and through this, even as you come to the measure of truth in your own particulars, this is the perfect way, and leads out of imperfection, out of the sin and blot in the root and branches thereof all that come to it, so as to love it and give up to it, so as to abide in it, so as not to go out from it, makes free indeed, perfectly redeems, even to be without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing, makes the Conscience free and clear, and void of offence towards God and all men, and whatever hath been comes to be cast behind into a Land of forgetfulness, never more to be remembred, so as the perfect peace comes to be witnessed, and the perfect peace canno [...] [...] witnessed, where the perfect freedom from sining is not witnessed, but all [...] that are erred from the measure of the true Light that lighteth each of you in your particulars, and are opposing, gainsaying and blaspheming this Light of Christ, near and in your heart, calling it Natural and insufficient; you are affraid of perfection, freedom from sining, and do not, will not come to the Light because your deeds are evil, and the Covenant with Hell and Death is so strong, even so strong, as you love your bonds, and love death more then life, Sin more then Righteousness; therefore are you cut off from the Light and Land of the Living, even that which is the Possession, the Inherit [...] of the Saints, the sanctified ones, the Children of the Light in this hour therefore shall ye die in your sins, being driven into darkness, wallowing in the mire, the servants of Corruption in the midst of all your swelling wo [...]ds and imaginations, and profession out from the Light, the measure of truth, the Spirit given to every one to profit with all, though you have no profit by it through your gainsaying and opposing, in the love of iniquity and sensuality. But the day of the Lord is over you all, and you are seen and cannot be hid, and the testimony of truth is against you all, in your way and spirit, and [Page] fruit, and whole conversation as being out of the Covenant of Light and truth in thoughts and imaginations wandering in the darkness of your minds, your bonds made strong through gainsaying and opposition to the testimony of this hour wherein your healing and redemption and recovery lies, and God hath followed you long, and his long suffering hath been greatly exercised towards this Generation; but they harden their hearts against the day of slaughter, notwithstanding of all that he hath done to recover them, and render them without excuse, so that God is clear of you all, you that with a Brasen face, and wilful, headstrong mind (in the ignorance and confusion thereof,) oppose and reject your own mercy, the light of Christ his word near and in your hearts that reveals the darkness and deeds thereof. I say your recovery out of the filth, out of the death, out of the condemnation, out of the bonds and fetters of brass, out of sorrow and misery, and vexation, and disappointment, is in and through it, and in nothing else, and as you come to know it and its leadings, so as to love it and give up to it, you will know (what ever imaginations ye have hitherto had) that the leadings thereof are perfect leadings, and perfection, freedom indeed ye shall come to know, as you come to know what it is thereby to be renewed in the Spirit of your minds, that slain that is saved alive, while your minds are abroad out from the measure of the light, the truth in your own particular vessel, wandering abroad, but hither you must come and return if ever ye come to know the way of perfect peace so as to possesse and dwell in it.